fish (Colossoma Macropomum)

fish (Colossoma Macropomum)

Colossoma Macropomum is Gamitama (Peru), Cachama (Venezuala), Bally Red Pacu (the United States and Great Britain). While in their home country called Tambaqul.

- Chacacoid Genus and species Colossoma macropomum.
- Agency fish this little round, flat body shape, small scale, almost round the head, nose rather large hole, closing below the pectoral fin gills, stomach and Paste fin rectum separate, back gray parents, white belly gray and red .
- Fish is a lot of fish found in rivers - rivers such as the Amazon, Orinoco. Living in the area that the water calm.
karnivora, including fish, sharp teeth. The preferred food in the Vase flyblow is Brachionus sp., Artemia sp., Moina sp.
- At the age of 4 years, the parent can be when normal growth could reach 4 kg of weight.
- Breeding occurred in the rainy season.


A. Maintenance Association
- Master-parent dikolam maintained with the density 0.5 kg/m2. Each day be given additional feed Pellet form as much as 3% of body weight of fish and given s 3 / 4 times per day. By the rainy season, plus the amount of feed to 4%. Master female weighing 4 kg of eggs can produce as much as ± 400,000 eggs.
- Signature of parent-cooked gonad.
Females: distended belly, flabby and sex redness hole.
Male: stomach slim, warnah red in the body more clearly.

B. Spawning
o spawning new dirstyboys can be performed Induced spawning, for the female hormone disuntikan with LHRH-a 3 ug / kg or ovaprin 0.75 ml / kg. For male uses LHRH-a 2 ug / kg or ovaprin 0.5 ml / kg. LHRH-a reconstitution in 0.7% NaCl solution.
o Master in the female injection twice with the lapse of time 8 - 12 hours. The first injection of as much as 1 / 3 part of the total dose and the second injection of 2 / 3 him.
o Master states that have been entered into happa spawning, which was installed in the vessel spawning. During the spawning water flow must be fixed. Spawning usually occurs 3 s / d for 6 hours after injection of the second.

C. Hatching
After the eggs are taken to use the net scope fine, and then incubate the eggs in the aquarium, which has been equipped with Aeration and water heater with a temperature of 27s / d 29 0C. Egg density between 100 d 150 eggs / liter, usually the eggs will hatch within 16 hours up to 24 hours.

D. Maintenance flyblow
Flyblow kept in the same aquarium, but ¾ of the water before disposal. The density of the separation flyblow 50's 100 birds / liter flyblow the age of 4 days in the form of news feed naupli Artemia, Brachionus or Moina. Maintenance flyblow lasted for 21 days. During flyblow maintenance, water must be replaced every day 2 / 3 part. After the age of 21 days flyblow ready kekolam spread of separation.

E. Separating
• pond must be prepared before the week researching the seeds. Separating done in the breadth swimming 500's 1,000 m2. Preparation includes drying, dike repair, the processing of land and the creation of basic channels on the basis of the pond.
• swimming given the lime with calcium oxide, for 100 d and 200 gram/m2 swimming in the fertilizer with organic fertilizer with a dose of 500 gram/m2.
• flyblow spread in the morning with a density 50 s / 100 ekor/m2.
• Pellet form of additional feed given each day as many as 750 thousand gram/10 flyblow tail and given 3 times per day.
• Maintenance in the pool during the 21 days.

The disease is caused by parasites, bacteria and Moth (mushroom).

- Parasites
"Ich" or "White spot", attack the fish when the water temperature is low (cold), namely how to cope with the international temperature (with the water heater) to less than 29 degrees Celsius and 25 ppm of formalin.

- Moth (mushroom)
Mold is a result of the wounds caused by handling of the less careful. How to cope with Permanganate (PK) s with a dose of 2 / 3 ppm.

- Bacteria
Streptococcus sp. And Kurthia sp. How to overcome that is by using anti-biotic doses of tetracycline with 10 mppm.

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