Cause: Cryptocaryon irritans
Bio - Ecology phatogen:
• Shaped round or oval measuring between 0.3-0.5 mm, and have cilia.
• obligate parasitic nature (a character similar biology with parasites "Ich")
• Highly malignant, in heavy infection can kill up to 100% in a few days
• infect marine aquaculture fish species (grouper, snapper, baronang, d1l.) Particularly seed size, although the size of adults are also vulnerable when their immune decline

Clinical Symptoms:
• decreased appetite, thin, dark body color, restlessness, lethargy and weakness
• Rubbing the body-rub on a nearby object
• Respiratory frequency increased (gasp), get closer to the water in.
• white spots or brown in fins, skin or gills, excess mucus production, and fin furl
• In severe infection, white spots or looks like a snow accompanied by bleeding, and opaque eyes, causing blindness
• secondary infection by bacteria will exacerbate health conditions to accelerate the process of death.
• Observations are visually for the presence of white spots (parasite) on the skin, fins and gills of fish
• Microscopic observation to see the morphology of the parasite through the production segment of the organ preparations skin / mucus, fins and / or gills.
• Maintain the temperature for always> 29 degrees Celsius
• The transfer of parasite-infected fish population to the water
parasite-free as much as 2-3 times with intervals of 2-3 days.
• Treatment and / or eradication of parasites may
conducted using immersion:

✓ low salinity water (0-8 PROMIL) for several hours (depending on species and size), transferred to water that is free of parasites and repeated every 2-3 days
✓ solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at a dose of 150 ppm for 30 minutes, transferred to water that is free of parasites and repeated every 2 days
✓ solution of copper sulphate (CuSO4) at doses of 0.5 ppm for 5-7 days with strong aeration, and water must be replaced every day.
✓ 25-50 ppm formalin solution for 12-24 hours, made repeated every 2 days
sumber : Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, Dirjen. Perikanan Budidaya,2010
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