Pesta Laut 2010 Digelar di Jakarta Utara
Nyadran XI atau Pesta Laut 2010 sebagai agenda wisata Pemkot Jakarta Utara akan digelar akhir pekan ini. Kegiatan pada Sabtu (31/7 )-Minggu (1/8) tersebut akan melibatkan nelayan Cilincing di Kampung Nelayan, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara.
Wali Kota Jakarta Utara Bambang Sugiyono menjelaskan, kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu wujud pelestarian budaya tradisional masyarakat pesisir Jakarta Utara. "Selain wujud rasa syukur, pesta laut ini dapat memupuk semangat cinta bahari yang berdampak pada persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa," kata Bambang Sugiyono, kemarin.
Nadran, menurut Bambang, merupakan tradisi yang lahir dari masyarakat pesisir. Pelaksanaannya diharapkan mampu memperkaya konsepsi dan tujuan pembangunan berbasis kelautan. "Sekaligus juga sebagai kalender pariwisata Jakarta Utara dalam rangka mempromosikan program wisata pesisir," ungkapnya.
Saat ini, Jakarta Utara tengah menggencarkan kegiatan pariwisata dan pembangunan sektor demi mendongkrak semua sektor. Pengembangan pariwisata diyakini dapat memberikan dampak multiefek sisi ekonomi sosial yang berujung kesejahteraan masyarakat.
Kegiatan yang rencananya dibuka Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Prijanto ini akan dilaksanakan dekat tempat pelelangan ikan (TPI) Cilincing. Lokasi pantai dengan pemandangannya yang khas semakin lengkap dengan kegiatan masyarakat nelayannya.
Seperti diketahui,selain Pantai Cilincing banyak terdapat lokasi wisata lainnya di pesisir utara Jakarta. Salah satunya Masjid Al Alam Marunda, dibangun abad 18 dan konon pernah menjadi markas pasukan Fatahillah menghadapi penjajah. Cerita yang melegenda di baliknya adalah masjid ini dibuat hanya satu malam saja.
Terdapat juga Vihara La Lita Vistara serta rumah abu Cilincing. Termasuk Rumah si Pitung, tokoh legenda masyarakat Betawi yang terletak di Kampung Marunda, Jakarta Utara. Si Pitung dikenal sebagai Jawara Betawi yang sakti mandraguna. Makam TeteYongker, tokoh pahlawan masyarakat Maluku juga terdapat di Marunda Pulo,Marunda,Cilincing.
Untuk memeriahkan acara, panitia akan merangkai kegiatan dari wilayah pesisir lainnya, yakni Cirebonan,Bugis,Banten,danJawa Timuran. Sekaligus juga pagelaran wayang kuht, pemotongan kepala kerbau, kuda lumping, barongsai kudaDepok,marawis,ondel-ondel, pawai kapal dari 14 kelompok nelayan, rebutan jamas atau air darah kerbau.air berkah, dan air gunungan untuk dilarung. "Peringatan Nadran ke-11 memang dibuatkan untuk menghadirkan bentuk kegiatan budaya multietnis," ujar Kepala Suku Dinas Kebudayaan Jakarta Utara Nanny Ophiryani.
Sebab, masyarakat pesisir memang memiliki keberagaman budaya dan hidup saling berdampingan. Panitia berharap dengan menggelar kegiatan seperti ini, generasi muda dapat mengenal budaya pesisir yang mulai di tinggalkan.
Sumber: Harian Seputar Indonesia, 30 Juli 2010 Hal.27
Pesta Laut 2010 Digelar di Jakarta Utara
Tiram mutiara
Tiram mutiara
Budidaya tiram mutiara selama ini dianggap rumit dengan waktu pemeliharaan yang bisa lebih dari 3 tahun. Tak heran usaha ini lebih banyak dilakukkan oleh pengusaha bermodal besar.
Tetapi anggaapan tersebut kini berhasil dipatahkan oleh badan riset perikanan budidaya (brkp). Pusat riset perikanan budidaya (prpb)-bagian dari brkp- meluncurkan program ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk masyarakat (iptekmas) untuk pendederan tiram mutiara bagi nelayan tradisional. Program ini dilaksanakan oleh balai besar riset perikanan budidaya laut (bbrpbL)gondol,bali. Dimulai dari riset pembenihan dan dilanjutkan pendederan dilaut.
Dengan iptekmas, nelayan bisa melakukan pendederan tiram dari ukuran spat 4-5’mm hingga ukuran 1cm atau ukuran 5-6 cm tergantung permintaan pasar. Untuk mencapai ukuran 1cm butuh waktu 1bulan dan 7-8 bulan untuk mencapai 5-6cm. Sementara untuk pembesaran hingga mencapai ukuran siap produksi mutiara yang memerlukan waktu sekitar 3tahun dilakukan oleh pengusaha bermodal besar.
Persiapan budidaya
Lokasi untuk budidaya pendederan tiram mutiara antara lain perairan yang subur (kaya plankton), jauh dari jangkauan air tawar berlebih karena spat dan benih rentan terhadap salinitas rendah, terhindar dari banjir dan erosi, arus tidak terlalu kuat agar KJA tidak hanyut, kedalaman ideal maksimum 30 m, substrat dasar pasir atau pecahan karang.
Selain itu hindari kondisi iklim buruk. Bila kondisi sangat rawan, sebaiknya tidak melakukan kegiatan pendederan. KJA bisa diamankan kedarat dan waktu yang ada dimanfaatkan untuk persiapkan. Unit rakit atau KJA sebaiknya tidak terlalu besar supaya mudah dipindahkan.
Wadah budidayanya, KJA terbuat dari bambu dan pelampung drum foam. Untuk budidaya ikan degan unit terkecil 8 m x 8 m terdiri atas 4 lubang ukuran 3 m x 3 m dan jalan setapak untuk kerja lengkap dengan tali jangkar, tali pengikat, dan pemberat 60 kg terbuat dari cor beton.
Penebaran spat
Telur yang menetas dihatchery (tempat pembenihan ) dipelihara selama 45 hari, sehingga diperoleh spat dengan ukuran 4-5 mm. Spat menempel pada lembar kolektor yang berupa paranet (waring) ukuran 30 cm x 30cm. Jumlah yang menempel bervariasi, sekitar 100-200 perlembar kolektor. Kolektor dengan spat ukuran 4-5mm bisa ditebar kelaut,dimasukan kedalam frame kubus ukuran 35 cm x 50 cm x 70 cm (terbuat dari 2 kubus yang disusun bertingkat). Penebaran biasanya dua kubus memuat 10 lembar kolektor dan kemudian dimasukan ke dalam kantor waring dengan ukuran mata halus, untuk menghindari predator atau pemangsa dan gangguan hewan air dari luar. Tugas nelayan,membersihkan / mencuci kantong waring itu setiap 1-2 minggu agar aliran air yang membawa makanan untuk spat dan benih berjalan dengan baik. Jika ada spat jatuh karena penempelan kurang kuat atau pengaruh arus dll, maka masih bisa diselamatkan. Pada saat pencucian, benih yang rontok bisa dipindahkan kewaring yang baru dan selama masih hidup benih ini akan segera mencari tempat untuk menempel kembali.setelah umur 1bulan dilakukan grading atau seleksi ukuran sekaligus menghitung jumlah benih ukuran 1cm yang dihasilkan dari total tebar spat. Benih ukuran 1 cm kemudian dipindahkan dari lembar kolektor (dengan cara memotong bisusnya) kedalam waring bendera. Tiap lembar waring bendera bisa berisi 100 benih siap jual. Jika untuk dibesarkan kembali menjadi ukuran 5-6 cm hanya di isi 50 benih. Untuk pemeliharaan selanjutnya hingga ukuran 3 cm masih perlu diamankan dari gangguan predator. Setelah ukuran 3-4 cm baru kemudian dimasukan kedalam waring anakan dan bisa dipelihara tanpa kubus hingga mencapai ukuran 5-7 cm yang banyak diminati pembeli.
Panen,transportasi dan pemasaran
Panen dimulai dengan melakukan grading ukuran karena harga berbeda setiap cm. Untuk transportasi kering, dilakukan dengan styrofoam ukuran 35 x 70 cm, dasar styrofoam diisi dengan spons yang dibasahi dengan air laut, handuk atau sejenisnya.
Benih ukuran 1 cm dalam waring bendera atau anakan ukuran 5 cm dimasukan dan disusun hingga styrofoam hampir penuh. Lakukan secara hati-hati jangan di tekan. Kemudian dibagian paling atas dan samping ditaruh es batu air laut yang dibuat dalam botol plastik dan dibungkus koran kepadatan styrofoam ukuran 35 x 70 cm bisa mencapai 6000 ekor benih ukuran 1 cm atau 500 hingga 1000 ekor benih ukuran 5 cm. Styrofoam ini mampu diangkut selama 12 jam untuk benih ukuran 1 cm dan 15 jam untuk benih yang berukuran lebih besar yaitu 5 cm tanpa terjadi kematian berarti program iptekmas ini juga menjalin kerja sama dengan pengusaha sebagai pembeli produk atau benih yang akan dihasilkan dari program tersebut. Ada dua ukuran yang diminta yaitu ukuran 1 cm atau umur 1 bulan dengan harga Rp 300-Rp 500 per ekor benih. Sedangkan ukuran besar 5- 7 cm atau umur 7-8 bulan dibeli dengan harga Rp 1000-Rp 2000 per cm dan semakin besar semakin mahal. Untuk tahap awal nelayan cenderung menjual ukuran kecil karena lebih cepat mendapatkan uang. Pemeliharaan untuk ukuran besar (>3cm) lebih mudah karena cangkangnya sudah kuat, adaptasi lingkungan sudah baik, tdak rawan terhadap predator. Tapi untuk ukuran 2-4 cm dinilai paling kerisis terhadap kematian karena berbagai penyebab seperti predator, lingkungan dll. Dan biasanya kematian tinggi pada umur tersebut. Karena itu pasar yang sekarang diminati adalah ukuran 1 cm atau ukuran lebih besar dari 5 cm. Sementara itu untuk menambah keuntungan, beberapa petani memadukan pendederan tiram mutiara(produksi benih ukuran besar 5-6 cm) dengan memanfaatkan bagian tepi kja ikan untuk menggantungkan waring anakan. 1 kja mampu memelihara 15000 benih yang hanya dikerjakan oleh satu orang dengan 8 hari kerja per bulan untuk membersihkan waringnya. Peluang lainnya, petani bisa memanfaatkan lubang kja bagian dalam untuk memelihara lobster. Baby lobster ukuran campuran dibeli dari nelayan dengan harga Rp120.000 per kg. Kemudian dipelihara selama 3 bulan dan dipanen dengan harga Rp270.000 perkg, dengan ukuran sekitar 10 ekor per kg.
sumber: majalah trobos edisi april 2010 hal 84-85
Budidaya tiram mutiara selama ini dianggap rumit dengan waktu pemeliharaan yang bisa lebih dari 3 tahun. Tak heran usaha ini lebih banyak dilakukkan oleh pengusaha bermodal besar.
Tetapi anggaapan tersebut kini berhasil dipatahkan oleh badan riset perikanan budidaya (brkp). Pusat riset perikanan budidaya (prpb)-bagian dari brkp- meluncurkan program ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk masyarakat (iptekmas) untuk pendederan tiram mutiara bagi nelayan tradisional. Program ini dilaksanakan oleh balai besar riset perikanan budidaya laut (bbrpbL)gondol,bali. Dimulai dari riset pembenihan dan dilanjutkan pendederan dilaut.
Dengan iptekmas, nelayan bisa melakukan pendederan tiram dari ukuran spat 4-5’mm hingga ukuran 1cm atau ukuran 5-6 cm tergantung permintaan pasar. Untuk mencapai ukuran 1cm butuh waktu 1bulan dan 7-8 bulan untuk mencapai 5-6cm. Sementara untuk pembesaran hingga mencapai ukuran siap produksi mutiara yang memerlukan waktu sekitar 3tahun dilakukan oleh pengusaha bermodal besar.
Persiapan budidaya
Lokasi untuk budidaya pendederan tiram mutiara antara lain perairan yang subur (kaya plankton), jauh dari jangkauan air tawar berlebih karena spat dan benih rentan terhadap salinitas rendah, terhindar dari banjir dan erosi, arus tidak terlalu kuat agar KJA tidak hanyut, kedalaman ideal maksimum 30 m, substrat dasar pasir atau pecahan karang.
Selain itu hindari kondisi iklim buruk. Bila kondisi sangat rawan, sebaiknya tidak melakukan kegiatan pendederan. KJA bisa diamankan kedarat dan waktu yang ada dimanfaatkan untuk persiapkan. Unit rakit atau KJA sebaiknya tidak terlalu besar supaya mudah dipindahkan.
Wadah budidayanya, KJA terbuat dari bambu dan pelampung drum foam. Untuk budidaya ikan degan unit terkecil 8 m x 8 m terdiri atas 4 lubang ukuran 3 m x 3 m dan jalan setapak untuk kerja lengkap dengan tali jangkar, tali pengikat, dan pemberat 60 kg terbuat dari cor beton.
Penebaran spat
Telur yang menetas dihatchery (tempat pembenihan ) dipelihara selama 45 hari, sehingga diperoleh spat dengan ukuran 4-5 mm. Spat menempel pada lembar kolektor yang berupa paranet (waring) ukuran 30 cm x 30cm. Jumlah yang menempel bervariasi, sekitar 100-200 perlembar kolektor. Kolektor dengan spat ukuran 4-5mm bisa ditebar kelaut,dimasukan kedalam frame kubus ukuran 35 cm x 50 cm x 70 cm (terbuat dari 2 kubus yang disusun bertingkat). Penebaran biasanya dua kubus memuat 10 lembar kolektor dan kemudian dimasukan ke dalam kantor waring dengan ukuran mata halus, untuk menghindari predator atau pemangsa dan gangguan hewan air dari luar. Tugas nelayan,membersihkan / mencuci kantong waring itu setiap 1-2 minggu agar aliran air yang membawa makanan untuk spat dan benih berjalan dengan baik. Jika ada spat jatuh karena penempelan kurang kuat atau pengaruh arus dll, maka masih bisa diselamatkan. Pada saat pencucian, benih yang rontok bisa dipindahkan kewaring yang baru dan selama masih hidup benih ini akan segera mencari tempat untuk menempel kembali.setelah umur 1bulan dilakukan grading atau seleksi ukuran sekaligus menghitung jumlah benih ukuran 1cm yang dihasilkan dari total tebar spat. Benih ukuran 1 cm kemudian dipindahkan dari lembar kolektor (dengan cara memotong bisusnya) kedalam waring bendera. Tiap lembar waring bendera bisa berisi 100 benih siap jual. Jika untuk dibesarkan kembali menjadi ukuran 5-6 cm hanya di isi 50 benih. Untuk pemeliharaan selanjutnya hingga ukuran 3 cm masih perlu diamankan dari gangguan predator. Setelah ukuran 3-4 cm baru kemudian dimasukan kedalam waring anakan dan bisa dipelihara tanpa kubus hingga mencapai ukuran 5-7 cm yang banyak diminati pembeli.
Panen,transportasi dan pemasaran
Panen dimulai dengan melakukan grading ukuran karena harga berbeda setiap cm. Untuk transportasi kering, dilakukan dengan styrofoam ukuran 35 x 70 cm, dasar styrofoam diisi dengan spons yang dibasahi dengan air laut, handuk atau sejenisnya.
Benih ukuran 1 cm dalam waring bendera atau anakan ukuran 5 cm dimasukan dan disusun hingga styrofoam hampir penuh. Lakukan secara hati-hati jangan di tekan. Kemudian dibagian paling atas dan samping ditaruh es batu air laut yang dibuat dalam botol plastik dan dibungkus koran kepadatan styrofoam ukuran 35 x 70 cm bisa mencapai 6000 ekor benih ukuran 1 cm atau 500 hingga 1000 ekor benih ukuran 5 cm. Styrofoam ini mampu diangkut selama 12 jam untuk benih ukuran 1 cm dan 15 jam untuk benih yang berukuran lebih besar yaitu 5 cm tanpa terjadi kematian berarti program iptekmas ini juga menjalin kerja sama dengan pengusaha sebagai pembeli produk atau benih yang akan dihasilkan dari program tersebut. Ada dua ukuran yang diminta yaitu ukuran 1 cm atau umur 1 bulan dengan harga Rp 300-Rp 500 per ekor benih. Sedangkan ukuran besar 5- 7 cm atau umur 7-8 bulan dibeli dengan harga Rp 1000-Rp 2000 per cm dan semakin besar semakin mahal. Untuk tahap awal nelayan cenderung menjual ukuran kecil karena lebih cepat mendapatkan uang. Pemeliharaan untuk ukuran besar (>3cm) lebih mudah karena cangkangnya sudah kuat, adaptasi lingkungan sudah baik, tdak rawan terhadap predator. Tapi untuk ukuran 2-4 cm dinilai paling kerisis terhadap kematian karena berbagai penyebab seperti predator, lingkungan dll. Dan biasanya kematian tinggi pada umur tersebut. Karena itu pasar yang sekarang diminati adalah ukuran 1 cm atau ukuran lebih besar dari 5 cm. Sementara itu untuk menambah keuntungan, beberapa petani memadukan pendederan tiram mutiara(produksi benih ukuran besar 5-6 cm) dengan memanfaatkan bagian tepi kja ikan untuk menggantungkan waring anakan. 1 kja mampu memelihara 15000 benih yang hanya dikerjakan oleh satu orang dengan 8 hari kerja per bulan untuk membersihkan waringnya. Peluang lainnya, petani bisa memanfaatkan lubang kja bagian dalam untuk memelihara lobster. Baby lobster ukuran campuran dibeli dari nelayan dengan harga Rp120.000 per kg. Kemudian dipelihara selama 3 bulan dan dipanen dengan harga Rp270.000 perkg, dengan ukuran sekitar 10 ekor per kg.
sumber: majalah trobos edisi april 2010 hal 84-85
Atraksi Budaya Pukau Peserta
Atraksi Budaya Pukau Peserta
Sail Banda merupakan Momentum untuk Dikenal Kembali
Peserta reli kapal layar Sail Banda dari sejumlah negara disuguhi budaya Banda dalam upacara penyambutan di Pulau Naira, Kepulauan Banda, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, Rabu (28/7). Tidak hanya dalam bentuk tarian, tetapi juga kuliner berbagai menu khas masyarakat Banda.
Dua jenis tarian adat asli Banda dipertunjukkan dalam acara tersebut, yaitu tarian Ulufatu yang bercerita tentang keseharian masyarakat Banda dan tarian Wanare yang berkisah tentang perjalanan empat raja dan satu imam menuju tanah suci Mekkah.
"Tariannya unik, makanannya sedikit pedas, dan jenisnya bervariasi. Sangat sulit saya menemukan hal seperti ini, apalagi ditambah panorama alamnya yang indah," kata Karin (62), peserta kapal layar asal Swiss yang berlayar bersama suaminya dengan kapal "Intiaq".
Mereka juga terkesan dengan keramahan masyarakat dan sejarah masa lalu Banda. "Ini menjadi pelajaran berharga buat kedua anak saya," kata Scott Armstrong (48), peserta asal Australia yang membawa istri dan dua anaknya dalam pelayaran.
Upacara penyambutan para peserta dari 21 kapal layar yang singgah di Banda sejak Senin lalu itu dihadiri Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad, Gubernur Maluku Karel Albert Ralahalu, dan Bupati Maluku Tengah Abdullah Tuasikal.
Selain tarian, acara itu dimeriahkan lomba perahu tradisional Banda, belang atau kora-kora, dari lima kampung adat dan 11 kampung nasional. Setiap belang memuat 31 pendayung. Belang dari Kampung Adat Ai memenangi lomba belang kampungadat Adapun belang Desa Tanah Rata memenangi lomba belang kampung nasional.
Seusai upacara penyambutan, para peserta kapal layar disuguhi makanan khas Banda Kebanyakan berupa masakan dari ikan, seperti sate ikan, " ikan bakar bumbu, dan ikan kuah santan. Sirup pala, komoditas utama warga Banda, juga disajikan.
Di Kepulauan Banda terdapat lima benteng yang dibangun Belanda, Inggris, dan Portugis sekitar abad ke-16. Selain itu,banyak bangunan berarsitektur Eropa abad ke-17. Bangunan yang dulu kebanyakan digunakan oleh pemilik kebun pala kini dimanfaatkan sebagai kafe, motel, dan tempat tinggal. Ada pula yang dibiarkan kosong tak terawat
Di tengah upacara penyambutan, Fadel Muhammad menga-lungkan pala kepada sembilanpeserta kapal layar. Pala merupakan komoditas utama Banda yang membuat bangsa-bangsa di Eropa berlomba memperebutkan daerah itu sejak abad ke-15.
Momentum untuk dikenal
Fadel menilai Sail Banda merupakan momentum bagi Banda untuk dikenal kembali oleh dunia. "Saya datang bersama tim yang beranggotakan 22 orang. Mereka nanti akan mendata hal-hal yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat Banda untuk maju. Pemerintah akan berupaya agar Banda bisa dikenal kembali oleh dunia," katanya
Gubernur Maluku juga berjanji akan memberikan perhatian lebih besar untuk memajukan Banda Tidak hanya di sektor perikanan, tetapi juga pariwisata
Salah satu tokoh masyarakat Banda, Prof Dr Hamadi Husain, berharap janji itu benar-benar ditepati oleh pemerintah. Pe-yebabnya, saat ini Banda seperti dilupakan oleh pemerintah.
"Pariwisatanya terus meredup, sektor perikanan tidak berkembang. Ironis sekali kondisi Banda saat ini dengan besarnya potensi yang dimilikinya," katanya (APA)
Sumber: kompas 29 Juli 2010, hal: 23
Sail Banda merupakan Momentum untuk Dikenal Kembali
Peserta reli kapal layar Sail Banda dari sejumlah negara disuguhi budaya Banda dalam upacara penyambutan di Pulau Naira, Kepulauan Banda, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, Rabu (28/7). Tidak hanya dalam bentuk tarian, tetapi juga kuliner berbagai menu khas masyarakat Banda.
Dua jenis tarian adat asli Banda dipertunjukkan dalam acara tersebut, yaitu tarian Ulufatu yang bercerita tentang keseharian masyarakat Banda dan tarian Wanare yang berkisah tentang perjalanan empat raja dan satu imam menuju tanah suci Mekkah.
"Tariannya unik, makanannya sedikit pedas, dan jenisnya bervariasi. Sangat sulit saya menemukan hal seperti ini, apalagi ditambah panorama alamnya yang indah," kata Karin (62), peserta kapal layar asal Swiss yang berlayar bersama suaminya dengan kapal "Intiaq".
Mereka juga terkesan dengan keramahan masyarakat dan sejarah masa lalu Banda. "Ini menjadi pelajaran berharga buat kedua anak saya," kata Scott Armstrong (48), peserta asal Australia yang membawa istri dan dua anaknya dalam pelayaran.
Upacara penyambutan para peserta dari 21 kapal layar yang singgah di Banda sejak Senin lalu itu dihadiri Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad, Gubernur Maluku Karel Albert Ralahalu, dan Bupati Maluku Tengah Abdullah Tuasikal.
Selain tarian, acara itu dimeriahkan lomba perahu tradisional Banda, belang atau kora-kora, dari lima kampung adat dan 11 kampung nasional. Setiap belang memuat 31 pendayung. Belang dari Kampung Adat Ai memenangi lomba belang kampungadat Adapun belang Desa Tanah Rata memenangi lomba belang kampung nasional.
Seusai upacara penyambutan, para peserta kapal layar disuguhi makanan khas Banda Kebanyakan berupa masakan dari ikan, seperti sate ikan, " ikan bakar bumbu, dan ikan kuah santan. Sirup pala, komoditas utama warga Banda, juga disajikan.
Di Kepulauan Banda terdapat lima benteng yang dibangun Belanda, Inggris, dan Portugis sekitar abad ke-16. Selain itu,banyak bangunan berarsitektur Eropa abad ke-17. Bangunan yang dulu kebanyakan digunakan oleh pemilik kebun pala kini dimanfaatkan sebagai kafe, motel, dan tempat tinggal. Ada pula yang dibiarkan kosong tak terawat
Di tengah upacara penyambutan, Fadel Muhammad menga-lungkan pala kepada sembilanpeserta kapal layar. Pala merupakan komoditas utama Banda yang membuat bangsa-bangsa di Eropa berlomba memperebutkan daerah itu sejak abad ke-15.
Momentum untuk dikenal
Fadel menilai Sail Banda merupakan momentum bagi Banda untuk dikenal kembali oleh dunia. "Saya datang bersama tim yang beranggotakan 22 orang. Mereka nanti akan mendata hal-hal yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat Banda untuk maju. Pemerintah akan berupaya agar Banda bisa dikenal kembali oleh dunia," katanya
Gubernur Maluku juga berjanji akan memberikan perhatian lebih besar untuk memajukan Banda Tidak hanya di sektor perikanan, tetapi juga pariwisata
Salah satu tokoh masyarakat Banda, Prof Dr Hamadi Husain, berharap janji itu benar-benar ditepati oleh pemerintah. Pe-yebabnya, saat ini Banda seperti dilupakan oleh pemerintah.
"Pariwisatanya terus meredup, sektor perikanan tidak berkembang. Ironis sekali kondisi Banda saat ini dengan besarnya potensi yang dimilikinya," katanya (APA)
Sumber: kompas 29 Juli 2010, hal: 23
Impor Produk Mutiara Tahun Ini (2010) Meningkat 58,1%
Impor Produk Mutiara Tahun Ini Meningkat 58,1%
Walaupun Indonesia menjadi negara penghasil mutiara, namun liberalisasi perdagangan rupanya telah membuat impor mutiara meningkat tahun ini. Data Kementerian Perdagangan mencatat, impor mutiara alam, budidaya dan batu alam selama Januari-Mei 2010 meningkat 58,1%. Dalam lima bulan itu, nilai impor mutiara dan batu alam sudah mencapai US$ 39,671 juta. Dalam periode sama tahun lalu, nilai impor produk tersebut sebesar US$ 25,091 juta.
Menurut Kementerian Perdagangan, sebagian besar mutiara yang diimpor tersebut adalah mutiara hasil budidaya air tawar dari China.
Saut Hutagalung, Direktur Pemasaran Luar Negeri Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, menjelaskan, kenaikan impor terjadi atas mutiara bermutu rendah. Kualitas mutiara impor tersebut memang jauh di bawah kualitas produk mutiara air laut Indonesia
Meski begitu, lonjakan nilai impor ini tetap saja mengkhawatirkan. Padahal jenis mutiara yang diimpor tersebut sudah dihasilkan di sejumlah daerah pusat budidaya, seperti Lombok dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. "Di Lombok saya temukan adanya mutiara itu," kata Saut di Jakarta, Selasa (27/7).Asnil Bambani Amri
Sumber : Harian Kontan 28 Juli 2010 hal.15
Walaupun Indonesia menjadi negara penghasil mutiara, namun liberalisasi perdagangan rupanya telah membuat impor mutiara meningkat tahun ini. Data Kementerian Perdagangan mencatat, impor mutiara alam, budidaya dan batu alam selama Januari-Mei 2010 meningkat 58,1%. Dalam lima bulan itu, nilai impor mutiara dan batu alam sudah mencapai US$ 39,671 juta. Dalam periode sama tahun lalu, nilai impor produk tersebut sebesar US$ 25,091 juta.
Menurut Kementerian Perdagangan, sebagian besar mutiara yang diimpor tersebut adalah mutiara hasil budidaya air tawar dari China.
Saut Hutagalung, Direktur Pemasaran Luar Negeri Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, menjelaskan, kenaikan impor terjadi atas mutiara bermutu rendah. Kualitas mutiara impor tersebut memang jauh di bawah kualitas produk mutiara air laut Indonesia
Meski begitu, lonjakan nilai impor ini tetap saja mengkhawatirkan. Padahal jenis mutiara yang diimpor tersebut sudah dihasilkan di sejumlah daerah pusat budidaya, seperti Lombok dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. "Di Lombok saya temukan adanya mutiara itu," kata Saut di Jakarta, Selasa (27/7).Asnil Bambani Amri
Sumber : Harian Kontan 28 Juli 2010 hal.15
The Basics of Making Money with Blogs And AdSense
The Basics of Making Money with Blogs And AdSense
by: Mal Keenan
Copyright 2005 Mal Keenan
Google AdSense is undoubtedly the most popular Pay Per Click (PPC) program in the industry today. By enrolling your site under the said program, AdSense will display a series of ads on your pages. You stand to earn every time a visitor of your clicks on these ads.
They don’t have to buy anything, mind you. They just have to click on the ads and nothing more. These ads are by no means random. They are contextually relevant, meaning, they are assigned based on their relevancy to the subject of your site.
Could a blog substitute for regular sites when it comes to making money through AdSense? Yes people, blogs can also be provide an additional income stream through AdSense! In some aspects, a blog is a more efficient tool for this purpose.
There are people online today making six figures per month from Adsense alone. Unbelievable but true!
There are three determinative factors for the success of a site enrolled under the AdSense program.
1. The Cost Per Click (CPC) that is carried by the ads assigned to your site.
2. The number of page impressions, or simply put, the amount of traffic that passes through your site. If you garner a lot of page impressions, you have a better chance of acquiring a lot of clicks.
3. The Click Through Rate (CTR), which is the number of clicks your ads get per the number of visitors that visit your pages. The higher your CTR, the more you stand to earn.
CPCs are a given. If you’re dead set on a subject for your blog, then you will just be attracting a certain group of ads. But if you wish to make a blog for the primary goal of making money online, then you have to choose the right keywords before everything else.
Basically, your blog will be assigned certain ads based on the keywords prevalent in its entries. There are some keywords that will attract ads that pay high, and there are those that will attract ads that pay low. The trick is in finding the high paying keywords around which you will create your blog.
Here are some tips that will help you find those keywords with relative ease:
* Create an account at . Adwords, of course, is the advertising partner of AdSense. When you become a member, you could take a peek at how much the going rates are for certain keywords.
* Visit . This is one of the very few sites that give information about high paying keywords for free. It would rather be kept a secret by those who discovered it, so keep it quiet;-).
The number of your page impressions really depends on the traffic that you can generate for your blog. Blogs would have an easier time with this because, as we’ve previously discussed in past lessons, search engines love them. But of course, this is not set in stone. If your competitors, for example, are also using the blogging strategy, then you’re all in equal footing.
To get the edge, do try David Pankhurst’s special report on How To Conquer Your Niche With Wordpress. David will share some absolutely mind blowing techniques that will tremendously boost your blog’s page rank through a simple manipulation of the Wordpress software. Check out his report at
Increasing your CTR is an entire subfield in itself! There are a plethora of strategies dedicated for this purpose. We have discussed some of these tactics in my newsletter, as well as my own blog at . These include the choice of ad design, the placement of the ads, and the colors to be used, among other things. I’m telling you, increasing your CTR has become a science of sorts in recent months!
In the next article, I will discuss some really advanced strategies that will blow you away.
About the author:
Get Your Hands on My FREE and Exclusive 7 Day Blogging Report by Sending and Blank Email to In this Report I Reveal All The Secrets for Creating and Running A Successful Online Blog, Including Blogging to Niche Markets.
Circulated by Article Emporium
by: Mal Keenan
Copyright 2005 Mal Keenan
Google AdSense is undoubtedly the most popular Pay Per Click (PPC) program in the industry today. By enrolling your site under the said program, AdSense will display a series of ads on your pages. You stand to earn every time a visitor of your clicks on these ads.
They don’t have to buy anything, mind you. They just have to click on the ads and nothing more. These ads are by no means random. They are contextually relevant, meaning, they are assigned based on their relevancy to the subject of your site.
Could a blog substitute for regular sites when it comes to making money through AdSense? Yes people, blogs can also be provide an additional income stream through AdSense! In some aspects, a blog is a more efficient tool for this purpose.
There are people online today making six figures per month from Adsense alone. Unbelievable but true!
There are three determinative factors for the success of a site enrolled under the AdSense program.
1. The Cost Per Click (CPC) that is carried by the ads assigned to your site.
2. The number of page impressions, or simply put, the amount of traffic that passes through your site. If you garner a lot of page impressions, you have a better chance of acquiring a lot of clicks.
3. The Click Through Rate (CTR), which is the number of clicks your ads get per the number of visitors that visit your pages. The higher your CTR, the more you stand to earn.
CPCs are a given. If you’re dead set on a subject for your blog, then you will just be attracting a certain group of ads. But if you wish to make a blog for the primary goal of making money online, then you have to choose the right keywords before everything else.
Basically, your blog will be assigned certain ads based on the keywords prevalent in its entries. There are some keywords that will attract ads that pay high, and there are those that will attract ads that pay low. The trick is in finding the high paying keywords around which you will create your blog.
Here are some tips that will help you find those keywords with relative ease:
* Create an account at . Adwords, of course, is the advertising partner of AdSense. When you become a member, you could take a peek at how much the going rates are for certain keywords.
* Visit . This is one of the very few sites that give information about high paying keywords for free. It would rather be kept a secret by those who discovered it, so keep it quiet;-).
The number of your page impressions really depends on the traffic that you can generate for your blog. Blogs would have an easier time with this because, as we’ve previously discussed in past lessons, search engines love them. But of course, this is not set in stone. If your competitors, for example, are also using the blogging strategy, then you’re all in equal footing.
To get the edge, do try David Pankhurst’s special report on How To Conquer Your Niche With Wordpress. David will share some absolutely mind blowing techniques that will tremendously boost your blog’s page rank through a simple manipulation of the Wordpress software. Check out his report at
Increasing your CTR is an entire subfield in itself! There are a plethora of strategies dedicated for this purpose. We have discussed some of these tactics in my newsletter, as well as my own blog at . These include the choice of ad design, the placement of the ads, and the colors to be used, among other things. I’m telling you, increasing your CTR has become a science of sorts in recent months!
In the next article, I will discuss some really advanced strategies that will blow you away.
About the author:
Get Your Hands on My FREE and Exclusive 7 Day Blogging Report by Sending and Blank Email to In this Report I Reveal All The Secrets for Creating and Running A Successful Online Blog, Including Blogging to Niche Markets.
Circulated by Article Emporium
Perhatikan Nelayan dan Investasi Semen
Perhatikan Nelayan dan Investasi Semen
REMBANG, KOMPAS - Gubernur Jawa Tengah Bibit Waluyo meminta Pemerintah Kabupaten Rembang memikirkan investasi bagi para nelayan kecil dan membuka peluang investasi bagi PT Semen Gresik Hal itu penting karena Kabupaten Rembang memiliki sumber daya laut dan bahan baku mineral atau pertambangan.
Gubernur menyampaikan permintaan tersebut saat pelantikan Bupati Rembang Moch Salim dan Wakil Bupati Rembang Abdul Hafidz untuk periode 2010-2015 di Gedung DPRD Kabupaten Rembang, Selasa (20/7).
Menurut Bibit, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah telah mengusulkan pembuatan 1.000 .kapal berbobot mati 30 gross ton (GT) secara nasional. Dari jumlah itu, Jateng meminta 100 kapal yang nantinya akan dibagikansecara merata di daerah-daerah pesisir, salah satunya adalah Rembang.
Kapal-kapal itu diberikan kepada nelayan-nelayan kecil yang mencari ikan di dalam batas 12 mil dari pantai. Tujuannya untuk memberi peluang bagi nelayan kecil berlayar lebih jauh lagi sehingga dapat menangkap ikan-ikan besar. "Selama ini mereka hanya mendapat ikan-ikan kecil yang jumlahnya sangat ter-batas dan kerap kali harus berebut tangkapan dengan nelayan-nelayan lain. Pada tahun ini secara nasional baru terealisasi 60 kapal dan Jateng hanya mendapat enam kapal," kata Bibit Waluyo.
Menyangkut Semen Gresik, Bibit berharap segenap kalangan di Kabupaten Rembang membuka peluang masuknya investasi PT Semen Gresik ke daerah tersebut karena investasi itu akanmenciptakan lapangan kerja baru dan mengurangi pengangguran. "Saya berharap masyarakat tidak menolak dan menghambat rencana tersebut Namun, syaratnya pembangunan itu tidak merusak lingkungan," kata Bibit
Secara terpisah, mantan Wakil Bupati Rembang Yaqut Cholil Quomas mengemukakan, Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Rembang baru perlu meningkatkan ekonomi nelayan kecil yang saat ini kesulitan mendapatkan ikan. Ban-tuan-bantuan modal jangan melulu diberikan kepada para juragan kapal.
"Terkait dengan masuknya PT Semen Gresik di Rembang perlu didahului dengan penelitian layak atau tidaknya kawasan itu untuk penambangan skala besar. Jika layak dan tidak merugikan, silakan direalisasi. Namun, jika tidak, harus ditolak," kata Yaqut Cholil Quomas. (HEN)
Sumber : Kompas 21 Juli 2010 hal.22
REMBANG, KOMPAS - Gubernur Jawa Tengah Bibit Waluyo meminta Pemerintah Kabupaten Rembang memikirkan investasi bagi para nelayan kecil dan membuka peluang investasi bagi PT Semen Gresik Hal itu penting karena Kabupaten Rembang memiliki sumber daya laut dan bahan baku mineral atau pertambangan.
Gubernur menyampaikan permintaan tersebut saat pelantikan Bupati Rembang Moch Salim dan Wakil Bupati Rembang Abdul Hafidz untuk periode 2010-2015 di Gedung DPRD Kabupaten Rembang, Selasa (20/7).
Menurut Bibit, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah telah mengusulkan pembuatan 1.000 .kapal berbobot mati 30 gross ton (GT) secara nasional. Dari jumlah itu, Jateng meminta 100 kapal yang nantinya akan dibagikansecara merata di daerah-daerah pesisir, salah satunya adalah Rembang.
Kapal-kapal itu diberikan kepada nelayan-nelayan kecil yang mencari ikan di dalam batas 12 mil dari pantai. Tujuannya untuk memberi peluang bagi nelayan kecil berlayar lebih jauh lagi sehingga dapat menangkap ikan-ikan besar. "Selama ini mereka hanya mendapat ikan-ikan kecil yang jumlahnya sangat ter-batas dan kerap kali harus berebut tangkapan dengan nelayan-nelayan lain. Pada tahun ini secara nasional baru terealisasi 60 kapal dan Jateng hanya mendapat enam kapal," kata Bibit Waluyo.
Menyangkut Semen Gresik, Bibit berharap segenap kalangan di Kabupaten Rembang membuka peluang masuknya investasi PT Semen Gresik ke daerah tersebut karena investasi itu akanmenciptakan lapangan kerja baru dan mengurangi pengangguran. "Saya berharap masyarakat tidak menolak dan menghambat rencana tersebut Namun, syaratnya pembangunan itu tidak merusak lingkungan," kata Bibit
Secara terpisah, mantan Wakil Bupati Rembang Yaqut Cholil Quomas mengemukakan, Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Rembang baru perlu meningkatkan ekonomi nelayan kecil yang saat ini kesulitan mendapatkan ikan. Ban-tuan-bantuan modal jangan melulu diberikan kepada para juragan kapal.
"Terkait dengan masuknya PT Semen Gresik di Rembang perlu didahului dengan penelitian layak atau tidaknya kawasan itu untuk penambangan skala besar. Jika layak dan tidak merugikan, silakan direalisasi. Namun, jika tidak, harus ditolak," kata Yaqut Cholil Quomas. (HEN)
Sumber : Kompas 21 Juli 2010 hal.22
The Easiest Way To Have A Google Adsense Account Fast
The Easiest Way To Have A Google Adsense Account Fast
by: Mark Tse
Google Adsense is one of the easiest way to allow webmasters to make money from content websites. You just need to add some simple javascript codes on the web pages, and then when visitors click the ads, you make money. No need to sell and think yourself, Google does all thinking for you. Very easy, right?
Google Adsense is really a gold mine. People are creating niche websites just to display the ads and make easy money everyday - automatically. There are so many success stories about people earning thousands of dollars a month from Adsense!
If you don’t have an Adsense account yet, you should get one and start profiting from it!
However, not all who applied for an Adsense account gets approved. You need to show your content websites to Google first to get approved.
Then how if you don’t have a content website? No need to worry, here is a secret method to get approved - fast and easily - just read on...
Google has its own blogging service - ( You can start a blog on with any topics you like - and it is completely free. Once your blog is created, post two or more related articles on it. Wait for a day and then you can apply your blog for an adsense account using this link:
Wow, your Adsense account will get approved in several days. Happy profiting from Adsense!
About the author:
This article is written by Mark Tse. Mark shares free tips, articles and downloads about Internet Marketing. You can visit his blog and read his latest posts here:
Circulated by Article Emporium
by: Mark Tse
Google Adsense is one of the easiest way to allow webmasters to make money from content websites. You just need to add some simple javascript codes on the web pages, and then when visitors click the ads, you make money. No need to sell and think yourself, Google does all thinking for you. Very easy, right?
Google Adsense is really a gold mine. People are creating niche websites just to display the ads and make easy money everyday - automatically. There are so many success stories about people earning thousands of dollars a month from Adsense!
If you don’t have an Adsense account yet, you should get one and start profiting from it!
However, not all who applied for an Adsense account gets approved. You need to show your content websites to Google first to get approved.
Then how if you don’t have a content website? No need to worry, here is a secret method to get approved - fast and easily - just read on...
Google has its own blogging service - ( You can start a blog on with any topics you like - and it is completely free. Once your blog is created, post two or more related articles on it. Wait for a day and then you can apply your blog for an adsense account using this link:
Wow, your Adsense account will get approved in several days. Happy profiting from Adsense!
About the author:
This article is written by Mark Tse. Mark shares free tips, articles and downloads about Internet Marketing. You can visit his blog and read his latest posts here:
Circulated by Article Emporium
Perbankan Dukung Usaha Rumput Laut
Perbankan Dukung Usaha Rumput Laut
JAKARTA - Perbankan nasional siap mendukung pengembangan industri rumput laut menyusul besarnya potensi komoditas kelautan itu menghasilkan keuntungan. Dukungan perbankan berupa kredit usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah siap digelontorkan dengan syarat pembudidaya rumput laut segera membuka peluang usaha.
Analis Muda Senior Bank lndo-nesia (BI) Cabang Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Jacob Dos Amaral yang berbicara di hadapan pembudidaya rumput laut asal Waingapu, NTT belum lama ini menegaskan dukungan nyata perbankan bisa melalui Koperasi Unit Desa. Bank Indonesia melalui perbankan BUMN dan swasta nasional, kata Amaral, siap menggelontorkan kredit mikro ke kelompok budidaya yang tergabung dalam sentra mina-politan rumput laut
Sementara itu, di Manado, Sulawesi Utara, pekan lalu Deputi Gubernur BI Halim Alamsyah menegaskan BI memfasilitasi pengembangan rumput laut di provinsi itu dengan menggandeng pakar rumput laut Prancis untuk peningkatan riset dan pengembangan kualitas.
"Kunjungan ke pusat penelitian dan pengembangan rumput laut Center for Study and Promotion of Algae Perancis telah dilakukan, dan apa yang didapat di negara tersebut saat ini sedang dilakukan penelitian bagaimana kualitas dihasilkan terbaik," kata Halim dikutip Antara.
Maksud kerja sama Prancis tersebut, kata Alamsyah, agar rumput laut yang dibudidayakan petani berproduksi maksimal serta kemudian diolah menjadi produk bernilai ekonomis tinggi.
"Selain Manado, beberapa daerah lain di Indonesia yang menjadi penghasil rumput laut tropis, menjadi fokus perhatian BI untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut," kata Alamsyah.
Menurut Alamsyah, bantuan fasilitasi dan teknis terhadap pengembangan rumput laut merupakan wujud dukungan BI terhadap pengembangan sektor riil.
"Undang-Undang BI Nomor 23 tahun 1999 dan telah diubah dengan UU Nomor 6 Tahun 2009, maka BI tidak lagi memberikan fasilitas pembiayaan tetapi hanya "boleh memberikan fasilitasi dan bantuan teknis," kata Alamsyah.
Upaya yang telah dilakukan BI dalam hal ini, di antaranya membentuk kelompok-kelompok kerja (Pokja) sektor perikanan budidaya, untuk membahas berbagai kendala serta meningkatkan intermediasi bank.
Pelatihan UM KM
Selain itu, BI telah melaksanakan pelatihan Business Development Service Provider, yang tujuannya membantu menghubungkan kapabilitas sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah(UMKM) dengan perbankan.
Dos Amaral menambahkan, Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) bisa menjadi perantara atau specialpurpouse vehicle (SPV) pengkreditan mikro tersebut ke bank BUMN dan bank swasta nasional lainnya.
"Karena aktivitas bisnis rumput laut sudah berjalan, otomatis perbankan akan mudah membiayai. Kredit mikro bisa diajukan melalui koperasi. Pembiayaan bermaksud meningkatkan kapasitas produksi," Dos Amaral.
BI Cabang Kupang, lanjut Amaral, sudah memprioritaskan pengembangan rumput laut sejak tahun 2007. Dia mengakui, melalui gugus tugas (task force), pemda provinsi NTT sudah menandatangani kontrak dengan BI guna mendukung pengembangan industri rumput laut melalui pembiayaan usaha mikro.
Direktur Utama Bank Sulut Jeffry Wurangian mengakui, perhatian BI terhadap pengembangan rumput laut Sulut merupakan langkah positif mengingat rumput laut masuk program revitalisasi daerah ini. Qjr)
Sumber : Investor Daily 21 juli 2010
JAKARTA - Perbankan nasional siap mendukung pengembangan industri rumput laut menyusul besarnya potensi komoditas kelautan itu menghasilkan keuntungan. Dukungan perbankan berupa kredit usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah siap digelontorkan dengan syarat pembudidaya rumput laut segera membuka peluang usaha.
Analis Muda Senior Bank lndo-nesia (BI) Cabang Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Jacob Dos Amaral yang berbicara di hadapan pembudidaya rumput laut asal Waingapu, NTT belum lama ini menegaskan dukungan nyata perbankan bisa melalui Koperasi Unit Desa. Bank Indonesia melalui perbankan BUMN dan swasta nasional, kata Amaral, siap menggelontorkan kredit mikro ke kelompok budidaya yang tergabung dalam sentra mina-politan rumput laut
Sementara itu, di Manado, Sulawesi Utara, pekan lalu Deputi Gubernur BI Halim Alamsyah menegaskan BI memfasilitasi pengembangan rumput laut di provinsi itu dengan menggandeng pakar rumput laut Prancis untuk peningkatan riset dan pengembangan kualitas.
"Kunjungan ke pusat penelitian dan pengembangan rumput laut Center for Study and Promotion of Algae Perancis telah dilakukan, dan apa yang didapat di negara tersebut saat ini sedang dilakukan penelitian bagaimana kualitas dihasilkan terbaik," kata Halim dikutip Antara.
Maksud kerja sama Prancis tersebut, kata Alamsyah, agar rumput laut yang dibudidayakan petani berproduksi maksimal serta kemudian diolah menjadi produk bernilai ekonomis tinggi.
"Selain Manado, beberapa daerah lain di Indonesia yang menjadi penghasil rumput laut tropis, menjadi fokus perhatian BI untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut," kata Alamsyah.
Menurut Alamsyah, bantuan fasilitasi dan teknis terhadap pengembangan rumput laut merupakan wujud dukungan BI terhadap pengembangan sektor riil.
"Undang-Undang BI Nomor 23 tahun 1999 dan telah diubah dengan UU Nomor 6 Tahun 2009, maka BI tidak lagi memberikan fasilitas pembiayaan tetapi hanya "boleh memberikan fasilitasi dan bantuan teknis," kata Alamsyah.
Upaya yang telah dilakukan BI dalam hal ini, di antaranya membentuk kelompok-kelompok kerja (Pokja) sektor perikanan budidaya, untuk membahas berbagai kendala serta meningkatkan intermediasi bank.
Pelatihan UM KM
Selain itu, BI telah melaksanakan pelatihan Business Development Service Provider, yang tujuannya membantu menghubungkan kapabilitas sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah(UMKM) dengan perbankan.
Dos Amaral menambahkan, Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) bisa menjadi perantara atau specialpurpouse vehicle (SPV) pengkreditan mikro tersebut ke bank BUMN dan bank swasta nasional lainnya.
"Karena aktivitas bisnis rumput laut sudah berjalan, otomatis perbankan akan mudah membiayai. Kredit mikro bisa diajukan melalui koperasi. Pembiayaan bermaksud meningkatkan kapasitas produksi," Dos Amaral.
BI Cabang Kupang, lanjut Amaral, sudah memprioritaskan pengembangan rumput laut sejak tahun 2007. Dia mengakui, melalui gugus tugas (task force), pemda provinsi NTT sudah menandatangani kontrak dengan BI guna mendukung pengembangan industri rumput laut melalui pembiayaan usaha mikro.
Direktur Utama Bank Sulut Jeffry Wurangian mengakui, perhatian BI terhadap pengembangan rumput laut Sulut merupakan langkah positif mengingat rumput laut masuk program revitalisasi daerah ini. Qjr)
Sumber : Investor Daily 21 juli 2010
The Ebay Revolution - A Beginners Guide
The Ebay Revolution - A Beginners Guide
by: Adrian Ryder
Copyright 2005 Adrian Ryder
With E bay being one of the most searched for terms on the internet today,[ approx 24 million people last month], it is hardly suprising that more and more everyday people are turning away from the 9-5 job scene, and looking at the income opportunities that this hugely popular forum has to offer.
So just what are the benefits of starting your own E bay business, as opposed to the more traditional self employment options, such as buying a business, or becoming a franchisee?
Well the first and most obvious benefit is the financial one, you can start an E bay business on a shoestring, whereas buying a franchise or setting up on your own will in all probability cost you 10s of thousands of dollars.
Secondly, the element of risk is fairly negligible with an E bay business [ as long as you don’t invest hugely in stock before you have properly researched the market]
Thirdly you can start up in your spare time, without having to “give up your day job”. This allows you to test the water, and see if you actually enjoy running your own business, before you actually take the plunge.For many people Ebay is simply a profitable and fun sideline or hobby, and that’s fine, but you need to make the choice if it’s a hobby you want or a business.If you make the decision that its to be a business,then you need to keep professional records, pay tax etc.
Another beauty of running an online business is that you can do your business activities when it suits you.You can organise your auctions at 2 am if you so choose, and people will still be looking at what you have to offer!
A final benefit,[ and this list is by no means exhaustive ] is that unlike a traditional business, your marketplace is unlimited, you can sell your product anywhere in the world, you have a potential marketplace of millions upon millions of buyers
The most common question for many people is “ how do I get started ?”. The first step if you haven’t already done it, is to get on Ebay and have a look around. Ebay itself offers great informative resources and tours for the uninitiated. Have a look at some auctions in progress, see how people list and display their products, bid for something you would like [you have to join first, but Ebay makes this a very user friendly process] Have a look round your home for unwanted items, run some auctions of your own, its fun, and you’ve nothing to loose but your junk. This is a great way of dipping your toes in the auction pond.
So, after having done this you decide that you would like to get serious about building an E bay business, what should you do first? Here is a shortlist of some basic first steps.
1. Choose your product- Everything from baseball cards to luxury homes is for sale on Ebay.Research possible product choices by looking at what your competition is doing.If you have a particular area of expertise, or a passion which others share, choose your product accordingly. TIP- A great research tool is available at . Its called the keyword selector tool, and it enables you to check how many times a certain word or phrase has been searched for on the internet in the previous month ie rolex watch. If few people have been looking for what you want to sell, chances are it will be a non starter on Ebay.[ at the time of writing this tool can be used by anyone free of charge, though this may well change] On the other hand if your product is frequently searched for, you may be onto a winner.
2. Don’t sell poor quality products.There is nothing more disappointing than receiving a purchase only to find it is inferior quality junk. Ebay has an excellent feedback system, which it uses to rate traders.This feedback is available to both buyers and sellers, so if you get negative feedback, this can seriously jeopardise your Ebay reputation permanently
3. Start small. Unless you are utterly confident in your product, and in a very secure position financially, start things off on a small scale, and increase your spending only as your results justify this.
4. Test, Test, Test- Try different products and combinations of products to see what works best, and always use photos,as many people buy what they see not what they read.
5. Commit from the start to offering exceptional service. Treat others as you would like to be treated, and you will soon get a reputation as a trader to be trusted, and from whom you can buy with confidence.
6. Don’t always try to make a large profit. Many of the powersellers on Ebay make small but consistent profits,and run a lot of auctions! Always ensure that you cover shipping costs, and any costs incurred in running your auction.
7. Many of E bays top sellers sell other peoples products which they neither stock or in most cases even see, through a process called ‘dropshipping’. A dropshipper is a wholesaler, who also takes care of all the product shipping details on your behalf.There are many dropship companies who tailor their services around the Ebay auction scene, and who can provide you with quality products, at very competitive prices shipped directly to your buyers [ if you plan to be in Ebay for the long haul, it is well worth giving this option serious consideration, as you really need to have a steady reliable source of cheap quality products.
About the author:
Adrian Ryder is a University Honours graduate, internet entrepreneur and researcher. For some detailed E bay success resources, dropshipping & wholesale directories, and work at home opportunities, check out his affiliate site at
Adrian regrets that due to time constraints he is unable to enter into personal discussion/queries regarding his article.
Circulated by Article Emporium
by: Adrian Ryder
Copyright 2005 Adrian Ryder
With E bay being one of the most searched for terms on the internet today,[ approx 24 million people last month], it is hardly suprising that more and more everyday people are turning away from the 9-5 job scene, and looking at the income opportunities that this hugely popular forum has to offer.
So just what are the benefits of starting your own E bay business, as opposed to the more traditional self employment options, such as buying a business, or becoming a franchisee?
Well the first and most obvious benefit is the financial one, you can start an E bay business on a shoestring, whereas buying a franchise or setting up on your own will in all probability cost you 10s of thousands of dollars.
Secondly, the element of risk is fairly negligible with an E bay business [ as long as you don’t invest hugely in stock before you have properly researched the market]
Thirdly you can start up in your spare time, without having to “give up your day job”. This allows you to test the water, and see if you actually enjoy running your own business, before you actually take the plunge.For many people Ebay is simply a profitable and fun sideline or hobby, and that’s fine, but you need to make the choice if it’s a hobby you want or a business.If you make the decision that its to be a business,then you need to keep professional records, pay tax etc.
Another beauty of running an online business is that you can do your business activities when it suits you.You can organise your auctions at 2 am if you so choose, and people will still be looking at what you have to offer!
A final benefit,[ and this list is by no means exhaustive ] is that unlike a traditional business, your marketplace is unlimited, you can sell your product anywhere in the world, you have a potential marketplace of millions upon millions of buyers
The most common question for many people is “ how do I get started ?”. The first step if you haven’t already done it, is to get on Ebay and have a look around. Ebay itself offers great informative resources and tours for the uninitiated. Have a look at some auctions in progress, see how people list and display their products, bid for something you would like [you have to join first, but Ebay makes this a very user friendly process] Have a look round your home for unwanted items, run some auctions of your own, its fun, and you’ve nothing to loose but your junk. This is a great way of dipping your toes in the auction pond.
So, after having done this you decide that you would like to get serious about building an E bay business, what should you do first? Here is a shortlist of some basic first steps.
1. Choose your product- Everything from baseball cards to luxury homes is for sale on Ebay.Research possible product choices by looking at what your competition is doing.If you have a particular area of expertise, or a passion which others share, choose your product accordingly. TIP- A great research tool is available at . Its called the keyword selector tool, and it enables you to check how many times a certain word or phrase has been searched for on the internet in the previous month ie rolex watch. If few people have been looking for what you want to sell, chances are it will be a non starter on Ebay.[ at the time of writing this tool can be used by anyone free of charge, though this may well change] On the other hand if your product is frequently searched for, you may be onto a winner.
2. Don’t sell poor quality products.There is nothing more disappointing than receiving a purchase only to find it is inferior quality junk. Ebay has an excellent feedback system, which it uses to rate traders.This feedback is available to both buyers and sellers, so if you get negative feedback, this can seriously jeopardise your Ebay reputation permanently
3. Start small. Unless you are utterly confident in your product, and in a very secure position financially, start things off on a small scale, and increase your spending only as your results justify this.
4. Test, Test, Test- Try different products and combinations of products to see what works best, and always use photos,as many people buy what they see not what they read.
5. Commit from the start to offering exceptional service. Treat others as you would like to be treated, and you will soon get a reputation as a trader to be trusted, and from whom you can buy with confidence.
6. Don’t always try to make a large profit. Many of the powersellers on Ebay make small but consistent profits,and run a lot of auctions! Always ensure that you cover shipping costs, and any costs incurred in running your auction.
7. Many of E bays top sellers sell other peoples products which they neither stock or in most cases even see, through a process called ‘dropshipping’. A dropshipper is a wholesaler, who also takes care of all the product shipping details on your behalf.There are many dropship companies who tailor their services around the Ebay auction scene, and who can provide you with quality products, at very competitive prices shipped directly to your buyers [ if you plan to be in Ebay for the long haul, it is well worth giving this option serious consideration, as you really need to have a steady reliable source of cheap quality products.
About the author:
Adrian Ryder is a University Honours graduate, internet entrepreneur and researcher. For some detailed E bay success resources, dropshipping & wholesale directories, and work at home opportunities, check out his affiliate site at
Adrian regrets that due to time constraints he is unable to enter into personal discussion/queries regarding his article.
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Maintaining Oxygen Levels in Fish and KOI Ponds
Maintaining Oxygen Levels in Fish and KOI Ponds
by: Brett Fogle
Severe environmental stressors are the most frequent causes of sudden fish death in garden ponds or other fish habitats, and the lack of oxygen in the water is the number 1 stressor of all.
Two major factors contributing to fish-pond oxygen loss concern blooming algae. During daylight hours, algae make oxygen; during the night,however, the plants take oxygen. If algae are profusely blooming, the plants deplete all the pond’s oxygen during the night, which in turn, causes fish inhabiting the pond to die.
Another way that algae trigger oxygen loss is by dying suddenly. Algae-bloom death occurs naturally or from chemical treatment of an algaecide. When algae die suddenly – from either cause – the oxygen becomes quickly depleted because the algae no longer are alive and making it.
Then, when dead algae begin to decompose, the decaying process even further depletes oxygen. Fish have been observed gulping for oxygen at the water’s surface in sixty minutes or less from the onset of sudden algae death.
In ponds stocked liberally with many fish, often the oxygen level is just adequate enough to sustain them. If any further claim on the existing oxygen is made, this delicate environmental balance will be upset. When no or inadequate aeration is provided, along with rising warm-weather water temperatures, the conditions for fish survival become critical.
As water warms, its oxygen-retaining capacity decreases. Consequently, small fountains, waterfalls, or other water-aerating devices are incapable of providing adequate oxygen for fish. Additional oxygen should be introduced through brisk aeration when fighting algae, most importantly when water temperatures surpass eighty degrees Fahrenheit.
Testing devices are the only sure method to accurately read oxygen levels. Because these devices are not usually on hand for the average person maintaining a water garden or fish pond, the easiest way to ensure sufficient oxygen levels is to provide generous and continual aeration. Pumps and diffusers that “bubble” air into the water or large waterfalls, fountains, and other “splashing” water devices are common ways to get sufficient oxygen into the pond. When the weather is warm, or if an algae problem exists, it is imperative that supplemental aeration be provided constantly, throughout the day and night.
One other algae-caused loss of fish has gained attention and is being studied in areas around the world. These fish-killing algal varieties contain potent toxins that trigger sudden fish death. If a pond hosts these particularly virulent algae, devastating fish loss can result, seemingly more so when a quick die-off of algal bloom occurs. The blooms discharge their toxins concurrently, and some or all fish in the pond are adversely affected or killed. Fortunately, since pond owners are unable to identify these algae, this danger is rare.
Keep your oxygen levels under control at all times and you will greatly increase your the lifespan of your fish.
To read the full article, click here:
About The Author
Brett Fogle is the owner of MacArthur Water Gardens and several pond-related websites including and He also publishes a free monthly newsletter called PondStuff! with a reader circulation of over 9,000 pond owners. To sign up for the free newsletter and receive a complimentary 'New Pond Owners Guide' for joining, just visit MacArthur Water Gardens at
by: Brett Fogle
Severe environmental stressors are the most frequent causes of sudden fish death in garden ponds or other fish habitats, and the lack of oxygen in the water is the number 1 stressor of all.
Two major factors contributing to fish-pond oxygen loss concern blooming algae. During daylight hours, algae make oxygen; during the night,however, the plants take oxygen. If algae are profusely blooming, the plants deplete all the pond’s oxygen during the night, which in turn, causes fish inhabiting the pond to die.
Another way that algae trigger oxygen loss is by dying suddenly. Algae-bloom death occurs naturally or from chemical treatment of an algaecide. When algae die suddenly – from either cause – the oxygen becomes quickly depleted because the algae no longer are alive and making it.
Then, when dead algae begin to decompose, the decaying process even further depletes oxygen. Fish have been observed gulping for oxygen at the water’s surface in sixty minutes or less from the onset of sudden algae death.
In ponds stocked liberally with many fish, often the oxygen level is just adequate enough to sustain them. If any further claim on the existing oxygen is made, this delicate environmental balance will be upset. When no or inadequate aeration is provided, along with rising warm-weather water temperatures, the conditions for fish survival become critical.
As water warms, its oxygen-retaining capacity decreases. Consequently, small fountains, waterfalls, or other water-aerating devices are incapable of providing adequate oxygen for fish. Additional oxygen should be introduced through brisk aeration when fighting algae, most importantly when water temperatures surpass eighty degrees Fahrenheit.
Testing devices are the only sure method to accurately read oxygen levels. Because these devices are not usually on hand for the average person maintaining a water garden or fish pond, the easiest way to ensure sufficient oxygen levels is to provide generous and continual aeration. Pumps and diffusers that “bubble” air into the water or large waterfalls, fountains, and other “splashing” water devices are common ways to get sufficient oxygen into the pond. When the weather is warm, or if an algae problem exists, it is imperative that supplemental aeration be provided constantly, throughout the day and night.
One other algae-caused loss of fish has gained attention and is being studied in areas around the world. These fish-killing algal varieties contain potent toxins that trigger sudden fish death. If a pond hosts these particularly virulent algae, devastating fish loss can result, seemingly more so when a quick die-off of algal bloom occurs. The blooms discharge their toxins concurrently, and some or all fish in the pond are adversely affected or killed. Fortunately, since pond owners are unable to identify these algae, this danger is rare.
Keep your oxygen levels under control at all times and you will greatly increase your the lifespan of your fish.
To read the full article, click here:
About The Author
Brett Fogle is the owner of MacArthur Water Gardens and several pond-related websites including and He also publishes a free monthly newsletter called PondStuff! with a reader circulation of over 9,000 pond owners. To sign up for the free newsletter and receive a complimentary 'New Pond Owners Guide' for joining, just visit MacArthur Water Gardens at
The Evolution of Google AdSense
The Evolution of Google AdSense
by: Sharon Housley
Copyright 2005 Sharon Housley
The web has evolved into a complex "organism" which, to some, appears to have a life of its own. As the Internet has evolved, so too have online marketers and publishers. The dot-com balloon is said to have burst but savvy publishers have grabbed the coat tails of the Google search monster and employ Google AdSense on content-rich websites. Google AdSense, a pioneer for providing content-sensitive advertisements, has been a boon to webmasters looking for alternatives to amortize their web trafffic.
How Does Google AdSense Work?
The concept is simple: The publisher or webmaster inserts a java script into a website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script pulls advertisements from Google's AdSense program. The ads are targeted and related to the content contained on the web page serving the ad. If a web surfer clicks on an advertisement served from Google, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying Google for the click.
Google handles all the tracking and payments, ultimately providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive, targeted ads, without the headache of having to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor clicks or track statistics, any of which could easily become a full-time job.
While Google AdSense, like many pay-per-click programs, is plagued by claims of click-fraud, it is clearly an effective revenue source for many reputable web businesses. There seems to be no shortage of advertisers in the AdWords program from which Google pulls the AdSense ads. Webmasters seem less concerned by the lack of information provided by Google and more interested in cashing their monthly checks from Google.
The Evolution of AdSense
While Google's initial system was fairly rudimentary, only providing publishers the option of displaying a handful of advertising formats, the technology behind even the first ads was anything but simplistic. The technology used to employ Google AdSense goes far beyond simple keyword or category matching. A complex algorithm is used to determine the content contained on the web page serving the ad. Once the content is assessed, and appropriate ads that contain related content are served.
Early on, Google implemented a system that allows publishers to filter advertisements from competitors or sites which they deemed inappropriate. Google also allows vendors to specify an alternative advertisement, in the unlikely event that Google is unable to provide related content ads.
The Progression of Google
Google has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Google now offers a system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters can choose from twelve text ad formats and can customize Google advertisements to complement their website and fit into existing webpage layout. The options provided allow webmasters to select and create custom color palettes that match an existing website's color scheme, making the ads a much more natural fit.
Many sites have been able to integrate ads into their site design using different ad formats.
Sample sites with integrated ads:
Investing Partners -
Podcasting Tools - .
RSS Network -
Online Reports
Google recently took a huge step forward, providing publishers the ability to track their earnings based on webmaster-defined channels. Recent improvements to the Google AdSense reporting have resulted in webmasters having the capability to monitor an ad's performance with customizable online reports that can detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters now have the ability to track specific ad formats, colors and pages within a website. Webmasters can quickly spot and track trends. The new flexible reporting tools allows webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, providing webmasters insight into what pages, ads and domains are performing the best.
Reporting is real-time, allowing webmasters to quickly assess the effectiveness of any changes. The new reporting makes it significantly easier for webmasters to optimize and increase click-through rates. Optional reporting allows webmasters to monitor traffic, viewing both ad impressions and page impressions.
Advertisers realize the benefits associated with having their ads served on targeted websites, increasing the likelihood that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product or service.
Truth Still Not Revealed
Google still does not reveal what percentage of the advertising revenue earned is paid to the webmaster serving the ads, but they have made strides related to disclosure, recently lifting the ban preventing webmasters from disclosing the amount they earn through serving Google ads.
About the author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll http://www.feedforall.comsoftware for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for NotePage http://www.notepage.neta wireless text messaging software company.
Circulated by Article Emporium
by: Sharon Housley
Copyright 2005 Sharon Housley
The web has evolved into a complex "organism" which, to some, appears to have a life of its own. As the Internet has evolved, so too have online marketers and publishers. The dot-com balloon is said to have burst but savvy publishers have grabbed the coat tails of the Google search monster and employ Google AdSense on content-rich websites. Google AdSense, a pioneer for providing content-sensitive advertisements, has been a boon to webmasters looking for alternatives to amortize their web trafffic.
How Does Google AdSense Work?
The concept is simple: The publisher or webmaster inserts a java script into a website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script pulls advertisements from Google's AdSense program. The ads are targeted and related to the content contained on the web page serving the ad. If a web surfer clicks on an advertisement served from Google, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying Google for the click.
Google handles all the tracking and payments, ultimately providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive, targeted ads, without the headache of having to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor clicks or track statistics, any of which could easily become a full-time job.
While Google AdSense, like many pay-per-click programs, is plagued by claims of click-fraud, it is clearly an effective revenue source for many reputable web businesses. There seems to be no shortage of advertisers in the AdWords program from which Google pulls the AdSense ads. Webmasters seem less concerned by the lack of information provided by Google and more interested in cashing their monthly checks from Google.
The Evolution of AdSense
While Google's initial system was fairly rudimentary, only providing publishers the option of displaying a handful of advertising formats, the technology behind even the first ads was anything but simplistic. The technology used to employ Google AdSense goes far beyond simple keyword or category matching. A complex algorithm is used to determine the content contained on the web page serving the ad. Once the content is assessed, and appropriate ads that contain related content are served.
Early on, Google implemented a system that allows publishers to filter advertisements from competitors or sites which they deemed inappropriate. Google also allows vendors to specify an alternative advertisement, in the unlikely event that Google is unable to provide related content ads.
The Progression of Google
Google has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Google now offers a system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters can choose from twelve text ad formats and can customize Google advertisements to complement their website and fit into existing webpage layout. The options provided allow webmasters to select and create custom color palettes that match an existing website's color scheme, making the ads a much more natural fit.
Many sites have been able to integrate ads into their site design using different ad formats.
Sample sites with integrated ads:
Investing Partners -
Podcasting Tools - .
RSS Network -
Online Reports
Google recently took a huge step forward, providing publishers the ability to track their earnings based on webmaster-defined channels. Recent improvements to the Google AdSense reporting have resulted in webmasters having the capability to monitor an ad's performance with customizable online reports that can detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters now have the ability to track specific ad formats, colors and pages within a website. Webmasters can quickly spot and track trends. The new flexible reporting tools allows webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, providing webmasters insight into what pages, ads and domains are performing the best.
Reporting is real-time, allowing webmasters to quickly assess the effectiveness of any changes. The new reporting makes it significantly easier for webmasters to optimize and increase click-through rates. Optional reporting allows webmasters to monitor traffic, viewing both ad impressions and page impressions.
Advertisers realize the benefits associated with having their ads served on targeted websites, increasing the likelihood that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product or service.
Truth Still Not Revealed
Google still does not reveal what percentage of the advertising revenue earned is paid to the webmaster serving the ads, but they have made strides related to disclosure, recently lifting the ban preventing webmasters from disclosing the amount they earn through serving Google ads.
About the author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll http://www.feedforall.comsoftware for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for NotePage http://www.notepage.neta wireless text messaging software company.
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he Greatest Internet Marketing Strategy Using Google Adsense
he Greatest Internet Marketing Strategy Using Google Adsense
by: Dean Shainin
Copyright 2005 Dean Shainin
Are you writing articles with the idea of marketing your internet business?
Discover how using the right keywords in articles and having Google Adsense ads on your content site is now one of the most profitable ways of internet advertising.
Are you using this internet marketing strategy?
If not, you may be leaving thousands of dollars of extra profits on the table by not utilizing this strategy.
This is one of the many reasons writing original quality content articles is now the latest marketing buzz.
The two basics that you can combine to really power a successful website. Content and links.
You already know that right?
Are you writing articles and submitting them using such services as SubmitYourArticle?
Many internet marketing pro’s have been writing articles for many years.
They already know the value of original quality content and using keywords will drive targeted traffic to their websites from the search engines such as Google.
So why don’t all internet marketing business owners write and submit articles for their internet marketing strategy?
The simple answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites.
Another reason, is that writing articles reminds us of school research papers, essays and reports that are a deep negative anchor in the subconscious mind.
Did you enjoy writing when you were in school?
If your answer is yes, you have an advantage over the 95% of internet marketing business owners that want to make money online with a work at home opportunity.
Imagine how much opportunity there is for you because of knowing this simple fact.
The other 5% are taking advantage of this internet marketing strategy and internet advertising, by using Google Adsense ads to make money online on the front and backend writing articles.
Why do you think marketing sites want fresh, quality, original keyword rich content?
The website owner can have an article with keywords that relate to their website content. This helps their websites page rank when indexed by the search engines. Which in turn, gets more Google Adsense ads to show above, below and or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic.
Think about this for a moment. Imagine taking advantage of a work at home opportunity, marketing from both sides of the sales coin with 3 simple steps.
3 Simple Steps To Success With Content And Keywords
1.) You write quality original content, keyword/phrase rich articles, with links to your website in the resource box.
2.) You build a website or web page with targeted keyword/phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from your articles.
3.) You have Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your
keyword/phrase rich original content site when visitors looking for more information arrive.
If you did not get all that, you may want to read it again.
A Win-Win Situation For Everyone Involved.
The person looking for quality content and information.
The person writing the original content articles.
The person with the quality original content rich website.
And Yes, Google Adsense and their advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales, but so is everyone else.
Internet marketing business owners who incorporate Google Adsense with writing articles, can make money online if done properly with this internet marketing strategy.
An Overview Of Google Adsense And Writing Articles.
There are 3 keys to internet marketing success writing articles and using Google Adsense ads.
1.) Keyword Research. Find popular subjects and keywords/phrases, using a keyword selector and suggestion tool by Overture and 7Search.
2.) Writing Articles. Write original content with keywords from your research.
3.) Quality Content Site. Build a quality content site incorporated with Google Adsense ads that target the subject and keywords of your article and website.
There are many marketing business ideas.
Starting an internet marketing business can be very rewarding and at the same time challenging.
It’s best to take the time to research and develop an internet marketing strategy.
You can find all the tools, information and resources online by doing a Google search on any subject such as Google Adsense.
Internet marketing opportunities are wide open for you. Writing articles and using Google Adsense for your internet marketing strategy is one way to get a piece of the action.
Are you going to take advantage of the greatest internet marketing strategy online today to make money online with Google Adsense and writing articles?
Just get started. Do whatever it takes to write something. For building long term success, there’s very little you can do that will give you near the same results online today.
About the author:
Dean Shainin makes it easy to learn from today's top marketing experts. For details and to cliam your free Bonuses for Subscribing to Our Newsletter, visit:EndlessIncomeForLife
Circulated by Article Emporium
by: Dean Shainin
Copyright 2005 Dean Shainin
Are you writing articles with the idea of marketing your internet business?
Discover how using the right keywords in articles and having Google Adsense ads on your content site is now one of the most profitable ways of internet advertising.
Are you using this internet marketing strategy?
If not, you may be leaving thousands of dollars of extra profits on the table by not utilizing this strategy.
This is one of the many reasons writing original quality content articles is now the latest marketing buzz.
The two basics that you can combine to really power a successful website. Content and links.
You already know that right?
Are you writing articles and submitting them using such services as SubmitYourArticle?
Many internet marketing pro’s have been writing articles for many years.
They already know the value of original quality content and using keywords will drive targeted traffic to their websites from the search engines such as Google.
So why don’t all internet marketing business owners write and submit articles for their internet marketing strategy?
The simple answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites.
Another reason, is that writing articles reminds us of school research papers, essays and reports that are a deep negative anchor in the subconscious mind.
Did you enjoy writing when you were in school?
If your answer is yes, you have an advantage over the 95% of internet marketing business owners that want to make money online with a work at home opportunity.
Imagine how much opportunity there is for you because of knowing this simple fact.
The other 5% are taking advantage of this internet marketing strategy and internet advertising, by using Google Adsense ads to make money online on the front and backend writing articles.
Why do you think marketing sites want fresh, quality, original keyword rich content?
The website owner can have an article with keywords that relate to their website content. This helps their websites page rank when indexed by the search engines. Which in turn, gets more Google Adsense ads to show above, below and or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic.
Think about this for a moment. Imagine taking advantage of a work at home opportunity, marketing from both sides of the sales coin with 3 simple steps.
3 Simple Steps To Success With Content And Keywords
1.) You write quality original content, keyword/phrase rich articles, with links to your website in the resource box.
2.) You build a website or web page with targeted keyword/phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from your articles.
3.) You have Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your
keyword/phrase rich original content site when visitors looking for more information arrive.
If you did not get all that, you may want to read it again.
A Win-Win Situation For Everyone Involved.
The person looking for quality content and information.
The person writing the original content articles.
The person with the quality original content rich website.
And Yes, Google Adsense and their advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales, but so is everyone else.
Internet marketing business owners who incorporate Google Adsense with writing articles, can make money online if done properly with this internet marketing strategy.
An Overview Of Google Adsense And Writing Articles.
There are 3 keys to internet marketing success writing articles and using Google Adsense ads.
1.) Keyword Research. Find popular subjects and keywords/phrases, using a keyword selector and suggestion tool by Overture and 7Search.
2.) Writing Articles. Write original content with keywords from your research.
3.) Quality Content Site. Build a quality content site incorporated with Google Adsense ads that target the subject and keywords of your article and website.
There are many marketing business ideas.
Starting an internet marketing business can be very rewarding and at the same time challenging.
It’s best to take the time to research and develop an internet marketing strategy.
You can find all the tools, information and resources online by doing a Google search on any subject such as Google Adsense.
Internet marketing opportunities are wide open for you. Writing articles and using Google Adsense for your internet marketing strategy is one way to get a piece of the action.
Are you going to take advantage of the greatest internet marketing strategy online today to make money online with Google Adsense and writing articles?
Just get started. Do whatever it takes to write something. For building long term success, there’s very little you can do that will give you near the same results online today.
About the author:
Dean Shainin makes it easy to learn from today's top marketing experts. For details and to cliam your free Bonuses for Subscribing to Our Newsletter, visit:EndlessIncomeForLife
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The New eBay Money Making Secret...EXPOSED!!
The New eBay Money Making Secret...EXPOSED!!
by: Anthony Samuel
Copyright 2005 Anthony Samuel
The eBay Affiliate Program ( strives to make success of its members inevitable. The eBay Affiliate program has outlined some effective strategies and designed some effective tools to ensure you make money and have success. eBay’s Affiliate program, is already a success for so many people, and has the benefit of experience to pass on to you. Once you become a member of the Affiliate Program you can be making money in no time flat.
The Program has recognized four models that their most successful affiliates utilize. These models increase traffic or maximize potential in a variety of ways:
The first, the natural search, occurs when people go to search engines with a query in hopes of receiving relevant search information. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and AOL return listings from web sites that ranked the highest during the search process. Affiliate Program members who optimize this strategy incorporate eBay’s helpful hints for natural searches. Indexed web sites with title pages and other rank-earning components earn more exposure, and increase their earnings with eBay.
The second model, the paid search model, increases hits with search engines because this model pays for placement. This model includes results that would appear in the “sponsored links” section. While these cost money, they are a cost-effective way to target interested leads.
The third model is Content websites. They place eBay adds on their website, and find added success when they choose to advertise for eBay in ways that also relate to their own content and aims.
The fourth model is opt-in newsletters. This option allows websites to broadcast additional information about their eBay Affiliate Program status to potential customers, and increase their customer base.
To make the most of eBay, many websites choose to emulate one of the aforementioned models. These models are tried and true, and repeatedly spell success for eBay Affiliate Program members. These models are highly cost and time effective.
Cost and time effectiveness are highly important, as they ensure you are earning the maximum dollar for the effort you invest in your affiliate member status. The eBay Affiliate Program takes your time and effort seriously, and provides you with the necessary tools to maximize your success. Items such as the Keyword Tool, allow you to ensure your keywords are drawing the most attention.
eBay also provides you with options to track the hits your site inspired, statistics for the products and models that are performing best, and additional guidelines for best business practices.
All of these options are free with the eBay Affiliate Program, and all of them will increase your earning potential with the programme.
About the author:
Anthony Samuel is a successful entrepreneur with over 15 years home based business experience in, Internet Information Marketing, Real Estate, & Stocks. Visit his website http://www.sanjen.comfor the internet's top money making opportunities.
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by: Anthony Samuel
Copyright 2005 Anthony Samuel
The eBay Affiliate Program ( strives to make success of its members inevitable. The eBay Affiliate program has outlined some effective strategies and designed some effective tools to ensure you make money and have success. eBay’s Affiliate program, is already a success for so many people, and has the benefit of experience to pass on to you. Once you become a member of the Affiliate Program you can be making money in no time flat.
The Program has recognized four models that their most successful affiliates utilize. These models increase traffic or maximize potential in a variety of ways:
The first, the natural search, occurs when people go to search engines with a query in hopes of receiving relevant search information. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and AOL return listings from web sites that ranked the highest during the search process. Affiliate Program members who optimize this strategy incorporate eBay’s helpful hints for natural searches. Indexed web sites with title pages and other rank-earning components earn more exposure, and increase their earnings with eBay.
The second model, the paid search model, increases hits with search engines because this model pays for placement. This model includes results that would appear in the “sponsored links” section. While these cost money, they are a cost-effective way to target interested leads.
The third model is Content websites. They place eBay adds on their website, and find added success when they choose to advertise for eBay in ways that also relate to their own content and aims.
The fourth model is opt-in newsletters. This option allows websites to broadcast additional information about their eBay Affiliate Program status to potential customers, and increase their customer base.
To make the most of eBay, many websites choose to emulate one of the aforementioned models. These models are tried and true, and repeatedly spell success for eBay Affiliate Program members. These models are highly cost and time effective.
Cost and time effectiveness are highly important, as they ensure you are earning the maximum dollar for the effort you invest in your affiliate member status. The eBay Affiliate Program takes your time and effort seriously, and provides you with the necessary tools to maximize your success. Items such as the Keyword Tool, allow you to ensure your keywords are drawing the most attention.
eBay also provides you with options to track the hits your site inspired, statistics for the products and models that are performing best, and additional guidelines for best business practices.
All of these options are free with the eBay Affiliate Program, and all of them will increase your earning potential with the programme.
About the author:
Anthony Samuel is a successful entrepreneur with over 15 years home based business experience in, Internet Information Marketing, Real Estate, & Stocks. Visit his website http://www.sanjen.comfor the internet's top money making opportunities.
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The No-Work, Money-Making Website
The No-Work, Money-Making Website
by: Willie Crawford
Copyright 2005 Willie Crawford
While growing up on the farm in North Carolina, I loved gardening. There was something magical about planting a dollar's worth of seeds, watching them germinate, and then feeding the family for a entire season with my efforts.
The only part I didn't enjoy was the weeding and cultivating. That was the WORK! So I was thrilled when I discovered "The Ruth Stout No Work Garden Book." That book taught me how to get all of those great vegetables with no weeding, very little cultivating, and little watering. It really did teach you how to garden with literally no work.
Twenty year later, I discovered just as fertile a garden on the Internet. With practically no investment other than my time, I could put up a website, nurture it, build traffic to it, and in time, harvest lots of sales from it.
Just like with the vegetable garden, there was a lot of maintenance required if you wanted a good harvest.
The site needed to be constantly updated so that the search engines "learned" that they should visit this "fresh" site often.
The site needed to have lots of keyword rich webpages so that it would rank high for relevant keywords, and attract organic search engine traffic. Since I was taught that "content is king" that meant the more content-rich, tightly-focused webpages you had, the better. The content-rich pages meant you could make sales, get new subscribers, and even earn pay-per-click revenue from programs such as Google AdSense.
The only problem with the above model is... it's a lot of WORK.
Then I discovered, "The No-work, Money-making Website. It wasn't completely no work, but it was probably 1/10th the work that I had been doing.
The no-work website encompasses building a content-rich website using automated tools. These tools allow you to gather relevant content (articles, RSS feeds, etc.) from all over the Internet and then instantly generate hundreds ... even thousands of content rich webpages in minutes.
The no-work website encompasses using other tools to automatically update your site, so that each time the search engine spiders visit, they notice new content. Noticing new content on each visit, the search engine spiders make a note to visit more often.
Now here's where this gets really powerful...
As these search engine spiders visit more often, they don't just crawl your current no-work, money-making site. They also follow links to other sites you want to get indexed. So now you can put up your no-work site, teach the search engines to come back often, and then go on to build other sites knowing that getting them indexed is as simple as linking to them from your old sites. It really is that easy :-)
By now you're probably asking what are some of these magic tools I use to build these amazing, no-work sites that literally takes on a life of their own.
Here's are just a few of the tools I personally use:
1) Blogs. Blogs hosted on get noticed very quickly by Google because Google owns By pinging blog directories (and Yahoo using your "My Yahoo" page) lots of other sites take notice of your blog. They visit your blog and follow links to other target sites.
2) I'm a charter member of Content Desk. Content Desk has a tool that allows me to query databases containing tens of thousands of articles (based upon keywords). I can automatically sort the list of articles that is returned based upon keyword density, or a number of other criteria. Then, I can have the software itself create webpages for me using a template I've designed using the template tool built right into Content Desk.
Content Desk is probably my favorite tool because I can, quite literally, add hundreds of article pages to my sites in minutes. My templates also include ads for a "pet" product and/or Google AdSense. I can add content-rich, relevant, very nice-looking pages to my sites in minute, and then move on to the next project, knowing that these pages WILL make me money.
Content Desk limited its charter membership to a total of only 400 members, and that quickly sold out. However, since it's a monthly membership, not all members renew and there are probably some openings. To check on openings, simply visit:
After arriving at the site, click on the "Charter Membership" link in the upper left menu bar. This will tell you if there are any current openings.
3) RSS Feeds. By incorporating RSS feeds into your webpages, you can set them up so that the content is constantly updated. This gives your visitors something fresh to read each time they visit. This gives the search engines fresh content each time that they visit ... and trains them to visit often.
Content Desk incorporates a feature that works very similar to regular RSS feeds EXCEPT that it doesn't send your website traffic away. With a normal RSS feed, the content automatically added to your site contains links inviting your visitors to click away. It allows you to automatically update your pages, but it also siphons off traffic. Content Desk does this in a way that automatically updates your site without sending your visitors away.
4) Traffic On Steroids. This is another system for automatically updating/changing content on your site. Traffic On Steroids actually takes a core database of articles/content that you set up and then rotates it in your target webpages. The net effect is that each time a visitor (or search engine) visits a page, the page is different. This is very effective at training the search engines to come back often... and increasing your pages' ranking. Incorporate Google AdSense into these pages and you have another hands-off money magnet.
You can also incorporate a product data-feed into your page using Secret Money Generator and have pages that are constantly updates AND have a catalog of products built in that all pay you an affiliate commission. Secret Money Generator is at:
You can check out Traffic On Steroids at
I've just shared with you a few of the dozens of tools I use to create nearly-hands-off websites. I do still look at some of them from time to time to see if I can make them perform better. However, you could LITERALLY never touch many of your sites created with these tools for years... and you'd still have a nice revenue stream from them.
It’s all about working smarter, not harder. It's all about using technology to leverage your time.
About the author:
Willie Crawford is a corporate president, published author, seminar speaker and host, tele-seminar speaker and host, retired military officer, karate black belt, master network marketing trainer, and lifetime student of marketing. He shows people how to actually generate substantial income on-line using very simple, easily implemented systems. An example of such a system that you can study and utilize is at:
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by: Willie Crawford
Copyright 2005 Willie Crawford
While growing up on the farm in North Carolina, I loved gardening. There was something magical about planting a dollar's worth of seeds, watching them germinate, and then feeding the family for a entire season with my efforts.
The only part I didn't enjoy was the weeding and cultivating. That was the WORK! So I was thrilled when I discovered "The Ruth Stout No Work Garden Book." That book taught me how to get all of those great vegetables with no weeding, very little cultivating, and little watering. It really did teach you how to garden with literally no work.
Twenty year later, I discovered just as fertile a garden on the Internet. With practically no investment other than my time, I could put up a website, nurture it, build traffic to it, and in time, harvest lots of sales from it.
Just like with the vegetable garden, there was a lot of maintenance required if you wanted a good harvest.
The site needed to be constantly updated so that the search engines "learned" that they should visit this "fresh" site often.
The site needed to have lots of keyword rich webpages so that it would rank high for relevant keywords, and attract organic search engine traffic. Since I was taught that "content is king" that meant the more content-rich, tightly-focused webpages you had, the better. The content-rich pages meant you could make sales, get new subscribers, and even earn pay-per-click revenue from programs such as Google AdSense.
The only problem with the above model is... it's a lot of WORK.
Then I discovered, "The No-work, Money-making Website. It wasn't completely no work, but it was probably 1/10th the work that I had been doing.
The no-work website encompasses building a content-rich website using automated tools. These tools allow you to gather relevant content (articles, RSS feeds, etc.) from all over the Internet and then instantly generate hundreds ... even thousands of content rich webpages in minutes.
The no-work website encompasses using other tools to automatically update your site, so that each time the search engine spiders visit, they notice new content. Noticing new content on each visit, the search engine spiders make a note to visit more often.
Now here's where this gets really powerful...
As these search engine spiders visit more often, they don't just crawl your current no-work, money-making site. They also follow links to other sites you want to get indexed. So now you can put up your no-work site, teach the search engines to come back often, and then go on to build other sites knowing that getting them indexed is as simple as linking to them from your old sites. It really is that easy :-)
By now you're probably asking what are some of these magic tools I use to build these amazing, no-work sites that literally takes on a life of their own.
Here's are just a few of the tools I personally use:
1) Blogs. Blogs hosted on get noticed very quickly by Google because Google owns By pinging blog directories (and Yahoo using your "My Yahoo" page) lots of other sites take notice of your blog. They visit your blog and follow links to other target sites.
2) I'm a charter member of Content Desk. Content Desk has a tool that allows me to query databases containing tens of thousands of articles (based upon keywords). I can automatically sort the list of articles that is returned based upon keyword density, or a number of other criteria. Then, I can have the software itself create webpages for me using a template I've designed using the template tool built right into Content Desk.
Content Desk is probably my favorite tool because I can, quite literally, add hundreds of article pages to my sites in minutes. My templates also include ads for a "pet" product and/or Google AdSense. I can add content-rich, relevant, very nice-looking pages to my sites in minute, and then move on to the next project, knowing that these pages WILL make me money.
Content Desk limited its charter membership to a total of only 400 members, and that quickly sold out. However, since it's a monthly membership, not all members renew and there are probably some openings. To check on openings, simply visit:
After arriving at the site, click on the "Charter Membership" link in the upper left menu bar. This will tell you if there are any current openings.
3) RSS Feeds. By incorporating RSS feeds into your webpages, you can set them up so that the content is constantly updated. This gives your visitors something fresh to read each time they visit. This gives the search engines fresh content each time that they visit ... and trains them to visit often.
Content Desk incorporates a feature that works very similar to regular RSS feeds EXCEPT that it doesn't send your website traffic away. With a normal RSS feed, the content automatically added to your site contains links inviting your visitors to click away. It allows you to automatically update your pages, but it also siphons off traffic. Content Desk does this in a way that automatically updates your site without sending your visitors away.
4) Traffic On Steroids. This is another system for automatically updating/changing content on your site. Traffic On Steroids actually takes a core database of articles/content that you set up and then rotates it in your target webpages. The net effect is that each time a visitor (or search engine) visits a page, the page is different. This is very effective at training the search engines to come back often... and increasing your pages' ranking. Incorporate Google AdSense into these pages and you have another hands-off money magnet.
You can also incorporate a product data-feed into your page using Secret Money Generator and have pages that are constantly updates AND have a catalog of products built in that all pay you an affiliate commission. Secret Money Generator is at:
You can check out Traffic On Steroids at
I've just shared with you a few of the dozens of tools I use to create nearly-hands-off websites. I do still look at some of them from time to time to see if I can make them perform better. However, you could LITERALLY never touch many of your sites created with these tools for years... and you'd still have a nice revenue stream from them.
It’s all about working smarter, not harder. It's all about using technology to leverage your time.
About the author:
Willie Crawford is a corporate president, published author, seminar speaker and host, tele-seminar speaker and host, retired military officer, karate black belt, master network marketing trainer, and lifetime student of marketing. He shows people how to actually generate substantial income on-line using very simple, easily implemented systems. An example of such a system that you can study and utilize is at:
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The Perfect Home Based Business!
The Perfect Home Based Business!
by: Joe Clare
Are you looking for a Business you can Work at Home? Did you know that a Work at Home Business is the dream of millions of Americans, and millions more world wide? It is estimated that by 2010, over 68% of us will have some kind of Home Business to help supplement our income. Plus, numerous surveys show that a Business of your own is still the #1 way for the average person to achieve financial freedom and independence.
According to Meg Whitman, CEO of eBay, 400,000 people are making a living from eBay. And, recently eBay reported $14.87 billion in annual merchandise sales with over 100 million members. With numbers like these shouldn't you be looking at eBay as your Home Based Business?
As outlined in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" eBay has some staggering statistics. A Corvette is sold every 3 hours! A Diamond Ring is sold every 6 minutes! A Digital Camera is sold every 90 seconds! An Article of clothing is sold every 3 seconds! That eBay is the 4th most visited website on the Internet, and at the time of this writing has auction sites in 26 countries world wide. Pretty impressive for what started off as a small site in 1995 for collectors of Pez Dispensers.
Since then eBay has flourished into an auction site that lends itself perfectly to the Home Based Business. Why? Mainly because you can sell just about anything on eBay. Plus, operating an eBay Auction Business does not require you to have any extensive business knowledge or any elaborate computer skills. Finding items to sell on your auctions is easy as well. You can start by selling all of those unwanted items you have just lying around the house. From there some people cruise flea markets, swap meets, and second hand stores for more items to sell on eBay. And even more use Dropshippers. Using Dropshippers is a smart way to get your eBay Home Business up and running because you don't have to invest in costly inventory, store the inventory, or package and ship that inventory. Your Dropship supplier will do all of that for you. It doesn't get any easier then that!
So if you're looking for a Home Based Business, have a look at eBay. It is the largest and most exciting auction service on the Internet enabling trades on a local, national and international bases. With more than 3 million auctions running at any given time, and many millions of users, if you have something to sell you'll probably find a buyer for it on eBay.
Happy Selling!
Joe Clare.
About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to succeed on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
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by: Joe Clare
Are you looking for a Business you can Work at Home? Did you know that a Work at Home Business is the dream of millions of Americans, and millions more world wide? It is estimated that by 2010, over 68% of us will have some kind of Home Business to help supplement our income. Plus, numerous surveys show that a Business of your own is still the #1 way for the average person to achieve financial freedom and independence.
According to Meg Whitman, CEO of eBay, 400,000 people are making a living from eBay. And, recently eBay reported $14.87 billion in annual merchandise sales with over 100 million members. With numbers like these shouldn't you be looking at eBay as your Home Based Business?
As outlined in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" eBay has some staggering statistics. A Corvette is sold every 3 hours! A Diamond Ring is sold every 6 minutes! A Digital Camera is sold every 90 seconds! An Article of clothing is sold every 3 seconds! That eBay is the 4th most visited website on the Internet, and at the time of this writing has auction sites in 26 countries world wide. Pretty impressive for what started off as a small site in 1995 for collectors of Pez Dispensers.
Since then eBay has flourished into an auction site that lends itself perfectly to the Home Based Business. Why? Mainly because you can sell just about anything on eBay. Plus, operating an eBay Auction Business does not require you to have any extensive business knowledge or any elaborate computer skills. Finding items to sell on your auctions is easy as well. You can start by selling all of those unwanted items you have just lying around the house. From there some people cruise flea markets, swap meets, and second hand stores for more items to sell on eBay. And even more use Dropshippers. Using Dropshippers is a smart way to get your eBay Home Business up and running because you don't have to invest in costly inventory, store the inventory, or package and ship that inventory. Your Dropship supplier will do all of that for you. It doesn't get any easier then that!
So if you're looking for a Home Based Business, have a look at eBay. It is the largest and most exciting auction service on the Internet enabling trades on a local, national and international bases. With more than 3 million auctions running at any given time, and many millions of users, if you have something to sell you'll probably find a buyer for it on eBay.
Happy Selling!
Joe Clare.
About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to succeed on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
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The Perfect Home Business For Moms!
The Perfect Home Business For Moms!
by: Joe Clare
The important role that women play as a wife and mother at home can not be overemphasized. They organize home life to ensure things run smoothly. From cleaning the home, making the meals, taking care of the children, and running a host of other important errands and tasks. For a wife and mother who works outside the home these tasks can take on the organization skills of Super Woman. And, while some women are content to take on the daunting challenges of career woman, wife and mother, others would prefer to work at home.
Looking for a work at home business can be a task in itself. We often need to search through several opportunities before we settle on one that has possibilities and appeals to us. One Work at Home Business that has worked out very well for me is eBay. eBay recently reported $14.87 billion in annual merchandise sales with over 100 million members. 400,000 of these are making their living from eBay. Why? Because a Work at Home Business using eBay is so easy to operate and maintain.
Since technology has become much simpler over recent years, learning curves have become less severe than they once were This has made operating a computer easier than ever. With this, people have been flocking to the Internet and eBay to create a Business of their own. The main draw of working online is that you can Work at Home. No long commutes to work. No 9 to 5 either, your hours can be flexible so you can still enjoy time with your family.
eBay lends it self perfectly as a Work At Home Business. There are no special skills required other than the confidence that you can be successful with an online business regardless of your business, computer or Internet experience and skills. What skills? you ask. Well, just very basic skills. The ability to surf the web, read and send emails, create auction pages (webpages) and upload them. And most importantly and ability to learn and the want to succeed.
The easiest way to start your Online Auction Business would be to use Dropshippers. The great thing about Dropshipping, as outlined in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak", is that it will allow you to operate a Home Based Business as an Internet Marketer with out ever worrying about storage of inventory, packaging of inventory, or even shipping of that inventory. The Dropship supplier will look after all of that for you. And even greater still is the fact that your auction business will cost you very little to get started The fact is, most Dropshippers charge you nothing to become a member to sell their products. While others may charge just a nominal administration fee. Plus, you
can list your item on eBay for approximately .35 cents. So, as you can see your eBay Auction Business will cost you very little to get started. With such a low financial risk the only thing you have to lose is a bit of your time.
How does one put together eBay and Dropshipping? It's really very simple. First, browse eBay to see what kind of product(s) you would like to sell. Then sign up as a member with eBay. Once you have decided on a product(s),locate a Dropshipper for that product(s). Sign up with that Dropshipper and then place an auction on eBay for the item.. Once your auction is over and you have a buyer for the product email your Dropshipper the required information. The Dropshipper will ship the product directly to your customer as though it came from you. Then the Dropshipper will charge your account the wholesale price for that product. The difference between the wholesale price and your retail price is pure profit!
To run a successful eBay Business you will need to sell what the public wants to buy. Always research any product before you decide to sell it. Make sure it is popular and you can get it at a great price. If you have something worth selling, you are bound to find someone on eBay who wants to buy it..
Happy Selling!
Joe Clare
About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to make money online and be successful on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
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by: Joe Clare
The important role that women play as a wife and mother at home can not be overemphasized. They organize home life to ensure things run smoothly. From cleaning the home, making the meals, taking care of the children, and running a host of other important errands and tasks. For a wife and mother who works outside the home these tasks can take on the organization skills of Super Woman. And, while some women are content to take on the daunting challenges of career woman, wife and mother, others would prefer to work at home.
Looking for a work at home business can be a task in itself. We often need to search through several opportunities before we settle on one that has possibilities and appeals to us. One Work at Home Business that has worked out very well for me is eBay. eBay recently reported $14.87 billion in annual merchandise sales with over 100 million members. 400,000 of these are making their living from eBay. Why? Because a Work at Home Business using eBay is so easy to operate and maintain.
Since technology has become much simpler over recent years, learning curves have become less severe than they once were This has made operating a computer easier than ever. With this, people have been flocking to the Internet and eBay to create a Business of their own. The main draw of working online is that you can Work at Home. No long commutes to work. No 9 to 5 either, your hours can be flexible so you can still enjoy time with your family.
eBay lends it self perfectly as a Work At Home Business. There are no special skills required other than the confidence that you can be successful with an online business regardless of your business, computer or Internet experience and skills. What skills? you ask. Well, just very basic skills. The ability to surf the web, read and send emails, create auction pages (webpages) and upload them. And most importantly and ability to learn and the want to succeed.
The easiest way to start your Online Auction Business would be to use Dropshippers. The great thing about Dropshipping, as outlined in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak", is that it will allow you to operate a Home Based Business as an Internet Marketer with out ever worrying about storage of inventory, packaging of inventory, or even shipping of that inventory. The Dropship supplier will look after all of that for you. And even greater still is the fact that your auction business will cost you very little to get started The fact is, most Dropshippers charge you nothing to become a member to sell their products. While others may charge just a nominal administration fee. Plus, you
can list your item on eBay for approximately .35 cents. So, as you can see your eBay Auction Business will cost you very little to get started. With such a low financial risk the only thing you have to lose is a bit of your time.
How does one put together eBay and Dropshipping? It's really very simple. First, browse eBay to see what kind of product(s) you would like to sell. Then sign up as a member with eBay. Once you have decided on a product(s),locate a Dropshipper for that product(s). Sign up with that Dropshipper and then place an auction on eBay for the item.. Once your auction is over and you have a buyer for the product email your Dropshipper the required information. The Dropshipper will ship the product directly to your customer as though it came from you. Then the Dropshipper will charge your account the wholesale price for that product. The difference between the wholesale price and your retail price is pure profit!
To run a successful eBay Business you will need to sell what the public wants to buy. Always research any product before you decide to sell it. Make sure it is popular and you can get it at a great price. If you have something worth selling, you are bound to find someone on eBay who wants to buy it..
Happy Selling!
Joe Clare
About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to make money online and be successful on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
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The Real Secret To Finding Hot Niche Markets!
The Real Secret To Finding Hot Niche Markets!
by: Mark Kessler
Finding a niche market is simple. Finding a PROFITABLE niche market is a little harder, but it's still easy once you know what you are doing. Otherwise, you will end up like 90% of the other niche marketers out there who spend weeks or months on a niche market only to find out there is no money to be made there.
Luckily I will reveal the secrets to finding a profitable niche market later in this article.
There are literally hundreds of ways to find niche markets. You can spend your time searching for popular keywords using tools such as Wordtracker, or you can walk around your local bookstore looking for common book topics. I've tried both of
these options when I first got started in niche marketing, and let me tell you, I lost the most money when I picked a topic that way. Why? Well, it's simple. Just because people are searching for a keyword or phrase online or because there are a bunch of hard copy books on a topic, it doesn't mean those markets will buy your products online.
Have you ever heard the advice "Target a niche market you are passionate about"? What a bunch of garbage that piece of advice is. It doesn't matter how passionate you are about a topic, if
people in that market don't buy products online, YOU WILL FAIL and fail miserably.
Here are 2 ways to find cash generating, starving niche markets that you have probably never seen before...
1) Ebay - the unlimited supply of niches. Everyone has heard of ebay, but few people think to go to ebay to find a niche
market. You would have to be crazy NOT to use ebay to find a market. This is one of the only places you can go and see exactly
what people are buying in real time. Here is how you do it.
First, go to ebay's main page at At the bottom of the left column of links, click on the link that says "All Categories". When you get to the next page, click on the link at
the bottom right of the categories that says "See All Categories".
What you have just done is list every product currently for sale on ebay, but even more importantly, you can see HOW
MANY products are for sale in each category. There are literally thousands of categories of niche topics right in front of your eyes, and you can see how popular each one is in just a couple clicks.
I just clicked "See all Antiques categories..." and I uncovered several hundred niche markets within the antiques category.
This is what niche marketing is all about. The category "Antiques" alone is too broad. If you go after this one, you will
fail, however if you go after a sub niche such as "Asian antique bowls" or "Antique sterling silver flatware", you greatly
increase your success rate.
Then, go to and see just how flaming hot they are.
2) The next way to find a popular niche market is by going to the website From the homepage, there
is a link that says "Browse All Interests". The website will then
list hundreds of topics in which people signed up to be a part of a group. It also lists how many people joined each group,
or "niche market" if you will. Who would have thought there would be a group of over a thousand people crazy about
scooters? I found this niche market under the automotive category.
Using these two methods, you should be able to uncover hundreds of niche topics to begin targeting immediately. Once
you find a niche market you want to build your business around, the next step would be to learn how to develop products
these markets will knock each other over trying to buy.
About the author:
Mark Kessler offers a FREE 34 page report where you'll "Discover The Most Simple, But Extremely Powerful System that reveals the 4 secret steps you need to achieve maximum niche profits!" your copy is at
Circulated by Article Emporium
by: Mark Kessler
Finding a niche market is simple. Finding a PROFITABLE niche market is a little harder, but it's still easy once you know what you are doing. Otherwise, you will end up like 90% of the other niche marketers out there who spend weeks or months on a niche market only to find out there is no money to be made there.
Luckily I will reveal the secrets to finding a profitable niche market later in this article.
There are literally hundreds of ways to find niche markets. You can spend your time searching for popular keywords using tools such as Wordtracker, or you can walk around your local bookstore looking for common book topics. I've tried both of
these options when I first got started in niche marketing, and let me tell you, I lost the most money when I picked a topic that way. Why? Well, it's simple. Just because people are searching for a keyword or phrase online or because there are a bunch of hard copy books on a topic, it doesn't mean those markets will buy your products online.
Have you ever heard the advice "Target a niche market you are passionate about"? What a bunch of garbage that piece of advice is. It doesn't matter how passionate you are about a topic, if
people in that market don't buy products online, YOU WILL FAIL and fail miserably.
Here are 2 ways to find cash generating, starving niche markets that you have probably never seen before...
1) Ebay - the unlimited supply of niches. Everyone has heard of ebay, but few people think to go to ebay to find a niche
market. You would have to be crazy NOT to use ebay to find a market. This is one of the only places you can go and see exactly
what people are buying in real time. Here is how you do it.
First, go to ebay's main page at At the bottom of the left column of links, click on the link that says "All Categories". When you get to the next page, click on the link at
the bottom right of the categories that says "See All Categories".
What you have just done is list every product currently for sale on ebay, but even more importantly, you can see HOW
MANY products are for sale in each category. There are literally thousands of categories of niche topics right in front of your eyes, and you can see how popular each one is in just a couple clicks.
I just clicked "See all Antiques categories..." and I uncovered several hundred niche markets within the antiques category.
This is what niche marketing is all about. The category "Antiques" alone is too broad. If you go after this one, you will
fail, however if you go after a sub niche such as "Asian antique bowls" or "Antique sterling silver flatware", you greatly
increase your success rate.
Then, go to and see just how flaming hot they are.
2) The next way to find a popular niche market is by going to the website From the homepage, there
is a link that says "Browse All Interests". The website will then
list hundreds of topics in which people signed up to be a part of a group. It also lists how many people joined each group,
or "niche market" if you will. Who would have thought there would be a group of over a thousand people crazy about
scooters? I found this niche market under the automotive category.
Using these two methods, you should be able to uncover hundreds of niche topics to begin targeting immediately. Once
you find a niche market you want to build your business around, the next step would be to learn how to develop products
these markets will knock each other over trying to buy.
About the author:
Mark Kessler offers a FREE 34 page report where you'll "Discover The Most Simple, But Extremely Powerful System that reveals the 4 secret steps you need to achieve maximum niche profits!" your copy is at
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Fresh Water Aquariums Should Be In Every Home - 17 Reasons Why
Fresh Water Aquariums Should Be In Every Home - 17 Reasons Why
by: Paul Curran
There are many benefits from having a freshwater aquarium. Not just the 'having' but also the process of setting one up, choosing and buying your fish, maintaining it, looking after your pet fish and trying to keep them healthy. To support my statement above, in this article I give you 17 benefits you will get from owning the best fresh water aquarium.
1. Your beautiful fresh water aquarium will be the center of attention in your room and a talking point with all your visitors. Stand out from the crowd and be an aquarist.
2. Keep your brain active and continue to develop it as you increase your knowledge through learning all about your new pets.
3. Use your newly found fish breeding knowledge as valuable 'birds and bees' lessons during your children's upbringing.
4.Treat the sense of responsibility element involved in looking after your fish as another lesson in life for your children.
5. The pleasure you will get from selecting your fish and looking after them will be an extremely powerful emotion.
6. People who spend time watching and looking after fish in a fresh water aquarium usually have better health than couch potatoes.
7. You will have better blood pressure, better eating habits, better sleeping, more relaxed and a better feeling about your life.
8. You can place your freshwater aquarium in many interesting places; in a table, a wall, a wall partition, a bar or it can be a living picture.
9. Enjoy the friendships you will make as you join aquarist groups to pass on or gain knowledge from fellow members.
10. All the equipment and accessories you need to set up and maintain your aquarium are readily available at reasonable prices from internet retailers and local pet stores.
11. You can go on vacation and relax knowing that your aquarium can be set up with automatic feeders for your pet fish.
12. Lack of choice is no excuse as you have a wide range of aquarium sizes and capacities to choose from to suit your domestic situation.
13. It should not take up all your time to keep your aquarium running smoothly and your pet fish looking healthy.
14. You don't need to be an expert aquarist to maintain your fish and equipment in good condition for several years.
15. There are plenty of excellent freshwater aquarium guides available along with online forums to answer your queries.
16. Owning a beautiful freshwater planted aquarium with beautiful fish is within the financial ability of practically everybody.
17. Having a freshwater aquarium is not difficult as you might think, though it does require more maintenance than some people first think.
I bet you did not realize you could get some of the benefits mentioned above.
About The Author
If you want to learn more about how to set up and maintain a beautiful aquarium and have the healthiest, happiest fish around then go to to get your FREE E-Course on fresh water aquariums from webmaster Paul Curran
The author invites you to visit:
by: Paul Curran
There are many benefits from having a freshwater aquarium. Not just the 'having' but also the process of setting one up, choosing and buying your fish, maintaining it, looking after your pet fish and trying to keep them healthy. To support my statement above, in this article I give you 17 benefits you will get from owning the best fresh water aquarium.
1. Your beautiful fresh water aquarium will be the center of attention in your room and a talking point with all your visitors. Stand out from the crowd and be an aquarist.
2. Keep your brain active and continue to develop it as you increase your knowledge through learning all about your new pets.
3. Use your newly found fish breeding knowledge as valuable 'birds and bees' lessons during your children's upbringing.
4.Treat the sense of responsibility element involved in looking after your fish as another lesson in life for your children.
5. The pleasure you will get from selecting your fish and looking after them will be an extremely powerful emotion.
6. People who spend time watching and looking after fish in a fresh water aquarium usually have better health than couch potatoes.
7. You will have better blood pressure, better eating habits, better sleeping, more relaxed and a better feeling about your life.
8. You can place your freshwater aquarium in many interesting places; in a table, a wall, a wall partition, a bar or it can be a living picture.
9. Enjoy the friendships you will make as you join aquarist groups to pass on or gain knowledge from fellow members.
10. All the equipment and accessories you need to set up and maintain your aquarium are readily available at reasonable prices from internet retailers and local pet stores.
11. You can go on vacation and relax knowing that your aquarium can be set up with automatic feeders for your pet fish.
12. Lack of choice is no excuse as you have a wide range of aquarium sizes and capacities to choose from to suit your domestic situation.
13. It should not take up all your time to keep your aquarium running smoothly and your pet fish looking healthy.
14. You don't need to be an expert aquarist to maintain your fish and equipment in good condition for several years.
15. There are plenty of excellent freshwater aquarium guides available along with online forums to answer your queries.
16. Owning a beautiful freshwater planted aquarium with beautiful fish is within the financial ability of practically everybody.
17. Having a freshwater aquarium is not difficult as you might think, though it does require more maintenance than some people first think.
I bet you did not realize you could get some of the benefits mentioned above.
About The Author
If you want to learn more about how to set up and maintain a beautiful aquarium and have the healthiest, happiest fish around then go to to get your FREE E-Course on fresh water aquariums from webmaster Paul Curran
The author invites you to visit:
The Top Ten Antique Categories on eBay!
The Top Ten Antique Categories on eBay!
by: Joe Clare
Knowledge is Power! And this statement could not be more true when it comes to selling on eBay. As explained in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" being successful on eBay all depends on being in the right place, at the right time, with the right product. For example, did you know one of the most popular categories on eBay for buying and selling is the Antiques Category. That's right! People flock to eBay to locate treasures from the past. But what if we could know exactly what they are looking for? Just what kind of Antiques? Well I can help! Below you will find the Top Ten Picks of Antique Categories (at the time of this writing) as per eBay.
10 - Lace and Crochet Trim
9 - Medical Antiques
8 - Wood Picture Frames
7 - Knobs and Handles
6 - Linen Samplers
5 - Mixed Material: Picture Frames
4 - Roman Antiquities
3 - Silver Napkin Rings
2 - Locks and Keys
And the Number 1 Antique Category for "Hot Items" is...
Weathervanes and Lightning Rods.
There you have it! The Top Ten Picks of Antique Categories where potential bidders are surfing to find all those treasures from times gone by. If you sell Antiques on eBay, finding items that fit into one or more of the above categories will see your number of bids increase substantially. Always remember to do your research before listing any item for auction. Know what categories are "Hot!" Do a price analysis of your product. Know what the item costs you and what you can potentially sell it for. Then sit back and watch the bidding heat up!
Happy Selling!
Joe Clare
About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to succeed on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
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by: Joe Clare
Knowledge is Power! And this statement could not be more true when it comes to selling on eBay. As explained in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" being successful on eBay all depends on being in the right place, at the right time, with the right product. For example, did you know one of the most popular categories on eBay for buying and selling is the Antiques Category. That's right! People flock to eBay to locate treasures from the past. But what if we could know exactly what they are looking for? Just what kind of Antiques? Well I can help! Below you will find the Top Ten Picks of Antique Categories (at the time of this writing) as per eBay.
10 - Lace and Crochet Trim
9 - Medical Antiques
8 - Wood Picture Frames
7 - Knobs and Handles
6 - Linen Samplers
5 - Mixed Material: Picture Frames
4 - Roman Antiquities
3 - Silver Napkin Rings
2 - Locks and Keys
And the Number 1 Antique Category for "Hot Items" is...
Weathervanes and Lightning Rods.
There you have it! The Top Ten Picks of Antique Categories where potential bidders are surfing to find all those treasures from times gone by. If you sell Antiques on eBay, finding items that fit into one or more of the above categories will see your number of bids increase substantially. Always remember to do your research before listing any item for auction. Know what categories are "Hot!" Do a price analysis of your product. Know what the item costs you and what you can potentially sell it for. Then sit back and watch the bidding heat up!
Happy Selling!
Joe Clare
About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to succeed on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
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The Top Ten eBay Buyer Personalities
The Top Ten eBay Buyer Personalities
by: Joe Clare
In my years of selling on eBay I have come across all sorts of people. For the most part these people have been very nice and easy to deal with. Having said that, there are always a small percentage, like in any business online or offline, who you'll have some degree of problem with. As explained in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" you will need to be as polite as you possibly can and have a little patience when dealing with these people. Below you will find my Top Ten List of eBay Buyer Personalities and how to handle them.
10 - The Manipulator
There will be times when you have an auction end with no bids. When this happens watch out for the Manipulator. This is an individual who will email you once you auction ends wanting to purchase your item off eBay at a ridiculously low price. He/she will often try to manipulate you into believing the product will not sell but he/she will be glad to take it off your hands. Forget about them! Do Not sell the item to them. Instead relist the item for auction on eBay with a new headline. If he/she wants it bad enough, they will have to get the item through your auction. And trust me 99% of the time your item will sell.
9 - The Impatient Buyer
This is someone who has won your auction today and is wondering why it wasn't shipped yesterday. This individual wants what was purchased fast, real fast. Just have patience, be polite and explain your shipping process to him/her. Getting the product out quickly with a thank you note for purchasing will give you a happy customer.
8 - The Disappointed Buyer
There are some people you just can not please, not even if you were to stand on your head. They will be disappointed no matter what you do. Sometimes these people can be down right rude and take up a lot of your time. Learn to recognize this type of person and don't get caught up in an on slot of emails. Remember that time is money, and once you have done all you can do to rectify their problem move on. If the emails continue simply ignore them.
7 - The Invisible Buyer
This is someone who has won your auction but you never hear from them. Ever! They pay you right on time without any problems. So you send the product they won off to them. And that's it! They do not leave feedback, and do not return any emails. They just disappear into thin air. If you send a couple of follow up emails asking if they received their item and requesting positive feedback and you get no response, just forget them and move on.
6 - The Interrogator
This individual could drive you crazy. It's not their fault, they just have questions. Lots of Questions! For these people even if every question imaginable is answered in your auction description, they'll still manage to find a reason to email you a question. Be weary of this type of individual they can, and will waste a lot of your time if you let them. On your first email to them be polite answer their question then refer them back to your auction description telling them all the answers are there. Suggest they read it again. Don't get caught up in email after email. Always remember that time is money, and if you've done your auction description correctly there should be no questions left to ask. Your auction surfer should be ready to make a bid.
5 - The Late Payer
This customer has no clue about deadlines and they really don't seem to care about them either. Their attitude is you'll get paid when I am ready to pay you. You will need to set guidelines for when payment is due. If payment is not received you may choose to give your buyer one extension. Be specific giving him/her a date as to when the balance is due. Also tell them if payment is not received by that date you will have no other choice but to relist the item for auction. Sometimes a month or so down the road you'll end up getting a check in the mail from this person with a note as to why they were late. Simply return the payment with an explanation that the item was re-listed as he/she failed to meet the payment deadline and it has been sold to someone else.
4 - The Deadbeat
There is no buyer more irritating than the one who is always telling you the check is in the mail. Of course the check never arrives. Unfortunately there is not much you can do about this. Like above give them a deadline and if they don't make it relist the item for auction again.
3 - The "I'm Sooo Confused" Buyer
This customer does want to buy from you. Really, they do! If they could only figure out how! How to bid, how to pay, how to... All this high tech computer stuff is just way to confusing for them. Have patience and be polite. Explain what they should do next. If you find no matter how you explain things it just doesn't register with them, suggest they read over eBay's tutorials. Remember your time is money and you can only spend so much time with any potential customer before you must move on.
2 - The Spender
This individual can spend a lot of money with you. And often will return as a repeat buyer usually purchasing a little of everything you have up for auction. This person will also spend $100.00 in merchandise in order to save $10.00 on shipping. Bless him/her!
1 - The Perfect Customer
This individual is simply a Happy Person. He/she has won your auction and they are just ecstatic about it. The great thing about this type of buyer is if you run into a problem they are always understanding and easy to deal with. If looked after correctly, very often these people will become a customer for life. Now, don't we wish all customers were like this.
So, there you have it. The Top Ten eBay Buyer Personalities. If you already sell on eBay I'm sure you will recognize some of these personality traits in your own customers. If you're just getting started with your eBay Auction Business no doubt you'll be running into these people soon. Whatever personality your day brings you, always be patience, polite and just have fun with it.
Happy Selling!
Joe Clare
About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to make money online and be successful on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
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by: Joe Clare
In my years of selling on eBay I have come across all sorts of people. For the most part these people have been very nice and easy to deal with. Having said that, there are always a small percentage, like in any business online or offline, who you'll have some degree of problem with. As explained in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" you will need to be as polite as you possibly can and have a little patience when dealing with these people. Below you will find my Top Ten List of eBay Buyer Personalities and how to handle them.
10 - The Manipulator
There will be times when you have an auction end with no bids. When this happens watch out for the Manipulator. This is an individual who will email you once you auction ends wanting to purchase your item off eBay at a ridiculously low price. He/she will often try to manipulate you into believing the product will not sell but he/she will be glad to take it off your hands. Forget about them! Do Not sell the item to them. Instead relist the item for auction on eBay with a new headline. If he/she wants it bad enough, they will have to get the item through your auction. And trust me 99% of the time your item will sell.
9 - The Impatient Buyer
This is someone who has won your auction today and is wondering why it wasn't shipped yesterday. This individual wants what was purchased fast, real fast. Just have patience, be polite and explain your shipping process to him/her. Getting the product out quickly with a thank you note for purchasing will give you a happy customer.
8 - The Disappointed Buyer
There are some people you just can not please, not even if you were to stand on your head. They will be disappointed no matter what you do. Sometimes these people can be down right rude and take up a lot of your time. Learn to recognize this type of person and don't get caught up in an on slot of emails. Remember that time is money, and once you have done all you can do to rectify their problem move on. If the emails continue simply ignore them.
7 - The Invisible Buyer
This is someone who has won your auction but you never hear from them. Ever! They pay you right on time without any problems. So you send the product they won off to them. And that's it! They do not leave feedback, and do not return any emails. They just disappear into thin air. If you send a couple of follow up emails asking if they received their item and requesting positive feedback and you get no response, just forget them and move on.
6 - The Interrogator
This individual could drive you crazy. It's not their fault, they just have questions. Lots of Questions! For these people even if every question imaginable is answered in your auction description, they'll still manage to find a reason to email you a question. Be weary of this type of individual they can, and will waste a lot of your time if you let them. On your first email to them be polite answer their question then refer them back to your auction description telling them all the answers are there. Suggest they read it again. Don't get caught up in email after email. Always remember that time is money, and if you've done your auction description correctly there should be no questions left to ask. Your auction surfer should be ready to make a bid.
5 - The Late Payer
This customer has no clue about deadlines and they really don't seem to care about them either. Their attitude is you'll get paid when I am ready to pay you. You will need to set guidelines for when payment is due. If payment is not received you may choose to give your buyer one extension. Be specific giving him/her a date as to when the balance is due. Also tell them if payment is not received by that date you will have no other choice but to relist the item for auction. Sometimes a month or so down the road you'll end up getting a check in the mail from this person with a note as to why they were late. Simply return the payment with an explanation that the item was re-listed as he/she failed to meet the payment deadline and it has been sold to someone else.
4 - The Deadbeat
There is no buyer more irritating than the one who is always telling you the check is in the mail. Of course the check never arrives. Unfortunately there is not much you can do about this. Like above give them a deadline and if they don't make it relist the item for auction again.
3 - The "I'm Sooo Confused" Buyer
This customer does want to buy from you. Really, they do! If they could only figure out how! How to bid, how to pay, how to... All this high tech computer stuff is just way to confusing for them. Have patience and be polite. Explain what they should do next. If you find no matter how you explain things it just doesn't register with them, suggest they read over eBay's tutorials. Remember your time is money and you can only spend so much time with any potential customer before you must move on.
2 - The Spender
This individual can spend a lot of money with you. And often will return as a repeat buyer usually purchasing a little of everything you have up for auction. This person will also spend $100.00 in merchandise in order to save $10.00 on shipping. Bless him/her!
1 - The Perfect Customer
This individual is simply a Happy Person. He/she has won your auction and they are just ecstatic about it. The great thing about this type of buyer is if you run into a problem they are always understanding and easy to deal with. If looked after correctly, very often these people will become a customer for life. Now, don't we wish all customers were like this.
So, there you have it. The Top Ten eBay Buyer Personalities. If you already sell on eBay I'm sure you will recognize some of these personality traits in your own customers. If you're just getting started with your eBay Auction Business no doubt you'll be running into these people soon. Whatever personality your day brings you, always be patience, polite and just have fun with it.
Happy Selling!
Joe Clare
About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to make money online and be successful on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
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The Top Ten Tips For Auction Success!
The Top Ten Tips For Auction Success!
by: Joe Clare
If you were to look through eBay, or any other online auction site for that matter, you would find that many people make some very basic mistakes. And, they repeat these mistakes over and over again. As indicated in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" with a little common sense these mistakes are completely preventable. So to prevent you from making these very same mistakes I have put together the Top Ten Tips For Auction Success.
10. Shipping
Always state what your shipping price will be. And, Do Not try to rip off your buyers by inflating the shipping price to increase your profit. Believe it or not, people do have a fair idea of what shipping costs should be. If they feel you are inflating your shipping price they will not bid on your item and may not look at any of your other auctions either from fear of being ripped off.
9. Customer Support
You must respond to all emails regarding your auctions. Yes, responding to emails is time consuming. But, if you don't, that potential bidder will look else ware for the product and you will have lost yourself a customer.
8. Reserve Price
Do your research on the price for your item. If you must use a reserve price keep it real. If you over price your item you will not get as many bids. And, while all good marketers know there is a time and place for the Reserve Auction, you may actually get more bids using no reserve pricing at all. Do your research to help you make this decision.
7. Item Condition
You must let bidders know what condition your item is in. Is it new and in it's packaging, or used but like new condition. Does it have any imperfections they should be made aware of.. A potential bidders will want to know what condition your item is in before making any bids.
6. Terms
This could come under the heading Customer Service. If you have terms on your auction page that read something like this "Not Responsible For Item Once Shipped" or "Item Sold As Is" you will lessen the number of bidders for that auction. Be a responsible eBayer, have insurance on the item that your buyer can purchase. And be sure to have some sort of guarantee on your products.
5. Feedback
One of the most important parts of your eBay Business. Feedback is a method eBay uses to allow buyers and sellers to record their experiences with each other. Then, others can check out the feedback of any eBayer they wish to deal with, to see if there has been any negative comments left. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep your feedback rating positive.
4. Auction Start/Close Time
You must plan your auction start/close time around the bidders you wish to attract to your auction. If the product you are selling appeals to the working woman, the best time to start/end your auction would be in the evening or on the weekend. Always create a profile on your product and what group of the population you are selling to.
3. Item Description
Not enough information or too much rambling of information will discourage people from bidding. So too will to many typos. Your item description must be clean and concise. Succinctly provide all the information required to describe the item sufficiently and create buyer interest.
2. Image
You need to use an image on your auction page. Remember a picture is worth a 1000 words! Potential bidders will want to see what the item looks like before they make a bid. With digital cameras, being so affordable these days adding a image to your auction page is easier then ever. But, make sure the image is clear and well lit to show it's detail or any imperfections it may have. Also, keep the image at a reasonable pixel size so your auction page doesn't take to long to load.
1. Headlines
This is the most important issue for getting more bidders to your auction page. You must include words that people will search on eBay. And, you must make your headline enticing, so potential bidders will click it. If you are selling an antique make-up table a headline saying old vanity table would not pull in a lot of bidders. But, if you said something like "Vintage Vanity Table - Mint Condition - Collectors Item" not only would you get more potential bidders to view your auction, you would also be using words people would search eBay for. Your auction title would appear in searches for Vintage, Vanity Tables, Collectors Items. Therefore, allowing even more potential bidders to see your headline.
Happy Selling!
Joe Clare
About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to succeed on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
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by: Joe Clare
If you were to look through eBay, or any other online auction site for that matter, you would find that many people make some very basic mistakes. And, they repeat these mistakes over and over again. As indicated in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" with a little common sense these mistakes are completely preventable. So to prevent you from making these very same mistakes I have put together the Top Ten Tips For Auction Success.
10. Shipping
Always state what your shipping price will be. And, Do Not try to rip off your buyers by inflating the shipping price to increase your profit. Believe it or not, people do have a fair idea of what shipping costs should be. If they feel you are inflating your shipping price they will not bid on your item and may not look at any of your other auctions either from fear of being ripped off.
9. Customer Support
You must respond to all emails regarding your auctions. Yes, responding to emails is time consuming. But, if you don't, that potential bidder will look else ware for the product and you will have lost yourself a customer.
8. Reserve Price
Do your research on the price for your item. If you must use a reserve price keep it real. If you over price your item you will not get as many bids. And, while all good marketers know there is a time and place for the Reserve Auction, you may actually get more bids using no reserve pricing at all. Do your research to help you make this decision.
7. Item Condition
You must let bidders know what condition your item is in. Is it new and in it's packaging, or used but like new condition. Does it have any imperfections they should be made aware of.. A potential bidders will want to know what condition your item is in before making any bids.
6. Terms
This could come under the heading Customer Service. If you have terms on your auction page that read something like this "Not Responsible For Item Once Shipped" or "Item Sold As Is" you will lessen the number of bidders for that auction. Be a responsible eBayer, have insurance on the item that your buyer can purchase. And be sure to have some sort of guarantee on your products.
5. Feedback
One of the most important parts of your eBay Business. Feedback is a method eBay uses to allow buyers and sellers to record their experiences with each other. Then, others can check out the feedback of any eBayer they wish to deal with, to see if there has been any negative comments left. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep your feedback rating positive.
4. Auction Start/Close Time
You must plan your auction start/close time around the bidders you wish to attract to your auction. If the product you are selling appeals to the working woman, the best time to start/end your auction would be in the evening or on the weekend. Always create a profile on your product and what group of the population you are selling to.
3. Item Description
Not enough information or too much rambling of information will discourage people from bidding. So too will to many typos. Your item description must be clean and concise. Succinctly provide all the information required to describe the item sufficiently and create buyer interest.
2. Image
You need to use an image on your auction page. Remember a picture is worth a 1000 words! Potential bidders will want to see what the item looks like before they make a bid. With digital cameras, being so affordable these days adding a image to your auction page is easier then ever. But, make sure the image is clear and well lit to show it's detail or any imperfections it may have. Also, keep the image at a reasonable pixel size so your auction page doesn't take to long to load.
1. Headlines
This is the most important issue for getting more bidders to your auction page. You must include words that people will search on eBay. And, you must make your headline enticing, so potential bidders will click it. If you are selling an antique make-up table a headline saying old vanity table would not pull in a lot of bidders. But, if you said something like "Vintage Vanity Table - Mint Condition - Collectors Item" not only would you get more potential bidders to view your auction, you would also be using words people would search eBay for. Your auction title would appear in searches for Vintage, Vanity Tables, Collectors Items. Therefore, allowing even more potential bidders to see your headline.
Happy Selling!
Joe Clare
About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to succeed on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at
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Ambisi Bangka memajukan sektor perikanan
Ambisi Bangka memajukan sektor perikanan
Sumber : OLEH ROCHMAD FITRIANA Wartawan Bisnis Indonesia
Dari atas pesawat, terlihat sejumlah genangan bekas galian tambang yang tertutup air ketika pesawat hendak mendarat di Bandar Udara Depati Amir Pangkalpinang Provinsi Bangka Belitung (Babel). Bagi masyarakat provinsi yang memiliki luas daratan sekitar 16.424 hektare ini, genangan itu bukanlah pemandangan aneh, karena wilayah ini merupakan penghasil tambang timah terbesar di Indonesia, sehingga banyak genangan bekas galian tambang.
Namun, akan menjadi aneh jika kondisi genangan tersebut didiamkan tanpa ada perbaikan, sehingga tidak bermanfaat lagi bagi masyarakat sekitar untuk pengembangan jenis usaha lainnya. Saat ini di Babel terdapat sekitar 100 hektare lahan bekas galian tambang yang berpotensi untuk dibudidayakan sebagai kolam ikan.
Satu contoh misalnya, genangan bekas tambang timah di daerah Kolong Grasi yang setelah menunggu 10 tahun, kini ber-ubah menjadi kawasan pemancingan dan lokasi wisata Sun Lake di Sungailiat Kabupaten Bangka Provinsi Babel. Gubernur Bangka Belitung Eko Maulana Ali mengatakan selama ini pemerintah daerah mengabaikan potensi perikanan darat tersebut, karena mereka menganggap lubang bekas galian itu tidak bermanfaat lagi.
Namun kini, lubang-lubang bekas galian timah tersebut dapat menjadi lahan bagi para pembudi daya ikan, sehingga masyarakat tidak perlu lagi investasi untuk membuat kolam atau tambak sendiri. "Ikan budi daya dan rumput laut kini menjadi fokus pembangunan kami," kata Eko. Sejatinya, wilayah provinsi ini sangat cocok jika berkembang menjadi kawasan minapolitan, yakni konsep pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan berbasis wilayah dengan pendekatan dan sistem manajemen kawasan dengan prinsip integrasi, efisiensi, kualitas dan akselerasi. Atau lebih mudahnya, kawasan produksi kelautan dan perikananyang terintegrasi.
Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad mengatakan kementerian yang dipimpinnya dalam 5 tahun ke depan akan membangun kawasan minapolitan di 28 kabupaten sebagai proyek percontohan peningkatan produksi perikanan di Indonesia.
"Anggaran proyek minapolitan ini akan dimasukkan dalam APBN Perubahan 2010 yang saat ini dibahas DPR. Setelah anggarannya disetujui, kami akan menentukan ke 28 daerah itu,"katanya.
Anggaran akan ditambah
Khusus untuk Provinsi Babel, papar dia, tahun ini hanya mendapatkan alokasi anggaran pengembangan perikanan sekitar Rp7,3 miliar. "Tetapi dengan potensinya yang sangat besar, anggaran itu bisa ditambah menjadi sekitar Rpl7 miliar-Rp20 miliar."
Kepala Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Kota Sungailiat Kabupaten Bangka, Sutardjo, mengemukakan perbaikan kawasan bekas galian bukanlah sa-tu-satunya masalah di Babel dalam mewujudkan kawasan minapolitan, melainkan masih ada sejumlah masalah yang perlu mendapat perhatian serius.
"Beberapa masalah itu di antaranya pendangkalan kolam pendaratan, terbatasnya pasok listrik, serta perubahan iklim angin utara yang mengganggu produktivitas nelayan," katanya saat menerima kunjungan Menteri Fadel Muhammad di PPN Sungailiat Babel, baru-baru ini.
Dia optimistis jika kendala-kendala itu dapat diatasi produksi perikanan di PPN Sungailiat akan dapat ditingkatkan. Sehingga bisa menjadi yang terdepan di antara 13 PPN di seluruh Indonesia.
Bagi investor, terbuka luas peluang usaha yang cukup prospektif, mulai dari industri pengolahan ikan, gudang pendingin, alat penangkapan ikan.
Bukan satu impian jika kelak Sungailiat Bangka ini menjadi rujukan dalam pengembangan Provinsi Babel menjadi provinsi yang terdepan dalam program minapolitan. (rochmxuLfitriana®
Sumber : OLEH ROCHMAD FITRIANA Wartawan Bisnis Indonesia
Dari atas pesawat, terlihat sejumlah genangan bekas galian tambang yang tertutup air ketika pesawat hendak mendarat di Bandar Udara Depati Amir Pangkalpinang Provinsi Bangka Belitung (Babel). Bagi masyarakat provinsi yang memiliki luas daratan sekitar 16.424 hektare ini, genangan itu bukanlah pemandangan aneh, karena wilayah ini merupakan penghasil tambang timah terbesar di Indonesia, sehingga banyak genangan bekas galian tambang.
Namun, akan menjadi aneh jika kondisi genangan tersebut didiamkan tanpa ada perbaikan, sehingga tidak bermanfaat lagi bagi masyarakat sekitar untuk pengembangan jenis usaha lainnya. Saat ini di Babel terdapat sekitar 100 hektare lahan bekas galian tambang yang berpotensi untuk dibudidayakan sebagai kolam ikan.
Satu contoh misalnya, genangan bekas tambang timah di daerah Kolong Grasi yang setelah menunggu 10 tahun, kini ber-ubah menjadi kawasan pemancingan dan lokasi wisata Sun Lake di Sungailiat Kabupaten Bangka Provinsi Babel. Gubernur Bangka Belitung Eko Maulana Ali mengatakan selama ini pemerintah daerah mengabaikan potensi perikanan darat tersebut, karena mereka menganggap lubang bekas galian itu tidak bermanfaat lagi.
Namun kini, lubang-lubang bekas galian timah tersebut dapat menjadi lahan bagi para pembudi daya ikan, sehingga masyarakat tidak perlu lagi investasi untuk membuat kolam atau tambak sendiri. "Ikan budi daya dan rumput laut kini menjadi fokus pembangunan kami," kata Eko. Sejatinya, wilayah provinsi ini sangat cocok jika berkembang menjadi kawasan minapolitan, yakni konsep pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan berbasis wilayah dengan pendekatan dan sistem manajemen kawasan dengan prinsip integrasi, efisiensi, kualitas dan akselerasi. Atau lebih mudahnya, kawasan produksi kelautan dan perikananyang terintegrasi.
Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad mengatakan kementerian yang dipimpinnya dalam 5 tahun ke depan akan membangun kawasan minapolitan di 28 kabupaten sebagai proyek percontohan peningkatan produksi perikanan di Indonesia.
"Anggaran proyek minapolitan ini akan dimasukkan dalam APBN Perubahan 2010 yang saat ini dibahas DPR. Setelah anggarannya disetujui, kami akan menentukan ke 28 daerah itu,"katanya.
Anggaran akan ditambah
Khusus untuk Provinsi Babel, papar dia, tahun ini hanya mendapatkan alokasi anggaran pengembangan perikanan sekitar Rp7,3 miliar. "Tetapi dengan potensinya yang sangat besar, anggaran itu bisa ditambah menjadi sekitar Rpl7 miliar-Rp20 miliar."
Kepala Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Kota Sungailiat Kabupaten Bangka, Sutardjo, mengemukakan perbaikan kawasan bekas galian bukanlah sa-tu-satunya masalah di Babel dalam mewujudkan kawasan minapolitan, melainkan masih ada sejumlah masalah yang perlu mendapat perhatian serius.
"Beberapa masalah itu di antaranya pendangkalan kolam pendaratan, terbatasnya pasok listrik, serta perubahan iklim angin utara yang mengganggu produktivitas nelayan," katanya saat menerima kunjungan Menteri Fadel Muhammad di PPN Sungailiat Babel, baru-baru ini.
Dia optimistis jika kendala-kendala itu dapat diatasi produksi perikanan di PPN Sungailiat akan dapat ditingkatkan. Sehingga bisa menjadi yang terdepan di antara 13 PPN di seluruh Indonesia.
Bagi investor, terbuka luas peluang usaha yang cukup prospektif, mulai dari industri pengolahan ikan, gudang pendingin, alat penangkapan ikan.
Bukan satu impian jika kelak Sungailiat Bangka ini menjadi rujukan dalam pengembangan Provinsi Babel menjadi provinsi yang terdepan dalam program minapolitan. (rochmxuLfitriana®
Disease In Fish
Disease In Fish
by: Gordon Bloomfield
Disease in fish
You have set up your perfect aquarium, it has beautiful fish and a great look, but then something goes wrong, maybe your fish start dying, maybe they are showing abnormal behaviour. Chances are your fish have caught a disease. But don’t panic! There are ways of treating it and making sure it is unlikely to happen again.
How does a fish get diseased?
In the aquarium and in your fish live many bacteria, viruses and life forms known as protozoan. Many of them are ‘good’ to have as they keep the balance just right. Even the life forms that cause the illness are present, but because of this balance they don’t cause problems. However when a fish becomes stressed, either due to sudden changes or an unbalance such as a large amount of pathogens being introduced, it is at much greater risk.
How can you prevent it?
Making sure the aquarium is clean and taking precautions to monitor the levels within the aquarium is essential. Also making sure the fish can carry out their natural behaviour, such as hiding, by providing the right environment will reduce stress. This also means making sure none of the fish are bullying each other or are being timid of other species in the tank. You should also be careful when introducing new members, making sure they are healthy specimens without disease. Even with such precautions, disease may still take hold from time to time.
The first signs
It is important that you learn to spot the signs early so that you can treat it quickly and prevent it from becoming a bigger problem. The behaviour of the fish may become notably different. Reluctance to feed, darting around in an alarmed state, no balance, rubbing or darting past objects, hiding more than usual, being shy, or unusual positioning in the aquarium are all early warning signs.
More physical signs include swollen or distended appearance, fins discoloured, eroded or clamped to the fish. The gills may change colour, look sore or move rapidly. Eyes may look swollen or cloudy and the mouth may look eroded, sore or ‘sticky’. You may notice that the fish has darkened or became paler or perhaps has spots or discoloured areas. You may even notice holes, ulcers, growths or sore areas on the body of the fish.
If you have noticed any of these signs you can now use the information below to determine what it is and how to treat it effectively.
Poor water quality or water poisoning
Symptoms: Fish gape at the surface, or hang by the surface. They have rapid gill movement and may lull onto their side. There may be patches of slime on the body or near the gills. Eyes may appear clouded and the colour of the fish may darken. The fish may also suddenly dart around before returning to the surface or losing balance. This may only show up in certain species depending on the cause
Causes: Poor water quality, meaning either high or low Ph levels, or high ammonia and nitrate levels. This could be caused by over stocking tanks with too many fish. It could also be due to chlorine or excess metals following a water change with untreated tap water. If certain species are showing it, it could be from excessive treatment of previous disease of which they were susceptible to an active ingredient, this applies to invertebrates especially. There also could be the possibility that a toxin has entered the water, household cleaner, sprays, room freshener and so on.
Care: Test the water for Ph and nitrate ammonia levels. Treat according to results. You should also perform a water change with pre-treated water (use a tap safe water treatment). Following that you should also try to work out the exact cause so to take precautions.
Swim Bladder
Symptoms: Unable to maintain balance, swimming upside down, on the side or being pushed to the surface. May also be unable to swim up and may hit the side of the tank and roll over. This is not accompanied by any other symptom.
Causes: A bacterial infection, or previous damage from a bacterial infection in the swimbladder. This means the fish cannot swim as normal and this in itself causes a lot of stress and if untreated, death.
Care: Treat with a preparation to treat swimbladder, be sure to follow the manufacturers advice. You can also use tonic salt in quantities of 5g per litre. This will help the fish right itself, although must be added over a few days to avoid shock.
Internal Bacterial Infection
Symptoms: Often the first sign is unexplained deaths as it has variable symptoms, which can at first indicate wrongly to other problems. These symptoms can include, fins appearing eroded or opaque, eyes becoming swollen, distended or a hollowing of the abdomen, holes or ulcers on the fish, the fish’s colour becoming darkened and the fish being unable to maintain balance. However any one of these symptoms can show with any other, sometimes they don’t at all.
Causes: An unbalance in the bacteria in the aquarium, as well as poor water quality. Will occur following stress by any factor and especially so if the fish has been wounded or fighting.
Care: Previously only veterinarian prescribed antibiotics have been effective, however you can now buy an internal bacteria solution to treat the water directly. You should also test the water for any unbalance and act accordingly.
Bacterial Gill disease
Symptoms: The fish will gaps and hang at the surface of the water and you may notice rapid gill movement, the gills will also look pale and in severe cases look eroded.
Causes: A bacterial infection usually at the onset of an internal bacterial infection. However this is localised to the gills for the time. An unbalance in the water quality and stress can cause this to happen.
Care: Like an internal bacterial infection you could only previously use veterinarian prescribed antibiotics. However swift treatment with an internal bacteria solution will remove the threat directly. You should also test the water for any unbalance and act accordingly.
Symptoms: Bulges that are white or cotton wool like growths, particularly on the head and sides.
Causes: An imbalance of the fungal spores naturally found in aquaria, usually after stress or damage to gill or mucus membrane.
Care: Use an anti fungus treatment for freshwater fish. Check that the water quality is okay and that there is nothing damaging your fish.
Fin Rot
Symptoms: Fins appear eroded, opaque and may have streaks of ‘blood’ running through them.
Causes: Unbalance of naturally present bacteria, usually after the fish has been stressed.
Care: It is important to treat this promptly before it reaches the base of the fin. Treat with an anti fungus and fin rot treatment and check water quality.
Mouth Rot
Symptoms: There may be some erosion on the head but more focused around the mouth, there may also be some cottonwool like growths around the mouth area.
Causes: Unbalance of naturally present bacteria, usually after the fish has been stressed.
Care: An anti fungus and Fin rot treatment should clear it up, follow with a water test. It is important to act quickly.
Slime Disease
Symptoms: Patches of slime accompanied by flicking and rubbing against objects, as well as cloudy eyes. You may also see the fish gaping or hanging near the surface and the gills may appear pale although this isn’t always seen.
Causes: Stress allows parasitical infection from parasites naturally present.
Care: Use an anti-slime and velvet treatment, test the water and remove any areas of stress.
Symptoms: The fish will have an abnormal peppering of golden spots and will rub against objects in the aquarium. The fish may have pale gills and gape at the surface, but this isn’t always seen.
Causes: Unbalance of naturally present parasites, usually after the fish has been stressed.
Care: use an anti-slime and velvet treatment, testing the water and removing any stress factors.
White Spot
Symptoms: There will be lots of abnormal white spots, about the size of a grain of sugar, accompanied by flicking and rubbing against objects in the aquarium. The fish may also gasp at the surface and have pale fins.
Causes: Unbalance of naturally present parasites, usually after the fish has been stressed.
Care: Use a white spot treatment preparation and lower the temperature of the aquarium by a few degrees for a week. Remove sources of stress.
Higher form parasite
Symptoms: The fish may gape and hang at the surface. It will have pale gills that may sometimes appear eroded. It will rub along solid objects and plants and may try to jump out of the water but most obvious is that it will have pale discs, worm like attachments or thread like discs on the body or gill area.
Causes: There are several causes, usually from infection from wild caught or infected stock. The offenders are mainly crustacean and have different appearances. Anchor worms are up to 20mm long and bury into the skin of the fish. Fish Lice are disc shaped parasites that feed on the mucus membrane, on skin or the fins. They can cause bacterial infection. Gill maggots are found attached to the gill area, as well as in the mouth and are called such because of the maggot like egg sack that is often seen. They can all cause death, but gill maggots even more so.
Care: Use an anti crustacean parasite treatment as soon as you notice any symptoms. Read the instructions carefully as they can have some side effects on the condition of your aquarium. If possible try to identify the source of your problem and deal with it appropriately.
About The Author
I am a pet retail business owner and internet marketing entrepreneur. Offering pet products and information, online money making opportunities. Automated income systems. New ebooks and marketing programmes for sale.
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by: Gordon Bloomfield
Disease in fish
You have set up your perfect aquarium, it has beautiful fish and a great look, but then something goes wrong, maybe your fish start dying, maybe they are showing abnormal behaviour. Chances are your fish have caught a disease. But don’t panic! There are ways of treating it and making sure it is unlikely to happen again.
How does a fish get diseased?
In the aquarium and in your fish live many bacteria, viruses and life forms known as protozoan. Many of them are ‘good’ to have as they keep the balance just right. Even the life forms that cause the illness are present, but because of this balance they don’t cause problems. However when a fish becomes stressed, either due to sudden changes or an unbalance such as a large amount of pathogens being introduced, it is at much greater risk.
How can you prevent it?
Making sure the aquarium is clean and taking precautions to monitor the levels within the aquarium is essential. Also making sure the fish can carry out their natural behaviour, such as hiding, by providing the right environment will reduce stress. This also means making sure none of the fish are bullying each other or are being timid of other species in the tank. You should also be careful when introducing new members, making sure they are healthy specimens without disease. Even with such precautions, disease may still take hold from time to time.
The first signs
It is important that you learn to spot the signs early so that you can treat it quickly and prevent it from becoming a bigger problem. The behaviour of the fish may become notably different. Reluctance to feed, darting around in an alarmed state, no balance, rubbing or darting past objects, hiding more than usual, being shy, or unusual positioning in the aquarium are all early warning signs.
More physical signs include swollen or distended appearance, fins discoloured, eroded or clamped to the fish. The gills may change colour, look sore or move rapidly. Eyes may look swollen or cloudy and the mouth may look eroded, sore or ‘sticky’. You may notice that the fish has darkened or became paler or perhaps has spots or discoloured areas. You may even notice holes, ulcers, growths or sore areas on the body of the fish.
If you have noticed any of these signs you can now use the information below to determine what it is and how to treat it effectively.
Poor water quality or water poisoning
Symptoms: Fish gape at the surface, or hang by the surface. They have rapid gill movement and may lull onto their side. There may be patches of slime on the body or near the gills. Eyes may appear clouded and the colour of the fish may darken. The fish may also suddenly dart around before returning to the surface or losing balance. This may only show up in certain species depending on the cause
Causes: Poor water quality, meaning either high or low Ph levels, or high ammonia and nitrate levels. This could be caused by over stocking tanks with too many fish. It could also be due to chlorine or excess metals following a water change with untreated tap water. If certain species are showing it, it could be from excessive treatment of previous disease of which they were susceptible to an active ingredient, this applies to invertebrates especially. There also could be the possibility that a toxin has entered the water, household cleaner, sprays, room freshener and so on.
Care: Test the water for Ph and nitrate ammonia levels. Treat according to results. You should also perform a water change with pre-treated water (use a tap safe water treatment). Following that you should also try to work out the exact cause so to take precautions.
Swim Bladder
Symptoms: Unable to maintain balance, swimming upside down, on the side or being pushed to the surface. May also be unable to swim up and may hit the side of the tank and roll over. This is not accompanied by any other symptom.
Causes: A bacterial infection, or previous damage from a bacterial infection in the swimbladder. This means the fish cannot swim as normal and this in itself causes a lot of stress and if untreated, death.
Care: Treat with a preparation to treat swimbladder, be sure to follow the manufacturers advice. You can also use tonic salt in quantities of 5g per litre. This will help the fish right itself, although must be added over a few days to avoid shock.
Internal Bacterial Infection
Symptoms: Often the first sign is unexplained deaths as it has variable symptoms, which can at first indicate wrongly to other problems. These symptoms can include, fins appearing eroded or opaque, eyes becoming swollen, distended or a hollowing of the abdomen, holes or ulcers on the fish, the fish’s colour becoming darkened and the fish being unable to maintain balance. However any one of these symptoms can show with any other, sometimes they don’t at all.
Causes: An unbalance in the bacteria in the aquarium, as well as poor water quality. Will occur following stress by any factor and especially so if the fish has been wounded or fighting.
Care: Previously only veterinarian prescribed antibiotics have been effective, however you can now buy an internal bacteria solution to treat the water directly. You should also test the water for any unbalance and act accordingly.
Bacterial Gill disease
Symptoms: The fish will gaps and hang at the surface of the water and you may notice rapid gill movement, the gills will also look pale and in severe cases look eroded.
Causes: A bacterial infection usually at the onset of an internal bacterial infection. However this is localised to the gills for the time. An unbalance in the water quality and stress can cause this to happen.
Care: Like an internal bacterial infection you could only previously use veterinarian prescribed antibiotics. However swift treatment with an internal bacteria solution will remove the threat directly. You should also test the water for any unbalance and act accordingly.
Symptoms: Bulges that are white or cotton wool like growths, particularly on the head and sides.
Causes: An imbalance of the fungal spores naturally found in aquaria, usually after stress or damage to gill or mucus membrane.
Care: Use an anti fungus treatment for freshwater fish. Check that the water quality is okay and that there is nothing damaging your fish.
Fin Rot
Symptoms: Fins appear eroded, opaque and may have streaks of ‘blood’ running through them.
Causes: Unbalance of naturally present bacteria, usually after the fish has been stressed.
Care: It is important to treat this promptly before it reaches the base of the fin. Treat with an anti fungus and fin rot treatment and check water quality.
Mouth Rot
Symptoms: There may be some erosion on the head but more focused around the mouth, there may also be some cottonwool like growths around the mouth area.
Causes: Unbalance of naturally present bacteria, usually after the fish has been stressed.
Care: An anti fungus and Fin rot treatment should clear it up, follow with a water test. It is important to act quickly.
Slime Disease
Symptoms: Patches of slime accompanied by flicking and rubbing against objects, as well as cloudy eyes. You may also see the fish gaping or hanging near the surface and the gills may appear pale although this isn’t always seen.
Causes: Stress allows parasitical infection from parasites naturally present.
Care: Use an anti-slime and velvet treatment, test the water and remove any areas of stress.
Symptoms: The fish will have an abnormal peppering of golden spots and will rub against objects in the aquarium. The fish may have pale gills and gape at the surface, but this isn’t always seen.
Causes: Unbalance of naturally present parasites, usually after the fish has been stressed.
Care: use an anti-slime and velvet treatment, testing the water and removing any stress factors.
White Spot
Symptoms: There will be lots of abnormal white spots, about the size of a grain of sugar, accompanied by flicking and rubbing against objects in the aquarium. The fish may also gasp at the surface and have pale fins.
Causes: Unbalance of naturally present parasites, usually after the fish has been stressed.
Care: Use a white spot treatment preparation and lower the temperature of the aquarium by a few degrees for a week. Remove sources of stress.
Higher form parasite
Symptoms: The fish may gape and hang at the surface. It will have pale gills that may sometimes appear eroded. It will rub along solid objects and plants and may try to jump out of the water but most obvious is that it will have pale discs, worm like attachments or thread like discs on the body or gill area.
Causes: There are several causes, usually from infection from wild caught or infected stock. The offenders are mainly crustacean and have different appearances. Anchor worms are up to 20mm long and bury into the skin of the fish. Fish Lice are disc shaped parasites that feed on the mucus membrane, on skin or the fins. They can cause bacterial infection. Gill maggots are found attached to the gill area, as well as in the mouth and are called such because of the maggot like egg sack that is often seen. They can all cause death, but gill maggots even more so.
Care: Use an anti crustacean parasite treatment as soon as you notice any symptoms. Read the instructions carefully as they can have some side effects on the condition of your aquarium. If possible try to identify the source of your problem and deal with it appropriately.
About The Author
I am a pet retail business owner and internet marketing entrepreneur. Offering pet products and information, online money making opportunities. Automated income systems. New ebooks and marketing programmes for sale.
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