Arowana fish culture technique itself is actually not hard it's just that it needs high precision and perseverance because Arowana fish should always be kept condition of water, oxygen and food. This fish can be bred in a container such as an aquarium or pond aquaculture.
Water quality is always awake well into the demands of farming this fish. PH of water for farming arowana is actually very wide but is recommended to facilitate maintenance water pH adjusted to actual conditions of water in the natural condition of pH 6.8 to 7.5 and temperature 27-29 C. While the replacement of water to maintain water quality, done as much as 30-34% of the total volume with water deklorinisasi. Replacement of water needs to be done especially if the condition after the rain because rain water can lead to sudden changes in water quality.
Arowana feeding on feed should be given varying containing proteins are very high. Arowana feed to the parent can be given in the form of fish / shrimp trash coupled with a pellet with 32% protein content. The feeding is done every day by the provisions of 2% of total body weight.
Gonadal maturation will occur when the Arowana fish age was 4 years old and had reached a length of 45-60 cm. Spawning will occur throughout the year. Peak spawning will occur between July and December. While there have been spawning the male will guard the eggs in his mouth for 2 months. To remove the existing egg in her mouth male arowana, pull slowly and carefully lower Arowana mouth and then press the soft parts of his body. Larvae were collected and then incubated.
The incubation period in this way is shorter than the normal incubation period which can reach 8 weeks. Incubation was carried out at the aquarium measuring 45x45x90 cm with water temperature 27-29 degrees Celsius and 5 ppm dissolved oxygen. To prevent infection during the handling of the larvae can be used Acriflavine solution of 2 ppm. During this incubation period the larvae do not need to be feed. Larvae feed itself derived from egg yolk which will expire at the eighth week. After that, the larvae must be fed with the first life to prevent the larvae eat each other. At this time the larvae are able to swim freely.
Live food can be given blood worms or fish chicks whose size match the size of the mouth of the Arowana fish. When the larvae had reached the size of 10-12 cm is given a feed of small freshwater shrimp to offset the growth speed.
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