Estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is known as the community of the world's largest crocodile. This crocodile differences with other types of scales behind the head is small or absent, dorsal bud scales of short numbered 16 to 17 rows from the front and back are usually 6 to 8 lines. Estuarine crocodile has a size larger than that of freshwater crocodiles in the upper and lower jaw and tooth size. They have a variety of colors from gray to dark green, especially in adult crocodile, while the young crocodile is more greenish color with black spots and stripes on the tail.
Males can grow up to 7 meters (23 feet), but most are less than 5 meters. The female usually has a length of less than 4 meters and can begin to lay eggs and make a nest about 12 years. The maximum lifespan is not known but estimated that they could live at least 70 to 100 years. This type occupies Crocodile estuary habitats, sometimes found in open sea.
Its main food is fish, although it can infect humans and wild boar near the river to drink. This crocodile spread in almost all Indonesian waters.
Estuarine crocodile breeding during the rainy season (months Nov-Mar) and build nests that most of the plants and the soil mound. Nests are usually located in the grass or the edge of the forest along the river or freshwater marsh. In the nest, saved about 50 eggs and incubation lasts between 65 to 110 days-a female crocodile guarding nest is usually closely and therefore these crocodiles hide in the nearest puddle. Incubation temperature determines the sex of crocodile eggs that hatched, at very high temperatures or low temperatures will produce a female crocodile, and the temperature from 31 to 32 degrees Celsius will produce a male alligator. Of eggs - eggs that are stored only about 25%, which will hatch.
source: Warta Pasar Ikan, Dir. PemasarandalamNegeri, DirjenP2HP, DepartemenKelautandanPerikanan
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