counting seeds activity in tilapia fish do in order to see how many seeds produced tilapia fish from spawning ponds.
tool used to calculate this tilapia fish that is a spoon, a bucket, skopnet, hapa. how to calculate this tilapia fish seed is calculated using the spoon, spoon one count each of 5 (five) - 10 fish seed does not count one-one. hapa as a medium counting should be divided in two parts with a partition using wood or bamboo. The first screen is a place to store the results of the count and the second screen is as a place to store the fish to be counted.
after the seed is calculated and then the seeds can be planted in the ponds or the maintenance of the seeds can also be sold to people who need them. This seed should be calculated according to his needs, that is when the seedlings will be planted back then we had to calculate the density of seeds according to seed the pond area of maintenance. When the seedlings will be sold then the seeds are usually calculated activity is done at the time of consumers buying fish, because we do not know how many seeds are needed by consumers. But if consumers previously had ordered any seeds so the seeds should be ready and available from the count.
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