High temperature or low temperatures

High temperature or low temperatures

Fish are cold-blooded animals (poikilothermal) metabolisms so that progress in the body depending on the temperature of the environment, including the body's immune. Low temperatures will reduce the body's immunity or immunity, while the high temperature can accelerate the occurrence of bacterial infection.

The influence of acclimatization or adaptation can be tolerated by certain species of fish. Decrease or increase the temperature of the slow progress may not be too harmful to the fish. However, the change is too rapid or drastic will endanger the fish.

Optimal temperature for the life of tropical ornamental fish between 24-27 ° C, depending on the type of fish. Limit of tolerance to high temperatures can reach 35 ° C and low temperature to 18 ° C. For koi and goldfish, optimum temperature is lower, around 20-22 ° C. However, this fish has begun to adapt to higher temperatures, especially maskoki.

The temperature is too low can cause the fish is not active, often gathered to swim and do not want, and easy disease fungus disease or parasites. While the temperature is too high will make it easier to fish fell ill bacterial infection.
Precaution against the disease should be adjusted with the temperature conditions.

If the temperature is low, part of the pond can be covered with zinc or board and reduced water depth. At the aquarium placed in the room, prevent the provision of light or heater (heating) in order to become pands. Meanwhile, if the condition of high temperature, water depth of a pond can be added.

source: Dart S.L, Iwan D. Penebarswadaya 2006

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