Pearl oyster
Until now the pearl of the moral power can be a sea pearls and freshwater pearls. Product sea pearls are grown in this international market is as follows.
1. Akoya pearl
High-quality pearls produced from P. fucata. A maximum size of 10 mm. White pearl with nuance greenness very beautiful. This type is produced in Japan and China.
2. South sea pearl
pearl is produced in Indonesia and Australia resulting from P. maxima. Groups including pearl white, large up to 18 mm. This type of silvery white, yellowish, pink, and golden.
3. Black pearl
This resulted from a pearl P. margaritifera. Black pearl is very captivating and a jet black color. This type of size is smaller than the size of south sea pearl. Major countries: Tahiti, Hawaii, and Cook Island.
A. Sistematika
Family: Pteridae
Species: Pinctada maxima
P. margaritifera
Trade names: pearl Oyster
Name of the local pearl
B. The characteristics of Biology and the Aspect
1. Physical characteristics
Pearl shell has a pair of body shell together at the back with hinges. Both the body shell
not the same shape. body shell is more convex than the other. In the side of the body shell (nacre) mengilap top.
2. Growth and development
Pearl oyster is a hermaphrodite, protandrous tendency comparison with the male: female = 1: 1, with increase in age. livestock often occur due to extreme temperature changes or changes in the environment that happens suddenly. Livestock pearl oyster in tropical waters is not limited to only one season, but they can throughout the year. P. Margaritifera approaching mature gonad in the second year, whereas P. maxima mature male gonad after measuring 110-120 mm in the body shell of the first year of his life.
growth is an important aspect of the biology of the allegations related to the success of the usaha.Tiram pearl P.margaritifera body shell diameter reached the size of 7-8 cm in the first year, and approaching the size of approximately 11 cm in the second year. Other types of growth, P. maxima, reaching 10-16 cm diameter body shell in the second year.
C. Management of Cultivation
To produce a pearl sea Spat from the hatchery, take about 4 years. Sea pearl cultivation technology, consisting of seeding, seed enlargement, production of pearls, and harvest.
1. Provision of seeds
Early development of the seed used comes from the nature of the arrest. Arrest made using Spat collector nets made of nylon nets eyed halos. Collectors are straightened in the area of distribution of pearl oyster. Within 2-4 weeks, the seed oyster (Spat) will stick to the collector's.
Nowadays, with the progress of science and technology Spat oyster pearls can be produced through the process of farming in the hatchery. The process begins with the selection of parent already mature gonad. Parent-parent should come from different populations to produce high quality seed.
2) maintenance
Nurseri kept in the seed until the adult size of 10-12 cm and 12-18 during the month. on the size of the pearl production process can be implemented. The stage production of pearls as follows.
a) choose to injected adult oyster. selection based on size, age, health condition and oyster.
b) Setting up a snippet of a coat pocket, and about 4-5 mm2 core size of 3,03-9,09 mm. discount coat (shaibo) is taken from the oyster deliberately prepared / sacrificed for such purpose.
c) Preconditioning (weakened) to facilitate the establishment of the oyster body shell during the inject core trasplantasi da discount coat or shaibo.
d) slices on the base of the foot near the gonad. To score in the core is inserted and placed shaibo jog.
e) the wedge and the wedge body shell, and put
to the oyster basket. Cart is made of
net-shaped rectangle. For each basket,
placed 10 oyster head.
f) Caring for how clean the oyster to the basket and outside the body shell, oyster invert, and check if the pearls have or have not been using x-ray diffraction. This treatment is done every 4 hours for 2 weeks, unless the examination with x-ray diffraction.
g) Moving to the oyster in the container have a pocket-shaped basket made of the net. In each piece there are 4 fruit bag. Each bag filled with an oyster. Vessel's swing to the exposition or longline mine. Oyster bags and cleaned every week.
D. Controlling Pests. and Diseases
Pests usually attack the body shell. Hama is a type of barnacle, racing, and is capable of polichaeta body shell oyster drill. The other pests such as animal predators, such as octopus and fish sidat. Prevention efforts with a clean pest-pest with a manual in a period of time.
Pearl oyster disease is generally caused by parasites, bacteria, and viruses. parasite that is often found Haplosporidium nelsoni. Bacteria that are often a problem between enalia other Pseudomonas, Vibrio anguillarum, and Achromobacter sp.
Meanwhile, the type of virus that is usually pearl oyster is menginfeksi herpes virus. Efforts to reduce the attack on the disease, among others, the pearl oyster
a) always monitors the salinity to be in the range needed to maintain health oyster,
b) ensure that the water temperature fluctuation is not too high, such as maintenance oyster does not close the surface of the water during the winter,
c) the location of body with the power selected brightness is good, and
d) does not choose a location on the basis of the muddy sand.
G. Harvest
After a period of 18-24 months, the pearl is harvested can be done. Next, harvest cleaned and choose quality.
source: PenebarSwadaya, 2008
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