Breeding of Nilem carp

fish of Nilem carp [is] usually cooked [by] pepes because its size measure [do] not too big. This fish can be sold in economic package. A. Recognition of Type. Form Body fish of Nilem carp ( Osteochilus Hasselti ) almost similar to goldfish. The difference, fish head of Nilem smaller carp relative. [At] its mouth angle;corners, there are two feeler;complaint tide of peraba. its Body colour [of] grey green.

Back fin have 3 hard radius and 12-18 soft radius. Fin go with the tide in form of branch and is symmetrical. Anus fin contributed by 3 hard radius and 5 soft radius. Stomach fin contributed by 1 hard radius and 8 soft radius. Chest fin consist of 1 hard radius and 13-15 soft radius. Amount of sisik [at] side line there [is] 33-36 keping. Near by angle;corner trap to the there [is] 2 sensuous feeler;complaint tide. fish of Nilem carp. can reach body length 32 cm. [In] West Java, fish of nilem have popularitas a little below goldfish. [In] various other area, this fish [is] known as [by] fish of lehat, regis, monto, palong, palouw, pawas, assang, or penopa.

This fish there are [in] Java, Sumatra and of Kalimantan, Malaysia, and Thailand. In general, fish of nilem carp. can be looked after [at] area with height [about/around] 150-800 dpl m. B. Habit of Life [in] Nature. Nilem Carp. live [in] clear environment. Therefore, this fish can be found [by] [in] rivers 1. Habit eat. Nilem pertained fish eater of flora ( herbivore 2. Habit multiply. Usually, this fish [of] breeding will [in] is final [of] rain season, [in] sandy area and have water clearly. In place energy kindness, fish of nilem can be breeded during the year by arranging the condition of environment.

C. Chosen Mains.
Fish of Nilem carp of[is including productive fish because can be breeded [by] 3-4 times in one year. Efficacy of breeder very determined [at] mains factor and arrangement of environment of temapt prolific. For that, election of fish mains of nilem which [is] breeding will have to fulfill the following conditions. Mains characteristic which with quality is.

Its Age reach 1-1,5 year. Heavy [of] body [about/around] 100 g. If/When massaged slowly up at genital appliance hole, female mains will [release] yellowish chromatic dilution.

Its stomach [of] flower and felt soft when groped. Old age 8 Heavy months [of] body [about/around] 100 g. If/When squeezed [by] stomach up at genital appliance, masculine mains will [release] milky dilution.

D. breeding [in] Pool.

For the breeding of fish [in] pool, require to draw up pool construction, preparation of pool, and breeder process 1. Pool construction. Pool breeder of fish of nilem fairish carp 2 m2 which incircuit with hatch pool for the width of 20 M2. Pool Breeder also incircuit with pool conservancy of seed. Apart water level with door inclusion of water [about/around] 15 cm.

2. Preparation of pool.
Depth of water [in] pool for the stepping of carp nilem. 50 cm. Whereas pool hatch of egg exist in under him filled [by] water in 30-40 cm. Elementary [of] hatch pool have to sand and free from mud in order not to bother process hatch of egg. Among both the pool attached [by] filter [so that/ to be] mains of nilem carp. [do] not drift to hatch pool. Some farmer install stoney and plant grass of kakawatan ( Dactylon Cynodon) to hinder to get away mains him to hatch pool, but [do] not hinder water bringing egg to hatch pool. As for water debit which come into pool enlarged to stimulate marriage of mains of nilem.

3. breeding.
Fish dissociated ( to be fasted ) beforehand during 3-7 day to throw away dirt from within its stomach. Pemberokan better be [done/conducted] in separate pool in order not to happened marriage which [do] not be expected or ` marry thief'. If/When preparation of pool to marry and hatch pool have hence 20 input mains tide into breeder pool. Labouring pemasukkan of mains [done/conducted] in the evening because nilem take a fancy to nocturnal breeding.

Before at dawn, usually carp nilem. will marry. This fish will marry [in] part of skin-deep of[is near by pipe dismissal of water. [released] eggs, then fruit. The egg later;then will drift brought water and come into hatch pool. Afterwards, mainss morning after arrested and returned to pool conservancy of each mains.

E. Hatch of Egg and Treatment of Seed.
cumulative Egg at elbow door inclusion of hatch pool smoothed down with rib broom nor harrow. If/When let to heap, will many egg which [do] not hatch. Hatch pool better give [by] banana daundaun to lessen sunshine intensity which enter and or rainwater. Five day later;then seed of nilem can be harvested to be sold, disperse to rice field, or looked after [by] [in] pool of pendederan. Way of its arrest with accomodating fish [in] attached [by] dismissal channel [is] smooth cloth, then removing [him/ it] step by step to hapa which have been attached by using pail. yielded seed from a couple of fairish nilem 100-150 g counted 15-000-30.000 tail.

F. Conservancy of Magnification and seed.
If/When seed will be looked after into pool conservancy of seed, hence flood gate which incircuit with pool conservancy of seed opened. Thereby, seed of nilem carp. will make a move to pool conservancy of broader seed. Magnification of fish of nilem carp. can be [done/conducted] [by] [in] pool and or keramba. fish of Nilem carp. enlarged may not [is] altogether consumed or sold. Some of enlarged fish have to be utilized for the rejuvenation of mains because mains of nilem carp. [is] usually assumed [by] have unproductive again after 2 year or [about/around] 6-8 times have been married.
Source of : Heru Susanto, 2005.

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