here will be discussed advantages and disadvantages of the pool wall in the soil and cultivate fish.

Cultivation of fish in the pond soil has several advantages which include: the cost to print the pond is relatively cheap, the pool of land will help provide natural food for fish, especially plankton, feed the rest of the reform process and metabolism can occur naturally. shortcomings of the pond soil conditions susceptible to leakage due to an animal pool of destruction such as crabs, and due to water pressure from within and outside the pool, especially if heavy rains, the pond soil is difficult to control predatory animals, difficult to control the incoming flow of water.
advantages and disadvantages of the pool wall
excess on the pool walls, pool walls resistant to leakage due to animals, resistant to pool water pressure, allowing the animal control and nuisance water, water quality can be controlled more carefully. deficiencies in the cultivation of fish in the pond walls, providing natural food in the pool wall is less, difficult process of natural decomposition occurs, the cost to print the more expensive the pool wall.
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