Process Breeder of Fish.

[At] fish of Set of relatives of Scorpaenidae which [is] ovovivipar have been found [by] many sperma which patch [at] coat of epitel follicle which enter, but that sperma have never been got in follicle. Impregnation [at] this fish faction the happening of after kopulasi that is by sperma which have [in] in female fish body. [At] some Set of relatives fish of Embiotocidae after happened sperma kopulasi which come into female fish body if egg fruit [do] not admit of six-month life until later;then. This Sperma [of] egg fruit which will still reside in in follicle. Fruit egg which have when coming into ovary have reached segmentation phase early and reside in situ during 10 - 12 months so that reach furthermore growth phase.

[At] fish faction of Elasmobrancia female, ovari and its [of] him [do] not all installing. For example [at] fish of Urolophus halleri, and ovari of oviduct its starboard dwindle and [do] not function. Trygon bleekeri lkan don't have and ovari of oviduct which right side. But' [at] fish faction of cucut there are marking that and ovari of oviduct left side [do] not function.

[At] fish of Urolophus halleri after happened ovulasi, its egg make a move to frontage that is about [in] area of oesophagus and later;then come into funnel of oviduct. Place the happening of impregnation of this egg [is] in place oviduct which usually [release] gland for the eggshell of. female fish [of] it can keep sperma in its it[him] three-month until after the happening of kopulasi. Mentioned Sperma indirectly egg fruit. Impregnation of mentioned egg [done/conducted] by sperma which have been kept. Become kopulasi here act as delivery of just sperma to female fish.

source : M. Ichsan Effendie, 1997

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