catfish rearing ponds
embankment construction catfish rearing ponds can be made from fish ponds fish pond walls or soil, but will be more profitable if the embankment is made of walls recall the properties of catfish like to jump / crawl out of the pool, especially at night.
the photo above, catfish rearing ponds given waste chicken feathers, chicken feathers are used as feed for catfish. use of feed from chicken feathers is the alternative feed is one way to save money buying food expenditures. besides waste chicken feathers, we can also use the waste from fish offal, dead chickens, and remains - leftovers from a restaurant or a restaurant.
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kolam pembesaran ikan lele
kolam pembesaran ikan lele
konstruksi pematang kolam pembesaran ikan lele bisa terbuat dari kolam tembok atau kolam tanah, namun akan lebih menguntungkan jika pematangnya terbuat dari tembok mengingat sipat lele yang suka meloncat/merayap keluar kolam terutama pada malam hari.
pada foto di atas, kolam pembesaran ikan lele diberikan limbah bulu ayam, bulu ayam ini dijadikan sebagai pakan untuk lele. penggunaan pakan dari bulu ayam ini merupakan pakan alternatif yang merupakan salah satu cara untuk menghemat biaya pengeluaran pembelian pakan. selain limbah bulu ayam kita juga bisa memanfaatkan limbah dari jeroan ikan, ayam yang mati, dan sisa - sisa makanan dari rumah makan atau restoran.
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Analisis Usaha Budidaya Belut di Dalam Tong atau Drum
Analisis Usaha Budidaya Belut di Dalam Tong atau Drum
1. Tong atau drum yang digunakan bervolume 200 liter sebanyak 20 buah.
2. Lama setiap periode pemeliharaan 4 bulan. Namun, tidak menutup kemungkinan jika periode pemeliharaan bisa lebih cepat menjadi 3 bulan.
3. Tong atau deum dapat digunakan selama 4 tahun (12 Periode pemeliharaan)
4. Cat Minyak, Pipa PVC dan perlengkapan pendukung dapat digunakan selama 4 tahun
5. Padat tebar bibit 2 kg per drum, menggunakan bibit berjumlah 80-100 ekor per kg. Jadi kepadatan maksimal tong 200 ekor bibit.
6. Kegiatan budi daya dilakukan sendiri oleh pembudidaya, hanya proses penyiapan tong dan pembuatan media yang menggunakan tenaga kerja borongan.
7. Media yang digunakan adalah campuran tanah yang dimatangkan dengan media instan bokashi.
8. Pakan utama yang dibudidayakan sendiri, sehingga menekan biaya pakan.
Analisis Usaha
Biaya investasi
- Tong atau drum 20 buah @ Rp100.000......................Rp 2.000.000
- Cat minyak 7 kaleng @ Rp8.000...................................Rp 56.000
- Pipa PVC 2 inchi 3 batang @ Rp30.000.......................Rp 90.000
- Perlengkapan pendukung
(ember, cangkul, serok, baskom, Was, dan jeriken)......Rp 200.000
- Upah pembuatan tong (borongan..................................Rp 100.000
Total investasi.....................................................................Rp2.446.000
Biaya operasional per periode pemeliharaan
— Biaya Tetap
Penyusutan tong atau drum Rp2.000.000 : 12 ............Rp 167.000
Penyusutan cat Rp56.000 : 12 ........................................Rp 4.700
Penyusutan pipa PVC Rp90.000 : 12............................. Rp 7.500
Penyusutan peralatan pendukung Rp200.000 : 12...... Rp 16.700
Penyusutan upah persiapan drum Rp100.000: 12........ Rp 8.400
total biaya tetap.................................................................... Rp 204.300
— Biaya Tidak Tetap
Bibit belut 40 kg x Rp40.000/kg.................................................... Rp 1.600.000
Pelet, cacing, dan ikan-ikanan kecil 474 kg x Rp3.000/kg.......... Rp 1.422.000
EM4 4,5 botol x Rp , 25.000/ botol................................................. Rp 112.500
Jerami padi 4 ikat x Rp5.000/ikat.................................................. Rp 20.000
Batang pisang 10 batang x Rp1.000/batang.................................. Rp 10.000
Bekatul atau dedak 67 kg x Rp2.000/kg......................................... Rp 134.000
Pupuk kandang 4 karung x Rp6.000/karung................................. Rp 24.000
Gula 0,25 kg x Rp6.000/kg............................................................... Rp 1.500
HSC (Humic Substance Complex) 1 botol......................................... Rp 90.000
Tenaga pembuatan media................................................................... Rp 50.000
Total biaya tidaktetap.......................................................................... Rp3.464.000
— Total Biaya Operasional
Total biaya operasional = Total Biaya Tetap + Total Biaya Tidak Tetap
= Rp204.300 + Rp3.464.000
= Rp3.668.300
3. Penerimaan per Periode
Penjualan hasil panen 400 kg x Rp25.000/kg = Rp10.000.000
4. Keuntungan
Keuntungan = Total penerimaan - total biaya operasional
= Rp10.000.000 - Rp3.668.300
= Rp6.331.700
5. Pay Back Period
Pay back period adalah waktu titik batik modal atau titik impas,
yaitu perbandingan antara total investasi dengan keuntungan yang diperoleh.
Pay back period = (Total investasi : keuntungan) x 1 bulan
= (Rp2.446.000 : Rp6.331.700) x 1 bulan
= 0,4 bulan
sumber : Drs.Ruslan Roy, MM dan Bagus Harianto, AgroMedia Pustaka, 2009
cetak halaman ini
1. Tong atau drum yang digunakan bervolume 200 liter sebanyak 20 buah.
2. Lama setiap periode pemeliharaan 4 bulan. Namun, tidak menutup kemungkinan jika periode pemeliharaan bisa lebih cepat menjadi 3 bulan.
3. Tong atau deum dapat digunakan selama 4 tahun (12 Periode pemeliharaan)
4. Cat Minyak, Pipa PVC dan perlengkapan pendukung dapat digunakan selama 4 tahun
5. Padat tebar bibit 2 kg per drum, menggunakan bibit berjumlah 80-100 ekor per kg. Jadi kepadatan maksimal tong 200 ekor bibit.
6. Kegiatan budi daya dilakukan sendiri oleh pembudidaya, hanya proses penyiapan tong dan pembuatan media yang menggunakan tenaga kerja borongan.
7. Media yang digunakan adalah campuran tanah yang dimatangkan dengan media instan bokashi.
8. Pakan utama yang dibudidayakan sendiri, sehingga menekan biaya pakan.
Analisis Usaha
Biaya investasi
- Tong atau drum 20 buah @ Rp100.000......................Rp 2.000.000
- Cat minyak 7 kaleng @ Rp8.000...................................Rp 56.000
- Pipa PVC 2 inchi 3 batang @ Rp30.000.......................Rp 90.000
- Perlengkapan pendukung
(ember, cangkul, serok, baskom, Was, dan jeriken)......Rp 200.000
- Upah pembuatan tong (borongan..................................Rp 100.000
Total investasi.....................................................................Rp2.446.000
Biaya operasional per periode pemeliharaan
— Biaya Tetap
Penyusutan tong atau drum Rp2.000.000 : 12 ............Rp 167.000
Penyusutan cat Rp56.000 : 12 ........................................Rp 4.700
Penyusutan pipa PVC Rp90.000 : 12............................. Rp 7.500
Penyusutan peralatan pendukung Rp200.000 : 12...... Rp 16.700
Penyusutan upah persiapan drum Rp100.000: 12........ Rp 8.400
total biaya tetap.................................................................... Rp 204.300
— Biaya Tidak Tetap
Bibit belut 40 kg x Rp40.000/kg.................................................... Rp 1.600.000
Pelet, cacing, dan ikan-ikanan kecil 474 kg x Rp3.000/kg.......... Rp 1.422.000
EM4 4,5 botol x Rp , 25.000/ botol................................................. Rp 112.500
Jerami padi 4 ikat x Rp5.000/ikat.................................................. Rp 20.000
Batang pisang 10 batang x Rp1.000/batang.................................. Rp 10.000
Bekatul atau dedak 67 kg x Rp2.000/kg......................................... Rp 134.000
Pupuk kandang 4 karung x Rp6.000/karung................................. Rp 24.000
Gula 0,25 kg x Rp6.000/kg............................................................... Rp 1.500
HSC (Humic Substance Complex) 1 botol......................................... Rp 90.000
Tenaga pembuatan media................................................................... Rp 50.000
Total biaya tidaktetap.......................................................................... Rp3.464.000
— Total Biaya Operasional
Total biaya operasional = Total Biaya Tetap + Total Biaya Tidak Tetap
= Rp204.300 + Rp3.464.000
= Rp3.668.300
3. Penerimaan per Periode
Penjualan hasil panen 400 kg x Rp25.000/kg = Rp10.000.000
4. Keuntungan
Keuntungan = Total penerimaan - total biaya operasional
= Rp10.000.000 - Rp3.668.300
= Rp6.331.700
5. Pay Back Period
Pay back period adalah waktu titik batik modal atau titik impas,
yaitu perbandingan antara total investasi dengan keuntungan yang diperoleh.
Pay back period = (Total investasi : keuntungan) x 1 bulan
= (Rp2.446.000 : Rp6.331.700) x 1 bulan
= 0,4 bulan
sumber : Drs.Ruslan Roy, MM dan Bagus Harianto, AgroMedia Pustaka, 2009
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3 Internet Home Based Businesses Anyone Can Do
3 Internet Home Based Businesses Anyone Can Do
by: Kent Thompson
Copyright 2005 Kent Thompson
If you’re serious about having a home based business, then you need to prepare. The leading reason for a failing home based business is the lack of preparation people commit after they’ve made a decision to start a home based business.
So what kind of home based business opportunity should you take on? Do you want to have an internet-based home business? Millions have done it, are doing it and are earning good livings doing so.
Here are three different kinds of Internet based business models you can try:
1) Be an online retailer for reputable companies. Your home based internet business can give reviews about all the products and services of these companies. Your customers will browse around your website, and then click on to the link. The link will send the customer to the company’s customer service website, which takes care of processing and shipping their order.
Your home based online business website does the marketing, promoting and advertising aspects for these companies. Your commission comes from the proceeds of the sale. You don’t even have to spend money for expensive e-commerce software.
2) You may not be able to bear the pain of separating from your oldest possessions, but how about auctioning these things off? For a minimal entry fee and closing fee, you can put your prized possessions on auction at Ebay or other spin-offs found on the net. This is a virtually free home based business since you don’t pay for web presence. You’ll get traffic since Ebay receives as many as 4 million visitors a day, and you won’t need to worry about your e-commerce software. Plus your small home based internet business stays open even when you go fishing!
3) Sell information. You can start your home based internet business by writing on a subject that you enjoy or are knowledgeable about. If you can do this, then this small home based internet business is for you. Write your e-book and sell it on sites like,, or
These home based internet business are all simple and easy enough to do. You can earn a living on these ideas if you view this small home based business with passion and commitment.
Just remember these home based internet tip:
Constantly fine-tune your marketing strategy and always test new ad copies to see what brings you the most sales!
About the author:
Find out how you can make $1000 per sale in one of the hottest home based businesses! Check out
Circulated by Article Emporium
cetak halaman ini
by: Kent Thompson
Copyright 2005 Kent Thompson
If you’re serious about having a home based business, then you need to prepare. The leading reason for a failing home based business is the lack of preparation people commit after they’ve made a decision to start a home based business.
So what kind of home based business opportunity should you take on? Do you want to have an internet-based home business? Millions have done it, are doing it and are earning good livings doing so.
Here are three different kinds of Internet based business models you can try:
1) Be an online retailer for reputable companies. Your home based internet business can give reviews about all the products and services of these companies. Your customers will browse around your website, and then click on to the link. The link will send the customer to the company’s customer service website, which takes care of processing and shipping their order.
Your home based online business website does the marketing, promoting and advertising aspects for these companies. Your commission comes from the proceeds of the sale. You don’t even have to spend money for expensive e-commerce software.
2) You may not be able to bear the pain of separating from your oldest possessions, but how about auctioning these things off? For a minimal entry fee and closing fee, you can put your prized possessions on auction at Ebay or other spin-offs found on the net. This is a virtually free home based business since you don’t pay for web presence. You’ll get traffic since Ebay receives as many as 4 million visitors a day, and you won’t need to worry about your e-commerce software. Plus your small home based internet business stays open even when you go fishing!
3) Sell information. You can start your home based internet business by writing on a subject that you enjoy or are knowledgeable about. If you can do this, then this small home based internet business is for you. Write your e-book and sell it on sites like,, or
These home based internet business are all simple and easy enough to do. You can earn a living on these ideas if you view this small home based business with passion and commitment.
Just remember these home based internet tip:
Constantly fine-tune your marketing strategy and always test new ad copies to see what brings you the most sales!
About the author:
Find out how you can make $1000 per sale in one of the hottest home based businesses! Check out
Circulated by Article Emporium
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pond maintenance tilapia fish seed
pond maintenance tilapia fish seed
This photograph shows the maintenance of fish pond tilapia when the tub has been given fertilizer, lime and salt. fertilization activities, provision of lime and salt is the preparation of the pool down for maintenance fish.
fertilizer applied to the preparation of this pool is in the form of manure (chicken manure) with a dose of 200 gram/m2, lime and salt each 5 gram/m2 m2.
after the pond is fertilized and watered pond. after indirect irrigated planted like fish but muted approximately 3 days and provided the seed of natural feed zooplankton (Daphnia) as feed for the seed.
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This photograph shows the maintenance of fish pond tilapia when the tub has been given fertilizer, lime and salt. fertilization activities, provision of lime and salt is the preparation of the pool down for maintenance fish.
fertilizer applied to the preparation of this pool is in the form of manure (chicken manure) with a dose of 200 gram/m2, lime and salt each 5 gram/m2 m2.
after the pond is fertilized and watered pond. after indirect irrigated planted like fish but muted approximately 3 days and provided the seed of natural feed zooplankton (Daphnia) as feed for the seed.
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bak pendederan benih ikan nila
bak pendederan benih ikan nila
foto ini menunjukan bak pendederan ikan nila ketika bak tersebut telah diberi pupuk, kapur dan garam. kegiatan pemupukan, pemberian kapur dan garam merupakan kegiatan persiapan kolam untuk dijadikan tempat pendederan benih ikan.
pupuk yang diberikan pada kegiatan persiapan kolam ini yaitu berupa pupuk kandang (kotoran ayam) dengan dosis 200 gram/m2, kapur dan garam masing-masing 5 gram/m2 m2.
setelah kolam tersebut dipupuk kemudian kolam diairi. setelah diairi bak tidak langsung ditanami benih ikan tetapi didiamkan kurang lebih 3 hari dan diberikan bibit pakan alami berupa zooplankton (Daphnia) sebagai pakan untuk benih.
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foto ini menunjukan bak pendederan ikan nila ketika bak tersebut telah diberi pupuk, kapur dan garam. kegiatan pemupukan, pemberian kapur dan garam merupakan kegiatan persiapan kolam untuk dijadikan tempat pendederan benih ikan.
pupuk yang diberikan pada kegiatan persiapan kolam ini yaitu berupa pupuk kandang (kotoran ayam) dengan dosis 200 gram/m2, kapur dan garam masing-masing 5 gram/m2 m2.
setelah kolam tersebut dipupuk kemudian kolam diairi. setelah diairi bak tidak langsung ditanami benih ikan tetapi didiamkan kurang lebih 3 hari dan diberikan bibit pakan alami berupa zooplankton (Daphnia) sebagai pakan untuk benih.
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Winning the (r) Google AdSense War
Winning the (r) Google AdSense War
by: Willie Crawford
Some owners of content sites are earning four and even five-figure incomes per month selling "nothing." They're doing this by selling their targeted traffic to other websites through Google's AdSense program.
If you're not familiar with (r)AdSense, it's where (r)Google pays website owners ("publishers") to run ads on their sites. Google accepts paid ads from advertisers, and then shares this revenue with the publishers who allow these ads to be displayed on their sites. They pay based upon clicks generated from the publishers' sites.
Many publishers have discovered that running Google AdSense ads is more lucrative, and less trouble, than marketing their own products or services. So an entire industry has sprang up around monetizing websites using AdSense and other pay-per-click programs.
The "industry" is mature enough that seminars are even held that teach how to best monetize your content sites. I'll be attending a seminar, in New Orleans, Louisiana, on September 9th - 11th, 2005, that has this very focus. You can read more about it at:
Since MOST people I've communicated with aren't earning four or five-figure incomes per month, let's examine how you increase your chances of earning these amounts.
First of all, your website has to be on a topic (a niche) where people are spending lots of money. There are niches where advertisers often spend $40 - $50 per click... just to get visitors to their websites. Obviously, these visitors buy "things" on these websites that make it worthwhile to pay that much for the traffic.
In case you're wondering what keywords any "sane" marketer would spend $50 on a single click for, read on...
Certain visitors to websites, that later convert to customers, could literally be worth thousands, even millions, to marketers. These marketers know the lifetime value of their visitors, and have the conversion rates calculated! Markets where customers can be this lucrative include legal/lawsuits, medical, higher education, real estate, new and used vehicles, investments, travel, and products offering residual income. There are many others.
I actually have a list of over 9000 keywords that I consult when building a new site, or optimizing an existing site. Doesn't it makes perfect sense to create sites that attract visitors with a high value-per-visitor?
You can grab a copy of my list along with a few personal notes on how to monetize these high-value keywords at:
The keywords on the list above range from 93 cents to $108 per click. There ARE higher priced keywords but you probably don't want to focus on them since the competition can be incredibly cutthroat. There are niches where your competitors will actually sabotage your efforts. Money does that to some people :-)
It makes economic sense to build a site around topics where people are actually spending money already.
It makes sense to target a market where people have money to spend - and they expect to spend it on products similar to yours. In that sense, you can even set up site designed to generate traffic for governmental agencies, foundations, charities, etc. It's all about getting in front of the traffic and then re-directing that traffic to those willing to pay for it.
When setting up content sites, it's important that you not violate the terms-of-service at the pay-per-click management firm that you plan on using. For example, Google actually tells you that you should not build sites just for their AdSense program. Yet, they need sites to display their customers' ads in order for their program to work.
It's a delicate balancing act. Google wants to deliver relevant clicks to their customers. They know that traffic coming from "junky" or "spammy" sites may not convert as well for their customers. This would lower their customers ROI, and lead to many unhappy customers. This would drive Google's customers to their ever-growing competitors.
Google wants webmasters that have quality, targeted traffic to run AdSense Ads. When you set up a free blog on Google's they even have the AdSense invitation "programmed" into the signup process.
So how DO you win the Google AdSense War and get your share of that multi-billion dollar advertisers' revenue stream? You build high-quality content sites that focus on niches where people are spending money. It's as simple as that. You let those already doing it teach you what works best - it's a easy as that!
About the author:
Willie Crawford has taught PROVEN Internet marketing
techniques to thousands of successful Internet
entrepreneurs since late-1996. Grab a free copy of
his comprehensive, 20-Lesson Internet Marketing
Success Course now at:
Circulated by Article Emporium
cetak halaman ini
by: Willie Crawford
Some owners of content sites are earning four and even five-figure incomes per month selling "nothing." They're doing this by selling their targeted traffic to other websites through Google's AdSense program.
If you're not familiar with (r)AdSense, it's where (r)Google pays website owners ("publishers") to run ads on their sites. Google accepts paid ads from advertisers, and then shares this revenue with the publishers who allow these ads to be displayed on their sites. They pay based upon clicks generated from the publishers' sites.
Many publishers have discovered that running Google AdSense ads is more lucrative, and less trouble, than marketing their own products or services. So an entire industry has sprang up around monetizing websites using AdSense and other pay-per-click programs.
The "industry" is mature enough that seminars are even held that teach how to best monetize your content sites. I'll be attending a seminar, in New Orleans, Louisiana, on September 9th - 11th, 2005, that has this very focus. You can read more about it at:
Since MOST people I've communicated with aren't earning four or five-figure incomes per month, let's examine how you increase your chances of earning these amounts.
First of all, your website has to be on a topic (a niche) where people are spending lots of money. There are niches where advertisers often spend $40 - $50 per click... just to get visitors to their websites. Obviously, these visitors buy "things" on these websites that make it worthwhile to pay that much for the traffic.
In case you're wondering what keywords any "sane" marketer would spend $50 on a single click for, read on...
Certain visitors to websites, that later convert to customers, could literally be worth thousands, even millions, to marketers. These marketers know the lifetime value of their visitors, and have the conversion rates calculated! Markets where customers can be this lucrative include legal/lawsuits, medical, higher education, real estate, new and used vehicles, investments, travel, and products offering residual income. There are many others.
I actually have a list of over 9000 keywords that I consult when building a new site, or optimizing an existing site. Doesn't it makes perfect sense to create sites that attract visitors with a high value-per-visitor?
You can grab a copy of my list along with a few personal notes on how to monetize these high-value keywords at:
The keywords on the list above range from 93 cents to $108 per click. There ARE higher priced keywords but you probably don't want to focus on them since the competition can be incredibly cutthroat. There are niches where your competitors will actually sabotage your efforts. Money does that to some people :-)
It makes economic sense to build a site around topics where people are actually spending money already.
It makes sense to target a market where people have money to spend - and they expect to spend it on products similar to yours. In that sense, you can even set up site designed to generate traffic for governmental agencies, foundations, charities, etc. It's all about getting in front of the traffic and then re-directing that traffic to those willing to pay for it.
When setting up content sites, it's important that you not violate the terms-of-service at the pay-per-click management firm that you plan on using. For example, Google actually tells you that you should not build sites just for their AdSense program. Yet, they need sites to display their customers' ads in order for their program to work.
It's a delicate balancing act. Google wants to deliver relevant clicks to their customers. They know that traffic coming from "junky" or "spammy" sites may not convert as well for their customers. This would lower their customers ROI, and lead to many unhappy customers. This would drive Google's customers to their ever-growing competitors.
Google wants webmasters that have quality, targeted traffic to run AdSense Ads. When you set up a free blog on Google's they even have the AdSense invitation "programmed" into the signup process.
So how DO you win the Google AdSense War and get your share of that multi-billion dollar advertisers' revenue stream? You build high-quality content sites that focus on niches where people are spending money. It's as simple as that. You let those already doing it teach you what works best - it's a easy as that!
About the author:
Willie Crawford has taught PROVEN Internet marketing
techniques to thousands of successful Internet
entrepreneurs since late-1996. Grab a free copy of
his comprehensive, 20-Lesson Internet Marketing
Success Course now at:
Circulated by Article Emporium
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provide fish
provide fish
fish feeding done every day. feeding amount per day set by conversi feed of the total weight of fish being kept. The average amount of feed given conversi in one day is of 3 - 5% of the total weight of fish being kept. The feed was given 3 times a day ie morning, afternoon and evening. feeding must be sufficiently and regularly as a function of feed in fish culture is a key element in determining the success of fish culture.
if given enough food and nutrients of the fish's survival will be better and any growth will be faster. and vice versa if the feed is given at random and not enough nutrients the fish will grow slowly so that the crop will decrease the amount of production.
feed can be given natural food or artificial feed, natural feed which can be either phytoplankton plankton and zooplankton. Artificial feed can be a pellet.
cetak halaman ini
fish feeding done every day. feeding amount per day set by conversi feed of the total weight of fish being kept. The average amount of feed given conversi in one day is of 3 - 5% of the total weight of fish being kept. The feed was given 3 times a day ie morning, afternoon and evening. feeding must be sufficiently and regularly as a function of feed in fish culture is a key element in determining the success of fish culture.
if given enough food and nutrients of the fish's survival will be better and any growth will be faster. and vice versa if the feed is given at random and not enough nutrients the fish will grow slowly so that the crop will decrease the amount of production.
feed can be given natural food or artificial feed, natural feed which can be either phytoplankton plankton and zooplankton. Artificial feed can be a pellet.
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Enlargement of channel catfish in the pond tarp
Enlargement of channel catfish in the pond tarp
Catfish are freshwater fish that are common in public waters such as rivers, swamps, reservoirs, and other puddle. Catfish body shape is gilig (cylindrical) elongated, tapered flat head, and near the mouth covered with 4 pairs of elongated rigid whiskers. Catfish skin smooth, not scaly, and the color black. fish, including catfish, which easily cultivated anywhere, can live at an altitude of more than 1,000 m above sea level with temperature conditions of 20-32 ° C, pH 6,5-8, and 3 ppm oxygen content.
There are three types of catfish that used to be cultivated, including catfish local (Clarias botrocus), catfish dumbo (Clariosgoriepinus), and catfish sangkuriang. Catfish sangkuriang an improvement strains of catfish dumbo, the results of crossbreeding of batik from catfish dumbo derived from F2 (the descendants of the two) dams catfish dumbo with F6 (descendants of the six) male parental catfish dumbo.
fish Catfish dumbo is a type of catfish that have rapid growth, within 10-12 months of weight can reach 200-300 g. While local catfish growth was quite slow, for example, in the same time a new local catfish long as 20 cm with a weight of 150-200 grams.
Rearing catfish cultivation, from seeds to the size usually tersegmen consumption, which is based on the length of the body, such as 1-3 cm, 3-5 cm, 5-8 cm, 8-12 cm, to measure consumption is calculated by using weight like 6 tails per kg, 8 fish per kg, or 10 fish per kg.
1. Spreading seeds
Density stocking of which is often done by catfish farmers in the pool tarp around 100-300 fish per m2 with seed size 5-7 cm. Farming is done until the harvest or after reaching the size catfish consumption, which contains 8-12 fish per kg with long maintenance of about 2,5-3 months.
When the seeds are still rather small catfish, seed selection should be based catfish grade / level. selection is ideally performed every 10-15 days. This is done by the following considerations.
a. To avoid the occurrence of food seized each other so that the smaller catfish to be difficult to get the feed.
b. To avoid cannibalism among the larger catfish on a smaller catfish.
c. Balancing the growth of catfish because catfish are greedy, so the remaining feed from the feed portion size catfish will eat smaller larger catfish. In addition, this gluttony can cause abdominal swelling suffered catfish.
d. Saves given pellets and reduce pollution because the rest of the pool feed.
2. Feeding
The feed given to the seed catfish, ranging from the larvae (after starting to eat) until the age of at least two weeks to eat natural food of protozoa and zooplankton (Daphnia and moina). Catfish farmers in the pool tarpaulin used to provide feed silk worms as a natural food easily available and good nutritious. Furthermore,
catfish seeds can be given artificial feed pellets with a small size until the size of the pellets were adjusted to the size of the mouth of catfish. When the catfish was growing up, farmers used to feed a chicken carcass that had been burned or boiled, chopped snails / slugs, the remaining household waste, or feed ingredient itself in the form of pellets. The aim is to save costs for feed.
3. Treatment
Catfish, including fish species that can survive in water that is less good condition with a high density. This is because the catfish has a respirator alai labyrinth can be used to take oxygen directly from air. Therefore, many farmers are sowing catfish catfish with a high density to medium reddish water. In fact, there are some farmers who apply catfish cultivation without changing the water at all and only add water when the water conditions decreased the media.
Another case when the environmental conditions less favorable cultivation, for example in areas cold enough air temperature, water level should not be too high media-treatment is especially applicable when the catfish are still
smaller because the water is too high media can make a small catfish lost a lot of energy to swim, ie when the uptake of oxygen in the air. This certainly can affect the speed of its growth.
Controlling water also needs to be done when the rainy season, especially when the pond outside the tarp. Rain water entering the water can make the media environment becomes acidic and dangerous enough catfish. However, to maintain the health condition can catfish krosok scattered salt or table salt.
source: Cahyo Saparinto, PenebarSwadaya, 2009
cetak halaman ini
Catfish are freshwater fish that are common in public waters such as rivers, swamps, reservoirs, and other puddle. Catfish body shape is gilig (cylindrical) elongated, tapered flat head, and near the mouth covered with 4 pairs of elongated rigid whiskers. Catfish skin smooth, not scaly, and the color black. fish, including catfish, which easily cultivated anywhere, can live at an altitude of more than 1,000 m above sea level with temperature conditions of 20-32 ° C, pH 6,5-8, and 3 ppm oxygen content.
There are three types of catfish that used to be cultivated, including catfish local (Clarias botrocus), catfish dumbo (Clariosgoriepinus), and catfish sangkuriang. Catfish sangkuriang an improvement strains of catfish dumbo, the results of crossbreeding of batik from catfish dumbo derived from F2 (the descendants of the two) dams catfish dumbo with F6 (descendants of the six) male parental catfish dumbo.
fish Catfish dumbo is a type of catfish that have rapid growth, within 10-12 months of weight can reach 200-300 g. While local catfish growth was quite slow, for example, in the same time a new local catfish long as 20 cm with a weight of 150-200 grams.
Rearing catfish cultivation, from seeds to the size usually tersegmen consumption, which is based on the length of the body, such as 1-3 cm, 3-5 cm, 5-8 cm, 8-12 cm, to measure consumption is calculated by using weight like 6 tails per kg, 8 fish per kg, or 10 fish per kg.
1. Spreading seeds
Density stocking of which is often done by catfish farmers in the pool tarp around 100-300 fish per m2 with seed size 5-7 cm. Farming is done until the harvest or after reaching the size catfish consumption, which contains 8-12 fish per kg with long maintenance of about 2,5-3 months.
When the seeds are still rather small catfish, seed selection should be based catfish grade / level. selection is ideally performed every 10-15 days. This is done by the following considerations.
a. To avoid the occurrence of food seized each other so that the smaller catfish to be difficult to get the feed.
b. To avoid cannibalism among the larger catfish on a smaller catfish.
c. Balancing the growth of catfish because catfish are greedy, so the remaining feed from the feed portion size catfish will eat smaller larger catfish. In addition, this gluttony can cause abdominal swelling suffered catfish.
d. Saves given pellets and reduce pollution because the rest of the pool feed.
2. Feeding
The feed given to the seed catfish, ranging from the larvae (after starting to eat) until the age of at least two weeks to eat natural food of protozoa and zooplankton (Daphnia and moina). Catfish farmers in the pool tarpaulin used to provide feed silk worms as a natural food easily available and good nutritious. Furthermore,
catfish seeds can be given artificial feed pellets with a small size until the size of the pellets were adjusted to the size of the mouth of catfish. When the catfish was growing up, farmers used to feed a chicken carcass that had been burned or boiled, chopped snails / slugs, the remaining household waste, or feed ingredient itself in the form of pellets. The aim is to save costs for feed.
3. Treatment
Catfish, including fish species that can survive in water that is less good condition with a high density. This is because the catfish has a respirator alai labyrinth can be used to take oxygen directly from air. Therefore, many farmers are sowing catfish catfish with a high density to medium reddish water. In fact, there are some farmers who apply catfish cultivation without changing the water at all and only add water when the water conditions decreased the media.
Another case when the environmental conditions less favorable cultivation, for example in areas cold enough air temperature, water level should not be too high media-treatment is especially applicable when the catfish are still
smaller because the water is too high media can make a small catfish lost a lot of energy to swim, ie when the uptake of oxygen in the air. This certainly can affect the speed of its growth.
Controlling water also needs to be done when the rainy season, especially when the pond outside the tarp. Rain water entering the water can make the media environment becomes acidic and dangerous enough catfish. However, to maintain the health condition can catfish krosok scattered salt or table salt.
source: Cahyo Saparinto, PenebarSwadaya, 2009
cetak halaman ini
Pembesaran Lele di kolam terpal
Pembesaran Lele
Lele merupakan ikan air tawar yang banyak terdapat di perairan umum seperti sungai, rawa, waduk, dan genangan air lainnya. Bentuk tubuh lele adalah gilig (silindris) memanjang, berkepala gepeng meruncing, dan di dekat mulutnya ditumbuhi dengan 4 pasang kumis yang kaku memanjang. Kulit tubuh lele licin, tidak bersisik, dan berwarna kehitaman. Lele termasuk ikan yang mudah dibudidayakan di mana saja, dapat hidup di ketinggian lebih dari 1.000 m dpl dengan kondisi suhu 20-32° C, pH 6,5-8, dan kandungan oksigen 3 ppm.
Terdapat tiga jenis lele yang biasa dibudidayakan, di antaranya lele lokal (Clarias botrocus), lele dumbo (Clariosgoriepinus),dan lele sangkuriang. Lele sangkuriang merupakan perbaikan strain dari lele dumbo, yakni hasil perkawinan silang batik dari lele dumbo yang berasal dari F2 (keturunan kedua) induk betina lele dumbo dengan F6 (keturunan keenam) induk jantan lele dumbo.
Lele dumbo merupakan jenis lele yang memiliki pertumbuhan cepat, dalam waktu 10-12 bulan beratnya bisa mencapai 200-300 g. Sedangkan pertumbuhan lele lokal agak lambat, misalnya dalam waktu yang sama panjang lele lokal baru mencapai 20 cm dengan berat 150-200 gram.
Budidaya pembesaran lele, mulai dari benih hingga ukuran konsumsi biasanya sudah tersegmen, yakni berdasarkan ukuran panjang tubuhnya, seperti 1-3 cm, 3-5 cm, 5-8 cm, 8-12 cm, hingga ukuran konsumsi yang dihitung dengan menggunakan ukuran berat seperti 6 ekor per kg, 8 ekor per kg, atau 10 ekor per kg.
1. Penebaran benih
Kepadatan penebaran benih yang sering dilakukan oleh pembudidaya lele di kolam terpal sekitar 100-300 ekor per m2 dengan ukuran benih 5-7 cm. Pembudidayaan tersebut dilakukan hingga panen atau setelah lele mencapai ukuran konsumsi, yakni berisi 8-12 ekor per kg dengan lama pemeliharaan sekitar 2,5-3 bulan.
Ketika benih lele masih agak kecil, perlu dilakukan seleksi benih lele berdasarkan grade/tingkatannya. seleksi tersebut idealnya dilakukan setiap 10-15 hari sekali. Hal ini dilakukan dengan pertimbangan-pertimbangan berikut.
a. Untuk menghindari terjadinya saling rebut makanan sehingga lele yang lebih kecil menjadi sulit untuk mendapatkan pakan.
b. Untuk menghindari kanibalisme antara lele yang lebih besar terhadap lele yang lebih kecil.
c. Menyeimbangkan pertumbuhan di antara lele karena lele bersifat rakus sehingga pakan yang tersisa dari porsi pakan lele yang berukuran lebih kecil akan dimakan lele yang lebih besar. Selain itu, sifat rakus ini juga bisa menyebabkan lele menderita bengkak perut.
d. Menghemat pelet yang diberikan dan mengurangi pengotoran kolam karena sisa pakan.
2. Pemberian pakan
Pakan yang diberikan pada benih lele, mulai dari tingkat larva (setelah mulai makan) hingga berumur minimal dua minggu memakan pakan alami berupa protozoa dan zooplankton (daphnia dan moina). Pembudidaya lele di kolam terpal terbiasa memberi pakan cacing sutra karena merupakan pakan alami yang mudah diperoleh dan bagus kandungan gizinya. Selanjutnya,
benih lele dapat diberi pakan buatan berupa pelet dengan ukuran yang kecil hingga akhirnya diberi pelet dengan ukuran yang disesuaikan dengan ukuran mulut lele. Ketika lele beranjak dewasa, pembudidaya biasa memberikan pakan berupa bangkai ayam yang telah dibakar atau direbus, cincangan bekicot/keong, sisa kotoran rumah tangga, atau pakan ramuan sendiri dalam bentuk pelet. Tujuannya adalah untuk menghemat biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pakan.
3. Perawatan
Lele termasuk jenis ikan yang dapat bertahan hidup dalam air yang kondisinya kurang baik dengan kepadatan tinggi. Hal ini karena lele mempunyai alai bantu pernapasan berupa labirin yang dapat digunakan untuk mengambil oksigen langsung dari udara. Oleh karena itu, banyak pembudidaya lele yang menebar lele dengan kepadatan tinggi hingga air medianya berwarna kemerahan. Bahkan, ada beberapa pembudidaya yang menerapkan budi daya lele tanpa mengganti air sama sekali dan hanya menambah air apabila kondisi air media menurun.
Lain halnya bila kondisi lingkungan budi daya kurang menguntungkan, misalnya pada daerah yang suhu udaranya cukup dingin, sebaiknya ketinggian air media jangan terlalu tinggi- Perlakuan ini khususnya diaplikasikan ketika lele masih
kecil karena air media yang terlalu tinggi bisa membuat lele yang masih kecil kehilangan banyak energi untuk berenang, yakni ketika proses pengambilan oksigen di udara. Hal ini tentu bisa mempengaruhi kecepatan pertumbuhannya.
Pengontrolan air juga perlu dilakukan ketika musim hujan tiba, khususnya bila kolam terpal berada di luar. Air hujan yang masuk dapat membuat lingkungan air media menjadi asam dan cukup membahayakan lele. Namun, untuk mempertahankan kondisi kesehatan lele dapat ditebarkan garam krosok atau garam dapur.
sumber : Cahyo Saparinto, Penebar Swadaya, 2009
cetak halaman ini
Lele merupakan ikan air tawar yang banyak terdapat di perairan umum seperti sungai, rawa, waduk, dan genangan air lainnya. Bentuk tubuh lele adalah gilig (silindris) memanjang, berkepala gepeng meruncing, dan di dekat mulutnya ditumbuhi dengan 4 pasang kumis yang kaku memanjang. Kulit tubuh lele licin, tidak bersisik, dan berwarna kehitaman. Lele termasuk ikan yang mudah dibudidayakan di mana saja, dapat hidup di ketinggian lebih dari 1.000 m dpl dengan kondisi suhu 20-32° C, pH 6,5-8, dan kandungan oksigen 3 ppm.
Terdapat tiga jenis lele yang biasa dibudidayakan, di antaranya lele lokal (Clarias botrocus), lele dumbo (Clariosgoriepinus),dan lele sangkuriang. Lele sangkuriang merupakan perbaikan strain dari lele dumbo, yakni hasil perkawinan silang batik dari lele dumbo yang berasal dari F2 (keturunan kedua) induk betina lele dumbo dengan F6 (keturunan keenam) induk jantan lele dumbo.
Lele dumbo merupakan jenis lele yang memiliki pertumbuhan cepat, dalam waktu 10-12 bulan beratnya bisa mencapai 200-300 g. Sedangkan pertumbuhan lele lokal agak lambat, misalnya dalam waktu yang sama panjang lele lokal baru mencapai 20 cm dengan berat 150-200 gram.
Budidaya pembesaran lele, mulai dari benih hingga ukuran konsumsi biasanya sudah tersegmen, yakni berdasarkan ukuran panjang tubuhnya, seperti 1-3 cm, 3-5 cm, 5-8 cm, 8-12 cm, hingga ukuran konsumsi yang dihitung dengan menggunakan ukuran berat seperti 6 ekor per kg, 8 ekor per kg, atau 10 ekor per kg.
1. Penebaran benih
Kepadatan penebaran benih yang sering dilakukan oleh pembudidaya lele di kolam terpal sekitar 100-300 ekor per m2 dengan ukuran benih 5-7 cm. Pembudidayaan tersebut dilakukan hingga panen atau setelah lele mencapai ukuran konsumsi, yakni berisi 8-12 ekor per kg dengan lama pemeliharaan sekitar 2,5-3 bulan.
Ketika benih lele masih agak kecil, perlu dilakukan seleksi benih lele berdasarkan grade/tingkatannya. seleksi tersebut idealnya dilakukan setiap 10-15 hari sekali. Hal ini dilakukan dengan pertimbangan-pertimbangan berikut.
a. Untuk menghindari terjadinya saling rebut makanan sehingga lele yang lebih kecil menjadi sulit untuk mendapatkan pakan.
b. Untuk menghindari kanibalisme antara lele yang lebih besar terhadap lele yang lebih kecil.
c. Menyeimbangkan pertumbuhan di antara lele karena lele bersifat rakus sehingga pakan yang tersisa dari porsi pakan lele yang berukuran lebih kecil akan dimakan lele yang lebih besar. Selain itu, sifat rakus ini juga bisa menyebabkan lele menderita bengkak perut.
d. Menghemat pelet yang diberikan dan mengurangi pengotoran kolam karena sisa pakan.
2. Pemberian pakan
Pakan yang diberikan pada benih lele, mulai dari tingkat larva (setelah mulai makan) hingga berumur minimal dua minggu memakan pakan alami berupa protozoa dan zooplankton (daphnia dan moina). Pembudidaya lele di kolam terpal terbiasa memberi pakan cacing sutra karena merupakan pakan alami yang mudah diperoleh dan bagus kandungan gizinya. Selanjutnya,
benih lele dapat diberi pakan buatan berupa pelet dengan ukuran yang kecil hingga akhirnya diberi pelet dengan ukuran yang disesuaikan dengan ukuran mulut lele. Ketika lele beranjak dewasa, pembudidaya biasa memberikan pakan berupa bangkai ayam yang telah dibakar atau direbus, cincangan bekicot/keong, sisa kotoran rumah tangga, atau pakan ramuan sendiri dalam bentuk pelet. Tujuannya adalah untuk menghemat biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pakan.
3. Perawatan
Lele termasuk jenis ikan yang dapat bertahan hidup dalam air yang kondisinya kurang baik dengan kepadatan tinggi. Hal ini karena lele mempunyai alai bantu pernapasan berupa labirin yang dapat digunakan untuk mengambil oksigen langsung dari udara. Oleh karena itu, banyak pembudidaya lele yang menebar lele dengan kepadatan tinggi hingga air medianya berwarna kemerahan. Bahkan, ada beberapa pembudidaya yang menerapkan budi daya lele tanpa mengganti air sama sekali dan hanya menambah air apabila kondisi air media menurun.
Lain halnya bila kondisi lingkungan budi daya kurang menguntungkan, misalnya pada daerah yang suhu udaranya cukup dingin, sebaiknya ketinggian air media jangan terlalu tinggi- Perlakuan ini khususnya diaplikasikan ketika lele masih
kecil karena air media yang terlalu tinggi bisa membuat lele yang masih kecil kehilangan banyak energi untuk berenang, yakni ketika proses pengambilan oksigen di udara. Hal ini tentu bisa mempengaruhi kecepatan pertumbuhannya.
Pengontrolan air juga perlu dilakukan ketika musim hujan tiba, khususnya bila kolam terpal berada di luar. Air hujan yang masuk dapat membuat lingkungan air media menjadi asam dan cukup membahayakan lele. Namun, untuk mempertahankan kondisi kesehatan lele dapat ditebarkan garam krosok atau garam dapur.
sumber : Cahyo Saparinto, Penebar Swadaya, 2009
cetak halaman ini
tilapia fish seed count results from the spawning pond
tilapia fish seed count results from the spawning pond
counting seeds activity in tilapia fish do in order to see how many seeds produced tilapia fish from spawning ponds.
tool used to calculate this tilapia fish that is a spoon, a bucket, skopnet, hapa. how to calculate this tilapia fish seed is calculated using the spoon, spoon one count each of 5 (five) - 10 fish seed does not count one-one. hapa as a medium counting should be divided in two parts with a partition using wood or bamboo. The first screen is a place to store the results of the count and the second screen is as a place to store the fish to be counted.
after the seed is calculated and then the seeds can be planted in the ponds or the maintenance of the seeds can also be sold to people who need them. This seed should be calculated according to his needs, that is when the seedlings will be planted back then we had to calculate the density of seeds according to seed the pond area of maintenance. When the seedlings will be sold then the seeds are usually calculated activity is done at the time of consumers buying fish, because we do not know how many seeds are needed by consumers. But if consumers previously had ordered any seeds so the seeds should be ready and available from the count.
cetak halaman ini
counting seeds activity in tilapia fish do in order to see how many seeds produced tilapia fish from spawning ponds.
tool used to calculate this tilapia fish that is a spoon, a bucket, skopnet, hapa. how to calculate this tilapia fish seed is calculated using the spoon, spoon one count each of 5 (five) - 10 fish seed does not count one-one. hapa as a medium counting should be divided in two parts with a partition using wood or bamboo. The first screen is a place to store the results of the count and the second screen is as a place to store the fish to be counted.
after the seed is calculated and then the seeds can be planted in the ponds or the maintenance of the seeds can also be sold to people who need them. This seed should be calculated according to his needs, that is when the seedlings will be planted back then we had to calculate the density of seeds according to seed the pond area of maintenance. When the seedlings will be sold then the seeds are usually calculated activity is done at the time of consumers buying fish, because we do not know how many seeds are needed by consumers. But if consumers previously had ordered any seeds so the seeds should be ready and available from the count.
cetak halaman ini
memberikan pakan ikan
memberikan pakan ikan
pemberian pakan ikan dilakukan setiap hari. jumlah pemberian pakan perharinya diatur dengan conversi pakan terhadap berat total ikan yang dipelihara. rata-rata jumlah conversi pakan yang diberikan dalam satu hari yaitu sebesar 3 - 5 % dari berat total ikan yang dipelihara. Pakan diberikan 3 kali dalam sehari yaitu pagi, siang dan sore hari. pemberian pakan harus cukup dan teratur karena fungsi pakan dalam berbudidaya ikan merupakan kunci utama dalam menentukan keberhasilan budidaya ikan.
bila pakan yang diberikan cukup jumlah dan nutrisinya maka kelangsungan hidup ikan akan lebih baik dan pertumbuhan pun akan lebih cepat. dan begitu sebaliknya bila pakan yang diberikan asal-asalan tidak cukup jumlah dan nutrisinya maka ikan pun akan tumbuh lambat sehingga hasil panenpun akan menurun jumlah produksinya.
pakan yang diberikan dapat berupa pakan alami maupun pakan buatan, pakan alami yaitu plankton dapat berupa fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Pakan buatan dapat berupa pelet.
cetak halaman ini
pemberian pakan ikan dilakukan setiap hari. jumlah pemberian pakan perharinya diatur dengan conversi pakan terhadap berat total ikan yang dipelihara. rata-rata jumlah conversi pakan yang diberikan dalam satu hari yaitu sebesar 3 - 5 % dari berat total ikan yang dipelihara. Pakan diberikan 3 kali dalam sehari yaitu pagi, siang dan sore hari. pemberian pakan harus cukup dan teratur karena fungsi pakan dalam berbudidaya ikan merupakan kunci utama dalam menentukan keberhasilan budidaya ikan.
bila pakan yang diberikan cukup jumlah dan nutrisinya maka kelangsungan hidup ikan akan lebih baik dan pertumbuhan pun akan lebih cepat. dan begitu sebaliknya bila pakan yang diberikan asal-asalan tidak cukup jumlah dan nutrisinya maka ikan pun akan tumbuh lambat sehingga hasil panenpun akan menurun jumlah produksinya.
pakan yang diberikan dapat berupa pakan alami maupun pakan buatan, pakan alami yaitu plankton dapat berupa fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Pakan buatan dapat berupa pelet.
cetak halaman ini
cara menghitung benih ikan nila hasil dari kolam pemijahan
menghitung benih ikan nila hasil dari kolam pemijahan
kegiatan menghitung benih ikan nila ini di lakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui berapa jumlah benih ikan nila yang dihasilkan dari kolam pemijahan.
alat yang digunakan untuk menghitung benih ikan nila ini yaitu sendok, ember, skopnet, hapa. cara menghitung benih ikan nila ini yaitu dihitung dengan menggunakan sendok makan, setiap satu sendok dihitung 5 (lima) - 10 ekor benih tidak dihitung satu-satu. hapa sebagai media hitung sebaiknya dibagi dua bagian dengan menyekat dengan batang kayu atau bambu. sekat pertama yaitu tempat untuk menyimpan hasil hitungan dan sekat kedua yaitu sebagai tempat untuk menyimpan benih ikan yang akan dihitung.
setelah benih dihitung kemudian benih bisa ditanam pada kolam pendederan ataupun bisa pula dijual kepada orang yang memerlukannya. sebaiknya perhitungan benih ini dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, yaitu bila benih akan ditanam kembali maka kita harus menghitung benih menurut kepadatan benih terhadap luas kolam pemeliharaan. Bila benih akan dijual maka biasanya kegiatan menghitung benih ini dikerjakan pada waktu konsumen membeli benih ikan, karena kita tidak mengetahui berapa jumlah benih yang diperlukan oleh konsumen. Namun bila konsumen sebelumnya sudah memesan benih maka benih pun harus sudah siap dan tersedia dari hasil hitungan.
cetak halaman ini
kegiatan menghitung benih ikan nila ini di lakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui berapa jumlah benih ikan nila yang dihasilkan dari kolam pemijahan.
alat yang digunakan untuk menghitung benih ikan nila ini yaitu sendok, ember, skopnet, hapa. cara menghitung benih ikan nila ini yaitu dihitung dengan menggunakan sendok makan, setiap satu sendok dihitung 5 (lima) - 10 ekor benih tidak dihitung satu-satu. hapa sebagai media hitung sebaiknya dibagi dua bagian dengan menyekat dengan batang kayu atau bambu. sekat pertama yaitu tempat untuk menyimpan hasil hitungan dan sekat kedua yaitu sebagai tempat untuk menyimpan benih ikan yang akan dihitung.
setelah benih dihitung kemudian benih bisa ditanam pada kolam pendederan ataupun bisa pula dijual kepada orang yang memerlukannya. sebaiknya perhitungan benih ini dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, yaitu bila benih akan ditanam kembali maka kita harus menghitung benih menurut kepadatan benih terhadap luas kolam pemeliharaan. Bila benih akan dijual maka biasanya kegiatan menghitung benih ini dikerjakan pada waktu konsumen membeli benih ikan, karena kita tidak mengetahui berapa jumlah benih yang diperlukan oleh konsumen. Namun bila konsumen sebelumnya sudah memesan benih maka benih pun harus sudah siap dan tersedia dari hasil hitungan.
cetak halaman ini
kegiatan membersihkan bak / kolam pendederan benih/larva ikan nila
kegiatan membersihkan bak / kolam pendederan benih/larva ikan nila
kegiatan ini dilakukan setelah selesai memanen benih ikan nila yang dipelihara selama 2 - 3 minggu di bak pendederan. Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membersihkan bak pendederan ini yaitu sikat, ember. Pembersihan bak pendederan ini berfungsi untuk membersihan sisa-sisa pupuk organik, lumut yang tumbuh di dasar maupun di dinding bak. Membersihkan bak pendederan dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mencegah timbulnya bibit penyakit yang dapat berkembang pada sisa-sisa kotoran. lumut yang tumbuh di dasar kolam juga perlu dibersihkan karena bila dibiarkan lumut tersebut akan mengganggu benih ikan yang dipelihara, lumut dapat menjerat benih ikan nila. sehingga benih tidak bisa bergerak dan mencari makan dan akhirnya benih akan mati.
meskipun lumut merupakan pakan yang bisa dimakan oleh ikan namun untuk benih yang ditanam di bak pendederan ini belum bisa memakan lumut. karena ukurannya pun masih kecil-kecil. Selesai membersihkan bak pendederan ini maka bak pendederan siap untuk digunakan lagi untuk memelihara benih ikan nila, setelah bak dikeringkan dan diberi pupuk. kapur dan garam.
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kegiatan ini dilakukan setelah selesai memanen benih ikan nila yang dipelihara selama 2 - 3 minggu di bak pendederan. Peralatan yang digunakan untuk membersihkan bak pendederan ini yaitu sikat, ember. Pembersihan bak pendederan ini berfungsi untuk membersihan sisa-sisa pupuk organik, lumut yang tumbuh di dasar maupun di dinding bak. Membersihkan bak pendederan dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mencegah timbulnya bibit penyakit yang dapat berkembang pada sisa-sisa kotoran. lumut yang tumbuh di dasar kolam juga perlu dibersihkan karena bila dibiarkan lumut tersebut akan mengganggu benih ikan yang dipelihara, lumut dapat menjerat benih ikan nila. sehingga benih tidak bisa bergerak dan mencari makan dan akhirnya benih akan mati.
meskipun lumut merupakan pakan yang bisa dimakan oleh ikan namun untuk benih yang ditanam di bak pendederan ini belum bisa memakan lumut. karena ukurannya pun masih kecil-kecil. Selesai membersihkan bak pendederan ini maka bak pendederan siap untuk digunakan lagi untuk memelihara benih ikan nila, setelah bak dikeringkan dan diberi pupuk. kapur dan garam.
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Cleaning the fish pond embankment soil
Cleaning the fish pond embankment soil
embankment pond cleaning activities carried out when the fish ponds will be used for fish cultivation. embankment pond is clean clean grass that grows on the edge of the pond embankment, the grass needs to be cleaned up and disposed of so as not to disturb the fish that will be cultivated especially for young fish. because if the grass is allowed to grow it is likely to be a nest of pests and predators such as snakes and others.
pond dikes can be cleaned using a hoe as shown in the photo above. cleaning the pool with the size 20 x 15 m 2 can be completed per day. Cultivation techniques carried out regularly. functions other than those mentioned above, the clearing of this pond dikes are also working to improve if there are damaged or embankment collapsed due to erosion
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embankment pond cleaning activities carried out when the fish ponds will be used for fish cultivation. embankment pond is clean clean grass that grows on the edge of the pond embankment, the grass needs to be cleaned up and disposed of so as not to disturb the fish that will be cultivated especially for young fish. because if the grass is allowed to grow it is likely to be a nest of pests and predators such as snakes and others.
pond dikes can be cleaned using a hoe as shown in the photo above. cleaning the pool with the size 20 x 15 m 2 can be completed per day. Cultivation techniques carried out regularly. functions other than those mentioned above, the clearing of this pond dikes are also working to improve if there are damaged or embankment collapsed due to erosion
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Kegiatan membersihkan pematang kolam tanah
Kegiatan membersihkan pematang kolam tanah
kegiatan pembersihan pematang kolam dilakukan ketika kolam akan dipakai untuk berbudidaya ikan. membersihkan pematang kolam yaitu membersihkan rumput- rumput yang tumbuh di pinggir pematang kolam, rumput ini perlu dibersihkan dan dibuang agar tidak mengganggu ikan yang akan dibudidayakan terutama bagi ikan yang masih kecil. karena apabila rumput tersebut dibiarkan tumbuh maka kemungkinan besar akan dijadikan sarang hama dan predator seperti ular dan lainnya.
membersihkan pematang kolam dapat menggunakan cangkul seperti yang terlihat pada foto di atas. membersihkan kolam dengan ukuran 20 x 15 m2 dapat diselesaikan sehari. Tehnik pencangkulan dilakukan secara teratur. selain fungsi yang telah disebutkan di atas, kegiatan pembersihan pematang kolam ini yaitu berfungsi juga untuk memperbaiki jika ada pematang yang rusak atau pun roboh akibat erosi
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kegiatan pembersihan pematang kolam dilakukan ketika kolam akan dipakai untuk berbudidaya ikan. membersihkan pematang kolam yaitu membersihkan rumput- rumput yang tumbuh di pinggir pematang kolam, rumput ini perlu dibersihkan dan dibuang agar tidak mengganggu ikan yang akan dibudidayakan terutama bagi ikan yang masih kecil. karena apabila rumput tersebut dibiarkan tumbuh maka kemungkinan besar akan dijadikan sarang hama dan predator seperti ular dan lainnya.
membersihkan pematang kolam dapat menggunakan cangkul seperti yang terlihat pada foto di atas. membersihkan kolam dengan ukuran 20 x 15 m2 dapat diselesaikan sehari. Tehnik pencangkulan dilakukan secara teratur. selain fungsi yang telah disebutkan di atas, kegiatan pembersihan pematang kolam ini yaitu berfungsi juga untuk memperbaiki jika ada pematang yang rusak atau pun roboh akibat erosi
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Important factors in making tarps for fish ponds
Important factors in making tarps for fish ponds
There are several important factors that must be considered in making the pool tarp, including the following.
a. Types of fish to be cultivated. This is because not all fish cultivated in ponds suitable tarpaulin. In fact, there are several kinds of fish that is not enough just with water as the medium of life, but requires additional media mud. For example, eels require the muddy bottom thick and contains organic material.
b. Fish size. This is because the size of the fish pond effect on height. For example, for seeds, young carp are not recommended to be placed into a pool made too high, but should be enough height 60 cm with 20-40 cm of water.
c. The balance between the volume of water with supporting framework must be strong. When the volume of water or the volume of mud media (for eels) pressure is quite large, frame buffer must be strong. Similarly, the ability tarp material, if thin, should not put the fish with a large volume that is not broken.
d. Basis for the laying of the pond should be flat tarp, as well as the framework does not have material that can make sharp torn or perforated sheet. If the land is not flat bottom, should be a layer of banana trunk or stem of rice husk. To frame using split bamboo, bambo parts should be placed on the outside and if the frame is made of iron, should not that easy to use because it can make a rusty torn tarp.
e. At the time of harvest and post-harvest treatment required both that the tarp was not damaged and can be used for subsequent operations.
f. Drainage pond that is made by punching holes in the tarpaulin should be done carefully so that the canvas does not leak or a sewer system to the capillary (with a suction hose).
source: Cahyo Saparinto, PenebarSwadaya, 2009
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There are several important factors that must be considered in making the pool tarp, including the following.
a. Types of fish to be cultivated. This is because not all fish cultivated in ponds suitable tarpaulin. In fact, there are several kinds of fish that is not enough just with water as the medium of life, but requires additional media mud. For example, eels require the muddy bottom thick and contains organic material.
b. Fish size. This is because the size of the fish pond effect on height. For example, for seeds, young carp are not recommended to be placed into a pool made too high, but should be enough height 60 cm with 20-40 cm of water.
c. The balance between the volume of water with supporting framework must be strong. When the volume of water or the volume of mud media (for eels) pressure is quite large, frame buffer must be strong. Similarly, the ability tarp material, if thin, should not put the fish with a large volume that is not broken.
d. Basis for the laying of the pond should be flat tarp, as well as the framework does not have material that can make sharp torn or perforated sheet. If the land is not flat bottom, should be a layer of banana trunk or stem of rice husk. To frame using split bamboo, bambo parts should be placed on the outside and if the frame is made of iron, should not that easy to use because it can make a rusty torn tarp.
e. At the time of harvest and post-harvest treatment required both that the tarp was not damaged and can be used for subsequent operations.
f. Drainage pond that is made by punching holes in the tarpaulin should be done carefully so that the canvas does not leak or a sewer system to the capillary (with a suction hose).
source: Cahyo Saparinto, PenebarSwadaya, 2009
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tilapia fish which died as a result of poor water conditions
tilapia fish which died as a result of poor water conditions
Male tilapia fish (above) and female tilapia fish (below) who died as a result of poor water quality in the pond. tilapia fish death was not caused by disease or parasites, but this tilapia fish die because the water volume conditions slightly due to the source as a source of irrigation pond water does not flow.
at that time there was no water at all coming into the pond. so that the pool was not filled with water, and soil conditions slightly porous pond so the pond water decreased drastically, the pool was not able to hold water longer. soil conditions other than the ugly pond tilapia fish deaths are also caused by hot weather conditions, so the pool of hot water and shrink due to evaporation. With a shrinking pool of water the fish room to be small and the supply of oxygen for respiration of fish is reduced. with conditions such water fish tilapia could not survive and the fish become stressed, for 12 hours was dead tilapia fish.
in the event the above things that need attention to prevent or overcome in order to avoid mass deaths of:
1. if the source of water in the pool shrinks and there is no water coming at all then we must move quickly tilapia fish to another pond or tub previously prepared.
2. find out information to people, because if the unit is a source of fish pond water from the irrigation water shrinkage may occur in irrigation, water shrinkage may be caused by several things including the improvement of the irrigation dam, repair irrigation channels kirmir automatically when these improvements will water needs to be depreciated. depreciation on irrigation water can occur due to natural disasters such as floods that cause irrigation dike burst.
Male tilapia fish (above) and female tilapia fish (below) who died as a result of poor water quality in the pond. tilapia fish death was not caused by disease or parasites, but this tilapia fish die because the water volume conditions slightly due to the source as a source of irrigation pond water does not flow.
at that time there was no water at all coming into the pond. so that the pool was not filled with water, and soil conditions slightly porous pond so the pond water decreased drastically, the pool was not able to hold water longer. soil conditions other than the ugly pond tilapia fish deaths are also caused by hot weather conditions, so the pool of hot water and shrink due to evaporation. With a shrinking pool of water the fish room to be small and the supply of oxygen for respiration of fish is reduced. with conditions such water fish tilapia could not survive and the fish become stressed, for 12 hours was dead tilapia fish.
in the event the above things that need attention to prevent or overcome in order to avoid mass deaths of:
1. if the source of water in the pool shrinks and there is no water coming at all then we must move quickly tilapia fish to another pond or tub previously prepared.
2. find out information to people, because if the unit is a source of fish pond water from the irrigation water shrinkage may occur in irrigation, water shrinkage may be caused by several things including the improvement of the irrigation dam, repair irrigation channels kirmir automatically when these improvements will water needs to be depreciated. depreciation on irrigation water can occur due to natural disasters such as floods that cause irrigation dike burst.
foto Ikan Nila yang mati akibat kondisi air yang buruk
Ikan Nila Jantan (atas) dan Ikan Nila Betina (bawah) yang mati akibat dari buruknya kualitas air pada kolam. kematian ikan nila ini tidak disebabkan oleh penyakit atau parasit, tetapi ikan nila ini mati karena kondisi volume air kolam yang sedikit akibat dari sumber irigasi sebagai sumber air kolam tidak mengalir.
pada waktu itu tidak ada air sedikitpun yang masuk ke kolam. sehingga kolam tidak terisi oleh air, dan kondisi kolam tanahnya sedikit porous sehingga air kolam secara drastis menurun, kolam tidak mampu menahan air lama. selain kondisi tanah kolam yang jelek kematian ikan nila ini juga disebabkan oleh kondisi cuaca yang panas, sehingga kolam airnya panas dan semakin menyusut akibat penguapan. Dengan air kolam yang menyusut maka ruang gerak ikan menjadi kecil dan suplai oksigen untuk respirasi ikan menjadi berkurang. dengan kondisi air seperti ini ikan nila tidak mampu bertahan dan ikan menjadi stres, selama 12 jam ikan nila pun mati.
pada kejadian di atas hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk mencegah atau menanggulangi agar tidak terjadi kematian yang masal yaitu :
1. jika sumber air pada kolam menyusut dan tidak ada air yang masuk sedikitpun maka kita harus cepat-cepat memindahkan ikan nila ke kolam lain atau bak yang sebelumnya sudah dipersiapkan.
2. mencari tahu informasi kepada orang, karena jika unit perkolaman yang sumber airnya berasal dari irigasi maka bisa terjadi penyusutan air di irigasi, penyusutan air ini bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa hal diantaranya yaitu perbaikan tanggul irigasi, perbaikan kirmir saluran irigasi yang otomatis ketika melakukan perbaikan tersebut maka air perlu disusutkan. penyusutan air pada irigasi ini bisa terjadi akibat bencana alam seperti banjir yang menyebabkan tanggul irigasi jebol.
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pada waktu itu tidak ada air sedikitpun yang masuk ke kolam. sehingga kolam tidak terisi oleh air, dan kondisi kolam tanahnya sedikit porous sehingga air kolam secara drastis menurun, kolam tidak mampu menahan air lama. selain kondisi tanah kolam yang jelek kematian ikan nila ini juga disebabkan oleh kondisi cuaca yang panas, sehingga kolam airnya panas dan semakin menyusut akibat penguapan. Dengan air kolam yang menyusut maka ruang gerak ikan menjadi kecil dan suplai oksigen untuk respirasi ikan menjadi berkurang. dengan kondisi air seperti ini ikan nila tidak mampu bertahan dan ikan menjadi stres, selama 12 jam ikan nila pun mati.
pada kejadian di atas hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk mencegah atau menanggulangi agar tidak terjadi kematian yang masal yaitu :
1. jika sumber air pada kolam menyusut dan tidak ada air yang masuk sedikitpun maka kita harus cepat-cepat memindahkan ikan nila ke kolam lain atau bak yang sebelumnya sudah dipersiapkan.
2. mencari tahu informasi kepada orang, karena jika unit perkolaman yang sumber airnya berasal dari irigasi maka bisa terjadi penyusutan air di irigasi, penyusutan air ini bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa hal diantaranya yaitu perbaikan tanggul irigasi, perbaikan kirmir saluran irigasi yang otomatis ketika melakukan perbaikan tersebut maka air perlu disusutkan. penyusutan air pada irigasi ini bisa terjadi akibat bencana alam seperti banjir yang menyebabkan tanggul irigasi jebol.
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kolam / bak penjajaan ikan
kolam / bak penjajaan ikan
bak penjajaan ikan biasanya terbuat dari bak tembok. hal ini disebabkan bahwa bak tembok lebih kuat dan tahan lama. Ukuran bak penjajan ikan biasanya tidak terlalu besar. yaitu sekitar 2 x 1,5 m. Untuk bak penjajaan yang tidak mempunyai sumber air masuk biasanya menggunakan pompa air sebagai alat sirkulasi agar ikan tetap hidup dan segar. Sirkulasi air dengan menggunakan pompa ini berfungsi untuk mensuplai oksigen ke air di dalam bak. karena oksigen dalam bak ini relatif sedikit akibat dari kepadatan tinggi dan tidak adanya pergantian air baru. bak penjajaan ini dibuat tidak hanya satu buah tetapi bisa 5, 6, 7 maupun lebih tergantung dari kebutuhannya. banyaknya jumlah bak ini disesuaikan dengan ukuran dan macam-macam jenis ikan. jadi setiap bak diisi dengan satu jenis ikan dan dengan ukuran tertentu.
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Making Homemade Carp Fishing Baits With Shellfish And Fibre To Improve Your Catches!
Making Homemade Carp Fishing Baits With Shellfish And Fibre To Improve Your Catches!
by: Tim Richardson
The use of crushed oyster and egg shell, wheat and oat brans and other natural fibre substances in carp baits improve catches significantly! But why is this, how do they work and how can you seriously boost your big carp catches using them? Read on to find out more and multiply your catches right now!
Chitin is an amino polysaccharide made up of glucosamine linkages that form hard outer and inner coating of many terrestrial, marine and aquatic organisms including crustaceans, molluscs, and arthropods. It is the most common polysaccharide in nature so it is a very useful substance to many creatures! Typically it is found in crab, lobster, crawfish, shrimp, krill, prawns, crayfish, clams, mussels, oyster, and squid among others, but it is also found in cell walls of fungi and algae.
As crustaceans, molluscs and arthropods are regularly consumed by carp in their natural diets, it is obvious they not only gain benefits from chitin and the related chitosan it in various ways directly and indirectly, but are highly sensitised to these and their effects. (Carp will even be sensitive to theses things absence from your baits!) Chitosan and chitin are known to boost the immune system and this is also one of the hidden factors and impacts of yeasts and yeast extracts in carp baits.
More knowledgeable bait designers know that including a proportion of soluble as well as insoluble fibre is vital for improving bait digestion and bait transit among many other vital factors especially in lower temperatures where carp metabolism slows down! This whole subject is not merely restricted to things like wheat, oat bran (plus wheat germ,) whole or crushed hemp, chocolate husk, desiccated coconut, and Niger seeds for instance; there are very many more substances to exploit to achieve competitive bait edges!
Chitin is soluble in acid gut conditions. It can even be broken down as an instant energy source because it is a polysaccharide like sugars. Chitosan is a form of sugar found in crustacean shells such as those of crabs and shrimps. It is marketed as a health supplement to help with aging problems and joint mobility etc but it has many other benefits besides these. It is taken as a health supplement all around the world and is now used as an anti-microbial agent in operations to suppress bacterial and yeast infections and it has proven to reduce oxidation in sea food lipids for instance!
Years ago I used to think that adding a crunch-factor to my baits was the only reason for adding such materials to your baits. But being adding carbonates to your baits has very many further benefits for those thinking carp anglers with a creative mind. It is true however that roughage such as this in bait improves bait transit through the gut and can improve bait digestion and bait performance over all in many ways in the long and short-terms.
Chitosan binds to acids, cholesterols and lipids which form non-digestible complexes that are excreted and lead to improved metabolism, energy and more balanced health. The lowering of cholesterol in the liver leads to activation of expression of low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) receptors in the gut which leads to an increase of low density lipoproteins from the bloodstream sent to the liver.
This lowers overall cholesterol and bad blood cholesterol levels regularly when chitosan is consumed regularly. This is one of the big secrets of many carp bait ingredients, additives and various substances. Their ability to improve liver, heart and circulatory health, balance and energy by balancing cholesterol levels and helping regulate energy intake and usage is vitally important and the carp feeding trigger betaine has related importance in this regard too! All this proves powerfully significant boost to metabolism naturally.
Oat and wheat bran, and bean and pulses provide soluble dietary fibre and like chitosan which is also a soluble fibre, they lower cholesterol levels and betaine is involved in this. Maize and sweetcorn contain both soluble fibre and betaine plus saccharides. This helps really explains a lot about their effectiveness as instant carp baits!
Chitin and chitosan absorb metal cations that catalyse oxidative reactions. Chitosan consumption leads to reduction in fatty liver because it binds to cholesterols and bile acids etc and removes them from the system. This leads to the liver having to produce more bile acids and so reducing cholesterol levels n the liver. It is notable as it contains free amino groups too. Adding oyster shell to your homemade boilies for instance adds essential dietary calcium to the carp diets as well as other less obvious health benefits.
The way and rate of energy processing in a carp body are all part of the metabolism of the fish and this involves oxygen in many chemical reactions. This aerobic metabolism involving oxidative reactions generate harmful chemicals called reactive oxygen species and free radicals in the body which are to only a degree dealt-with by the natural defence systems of the body. These radicals damage DNA and can lead to imbalances in body systems producing diseases such as major circulatory and heart problems and cancers among many other problems.
Now antioxidants fight and prevent the build-up of these nasty free radicals that cause the oxidation of lipids, proteins, sterols and nucleic acids. Various potent antioxidative substances act as vital natural antioxidative enzymes, hydrogen donors, metal chelators and singlet oxygen quenchers. You will probably recognise some or all of these as some as used more than others with very great success in carp baits:
Carotenoids, (and carotenes,) polyphenols, tocopherols as found in teas for instance, ascorbic acid, and many others. You might note that Robin Red and many herbs and spices contain potent antioxidant properties as does yeast extracts which act as antimicrobials in the body. Polyphenols are a huge group of varied compounds with huge health and stimulatory benefits and even truly addictive effects! Carp bait ingredients are so much more than just about direct nutritional stimulation. Any extra benefits can very definitely give your bait many added competitive edges over other carp anglers baits! Read my biography to find out much more!
By Tim Richardson.
About The Author
Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit: baitbigfish; the home of the unique world-wide proven homemade and readymade bait success secrets bibles!
The author invites you to visit:
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by: Tim Richardson
The use of crushed oyster and egg shell, wheat and oat brans and other natural fibre substances in carp baits improve catches significantly! But why is this, how do they work and how can you seriously boost your big carp catches using them? Read on to find out more and multiply your catches right now!
Chitin is an amino polysaccharide made up of glucosamine linkages that form hard outer and inner coating of many terrestrial, marine and aquatic organisms including crustaceans, molluscs, and arthropods. It is the most common polysaccharide in nature so it is a very useful substance to many creatures! Typically it is found in crab, lobster, crawfish, shrimp, krill, prawns, crayfish, clams, mussels, oyster, and squid among others, but it is also found in cell walls of fungi and algae.
As crustaceans, molluscs and arthropods are regularly consumed by carp in their natural diets, it is obvious they not only gain benefits from chitin and the related chitosan it in various ways directly and indirectly, but are highly sensitised to these and their effects. (Carp will even be sensitive to theses things absence from your baits!) Chitosan and chitin are known to boost the immune system and this is also one of the hidden factors and impacts of yeasts and yeast extracts in carp baits.
More knowledgeable bait designers know that including a proportion of soluble as well as insoluble fibre is vital for improving bait digestion and bait transit among many other vital factors especially in lower temperatures where carp metabolism slows down! This whole subject is not merely restricted to things like wheat, oat bran (plus wheat germ,) whole or crushed hemp, chocolate husk, desiccated coconut, and Niger seeds for instance; there are very many more substances to exploit to achieve competitive bait edges!
Chitin is soluble in acid gut conditions. It can even be broken down as an instant energy source because it is a polysaccharide like sugars. Chitosan is a form of sugar found in crustacean shells such as those of crabs and shrimps. It is marketed as a health supplement to help with aging problems and joint mobility etc but it has many other benefits besides these. It is taken as a health supplement all around the world and is now used as an anti-microbial agent in operations to suppress bacterial and yeast infections and it has proven to reduce oxidation in sea food lipids for instance!
Years ago I used to think that adding a crunch-factor to my baits was the only reason for adding such materials to your baits. But being adding carbonates to your baits has very many further benefits for those thinking carp anglers with a creative mind. It is true however that roughage such as this in bait improves bait transit through the gut and can improve bait digestion and bait performance over all in many ways in the long and short-terms.
Chitosan binds to acids, cholesterols and lipids which form non-digestible complexes that are excreted and lead to improved metabolism, energy and more balanced health. The lowering of cholesterol in the liver leads to activation of expression of low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) receptors in the gut which leads to an increase of low density lipoproteins from the bloodstream sent to the liver.
This lowers overall cholesterol and bad blood cholesterol levels regularly when chitosan is consumed regularly. This is one of the big secrets of many carp bait ingredients, additives and various substances. Their ability to improve liver, heart and circulatory health, balance and energy by balancing cholesterol levels and helping regulate energy intake and usage is vitally important and the carp feeding trigger betaine has related importance in this regard too! All this proves powerfully significant boost to metabolism naturally.
Oat and wheat bran, and bean and pulses provide soluble dietary fibre and like chitosan which is also a soluble fibre, they lower cholesterol levels and betaine is involved in this. Maize and sweetcorn contain both soluble fibre and betaine plus saccharides. This helps really explains a lot about their effectiveness as instant carp baits!
Chitin and chitosan absorb metal cations that catalyse oxidative reactions. Chitosan consumption leads to reduction in fatty liver because it binds to cholesterols and bile acids etc and removes them from the system. This leads to the liver having to produce more bile acids and so reducing cholesterol levels n the liver. It is notable as it contains free amino groups too. Adding oyster shell to your homemade boilies for instance adds essential dietary calcium to the carp diets as well as other less obvious health benefits.
The way and rate of energy processing in a carp body are all part of the metabolism of the fish and this involves oxygen in many chemical reactions. This aerobic metabolism involving oxidative reactions generate harmful chemicals called reactive oxygen species and free radicals in the body which are to only a degree dealt-with by the natural defence systems of the body. These radicals damage DNA and can lead to imbalances in body systems producing diseases such as major circulatory and heart problems and cancers among many other problems.
Now antioxidants fight and prevent the build-up of these nasty free radicals that cause the oxidation of lipids, proteins, sterols and nucleic acids. Various potent antioxidative substances act as vital natural antioxidative enzymes, hydrogen donors, metal chelators and singlet oxygen quenchers. You will probably recognise some or all of these as some as used more than others with very great success in carp baits:
Carotenoids, (and carotenes,) polyphenols, tocopherols as found in teas for instance, ascorbic acid, and many others. You might note that Robin Red and many herbs and spices contain potent antioxidant properties as does yeast extracts which act as antimicrobials in the body. Polyphenols are a huge group of varied compounds with huge health and stimulatory benefits and even truly addictive effects! Carp bait ingredients are so much more than just about direct nutritional stimulation. Any extra benefits can very definitely give your bait many added competitive edges over other carp anglers baits! Read my biography to find out much more!
By Tim Richardson.
About The Author
Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit: baitbigfish; the home of the unique world-wide proven homemade and readymade bait success secrets bibles!
The author invites you to visit:
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Faktor Penting dalam pembuatan kolam terpal
Faktor Penting dalam pembuatan kolam terpal
Terdapat beberapa faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam pembuatan kolam terpal, diantaranya sebagai berikut.
a. Jenis ikan yang akan dibudidayakan. Hal ini karena tidak semua ikan cocok dibudidayakan dalam kolam terpal. Bahkan, ada beberapa jenis ikan yang tidak cukup hanya dengan air sebagai media hidupnya, tetapi membutuhkan media tambahan berupa lumpur. Sebagai contoh, belut membutuhkan dasar kolam yang berlumpur tebal dan mengandung bahan organik.
b. Ukuran ikan. Hal ini karena ukuran ikan berpengaruh terhadap ketinggian kolam. Sebagai contoh, untuk benih gurami yang masih kecil tidak dianjurkan untuk diletakkan ke dalam kolam yang dibuat terlalu tinggi, tetapi sebaiknya cukup 60 cm dengan ketinggian air 20-40 cm.
c. Keseimbangan antara volume air dengan kerangka penyangganya harus kuat. Bila volume air atau volume media lumpur (untuk belut) bertekanan cukup besar, kerangka penyangganya harus kuat. Begitu pula dengan kemampuan bahan terpalnya, bila tipis, sebaiknya tidak meletakkan ikan dengan volume yang besar sehingga tidak jebol.
d. Dasar untuk peletakan kolam terpal harus rata, begitu pula dengan kerangka tidak berbahan tajam yang dapat membuat terpal sobek atau berlubang. Bila tanah dasar tidak rata, sebaiknya diberi lapisan dari pelepah batang pisang atau sekam padi. Untuk kerangka yang menggunakan bambu belah, sebaiknya belahannya diletakkan di bagian luar dan jika kerangkanya terbuat dari besi, sebaiknya jangan gunakan yang mudah berkarat karena bisa membuat terpal sobek.
e. Pada waktu panen dan pascapanen diperlukan perlakuan yang baik sehingga terpal tidak rusak dan dapat digunakan untuk operasional berikutnya.
f. Saluran pembuangan air kolam yang dibuat dengan cara melubangi terpal sebaiknya dilakukan dengan hati-hati sehingga terpal tidak bocor atau dengan membuat saluran pembuangan sistem kapiler (dengan selang sedot).
sumber : Cahyo Saparinto, Penebar Swadaya, 2009
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Great Nutritional Carp Fishing Bait Food Supplements And Flavours!
Great Nutritional Carp Fishing Bait Food Supplements And Flavours!
by: Tim Richardson
How do you get even more bites from bigger fish? The answer is give them more of what they essentially need by leveraging nutrients as one example in your baits, by adding readymade easily-available high protein liquids. With over 3 decades of experience using liquid foods I can tell you a few of the best and how to use them to best effect; so read on!
If you want to boost your catches or make your baits pull more fish packing your baits with essential amino acids and betaine is easy although far from limited to just these. The daily requirements carp have for all kinds of nutrients means that we have a vital area of leverage to exploit. It is logical that carp are extremely sensitive to substances that keep them alive - betaine is one of them! (In fact we humans have an essential requirement for betaine too and it is found naturally in our tissues.)
Now if your baits have enough good reasons for carp to consume them they will have many advantages over a range of less nutritionally-stimulating baits. But do remember that nutritional is only one part of bait formulation as many substances which are not directly nutritional in nature can very much influence fish responses and behaviours in the short and long-terms.
Whenever carp are possibly deficient in any of their essential nutrients, the inclusion of many of the most stimulatory of these nutrients in sufficient levels may be just enough to achieve a hooked fish when less nutritional baits may well fail.
The Rod Hutchinson brand is the oldest established bait company in carp fishing, and started in the late Seventies. If you want to know a few of the names that epitomise the pedigree and success of this company just consider just these 2 giants in terms of carp bait flavours namely, Scopex and Monster Crab.
Other great flavours I have used with very satisfying and consistent success over the last 3 decades include:
Megaspice, Mega Tutti Fruitti, Maplecreme, chocolate Malt, Strawberry Cream and Pineapple Cream, Secret Agent and Mulberry Florentine.
I wish to give Rod his well-deserved dues in recommending his completely trustworthy nutritional supplements which have caught me loads of bigger carp and other fish in all kinds of baits for 30 years. I have added various of these to my homemade boilies, pellets, ground baits, particles, natural sea food baits, meat and other baits, plus used them to top readymade baits of many of the big UK bait companies. My list includes:
Shellfish Sense Appeal, Regular Sense Appeal, Maplesteep Liquor, Amino Blend Supreme, Aminos Blend Swan Mussel, The Liver Compound, Compound TF, and Solutein.
There is a wealth of very productive and long-proven liquid foods and flavours available and please take note of this lesson. Some of the best products Rod Hutchinson ever brought out ended up being discontinued because shops wanted to condense their range of bait products. Some of these withdrawn flavours were some of the very best that Rod has ever had but had yet to become legendary in public perception. By all this I mean that there are definitely giants like Scopex and Minamino out there and it is up to you to experiment and decide which products you are going to make legendary through your catches and resultant opinion! Experimentation in bait-making is highly productive I can assure you! Some of the flavours I am also very keen on from Ccmoore, include:
Anchovy Extract, Ultra Green-Lipped Mussel Essence, Ultra Peardrop Essence, Ultra Belachan Essence, Ultra Bloodworm Essence, Ultra Cranberry Essence, Ultra Tuna Essence, Ultra Tangerine Essence and Ultra Honey Essence, (among others.) I have recently been doing very well on a combination of Ccmoore Crab Essence mixed with Frankfurter Essence plus various essential oils and other liquid extracts.
Ccmoore have become well-renowned for their liquid food supplements like the Rod Hutchinson brand and some of these liquid foods are really becoming legendary in their own right. Ccmoore have 12 generations-worth of animal nutrition and feed experience going in their liquid food supplement designs and this background is an indication of their potency! Some of the Ccmoore liquid foods I have used with complete confidence and great success especially when targeting bigger fish include:
Feedstim XP, Marine Amino Compound, Red Venom Liquid, Bloodworm Extract, Mussel Extract, Liquid Super Slop, and liquid Salmon and Krill - which is a genuine legend in the making. You can use these either individually in any of your baits or in mixtures as I do. (Your baits really do become fish magnets!)
The secret in using natural liquid foods is in keeping them present in high enough levels in your swim, at all times and this is connected very much to your free-baiting skills and experience and the profiles of the baits you apply in terms of free amino acid-based liquid foods and other naturally soluble extracts etc.
Rod Hutchinson used to recommend low levels of his Regular Sense Appeal around 30 milliliters per pound of base mix early on as I recall, but I put lots more in and my results got better as a result. It was a real breakthrough for me to discover I could add loads more liquid attraction to my boilie base mixes than just the 5 millilitres of flavour and perhaps 30 milliliters of liquid foods.
This success illustrates that thinking about your baits, avoiding standard recommendations and experimenting yourself can really work well! This is especially when your homemade baits and fishing experiments are based on real-time catches-feedback. This means you will know very quickly exactly when you have a winner! The impregnation of machine-extruded pellets with nutritional oils improves their attraction and similar things work in regards to flavours, liquid foods and a range of baits including readymade baits, homemade boilies, pellets, particles, meat and fish baits etc.
Watering down your eggs with liquid foods and other liquids means your baits work more like pastes as they become more water-soluble and are both able to adsorb and absorb water far better into the bait as well as leaching far more liquid attraction. These few factors alone seriously boost bait performance. For more information see my biography!
By Tim Richardson.
About The Author
Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit Baitbigfish; the home of the world-wide proven readymade and homemade bait making success secrets bibles!
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by: Tim Richardson
How do you get even more bites from bigger fish? The answer is give them more of what they essentially need by leveraging nutrients as one example in your baits, by adding readymade easily-available high protein liquids. With over 3 decades of experience using liquid foods I can tell you a few of the best and how to use them to best effect; so read on!
If you want to boost your catches or make your baits pull more fish packing your baits with essential amino acids and betaine is easy although far from limited to just these. The daily requirements carp have for all kinds of nutrients means that we have a vital area of leverage to exploit. It is logical that carp are extremely sensitive to substances that keep them alive - betaine is one of them! (In fact we humans have an essential requirement for betaine too and it is found naturally in our tissues.)
Now if your baits have enough good reasons for carp to consume them they will have many advantages over a range of less nutritionally-stimulating baits. But do remember that nutritional is only one part of bait formulation as many substances which are not directly nutritional in nature can very much influence fish responses and behaviours in the short and long-terms.
Whenever carp are possibly deficient in any of their essential nutrients, the inclusion of many of the most stimulatory of these nutrients in sufficient levels may be just enough to achieve a hooked fish when less nutritional baits may well fail.
The Rod Hutchinson brand is the oldest established bait company in carp fishing, and started in the late Seventies. If you want to know a few of the names that epitomise the pedigree and success of this company just consider just these 2 giants in terms of carp bait flavours namely, Scopex and Monster Crab.
Other great flavours I have used with very satisfying and consistent success over the last 3 decades include:
Megaspice, Mega Tutti Fruitti, Maplecreme, chocolate Malt, Strawberry Cream and Pineapple Cream, Secret Agent and Mulberry Florentine.
I wish to give Rod his well-deserved dues in recommending his completely trustworthy nutritional supplements which have caught me loads of bigger carp and other fish in all kinds of baits for 30 years. I have added various of these to my homemade boilies, pellets, ground baits, particles, natural sea food baits, meat and other baits, plus used them to top readymade baits of many of the big UK bait companies. My list includes:
Shellfish Sense Appeal, Regular Sense Appeal, Maplesteep Liquor, Amino Blend Supreme, Aminos Blend Swan Mussel, The Liver Compound, Compound TF, and Solutein.
There is a wealth of very productive and long-proven liquid foods and flavours available and please take note of this lesson. Some of the best products Rod Hutchinson ever brought out ended up being discontinued because shops wanted to condense their range of bait products. Some of these withdrawn flavours were some of the very best that Rod has ever had but had yet to become legendary in public perception. By all this I mean that there are definitely giants like Scopex and Minamino out there and it is up to you to experiment and decide which products you are going to make legendary through your catches and resultant opinion! Experimentation in bait-making is highly productive I can assure you! Some of the flavours I am also very keen on from Ccmoore, include:
Anchovy Extract, Ultra Green-Lipped Mussel Essence, Ultra Peardrop Essence, Ultra Belachan Essence, Ultra Bloodworm Essence, Ultra Cranberry Essence, Ultra Tuna Essence, Ultra Tangerine Essence and Ultra Honey Essence, (among others.) I have recently been doing very well on a combination of Ccmoore Crab Essence mixed with Frankfurter Essence plus various essential oils and other liquid extracts.
Ccmoore have become well-renowned for their liquid food supplements like the Rod Hutchinson brand and some of these liquid foods are really becoming legendary in their own right. Ccmoore have 12 generations-worth of animal nutrition and feed experience going in their liquid food supplement designs and this background is an indication of their potency! Some of the Ccmoore liquid foods I have used with complete confidence and great success especially when targeting bigger fish include:
Feedstim XP, Marine Amino Compound, Red Venom Liquid, Bloodworm Extract, Mussel Extract, Liquid Super Slop, and liquid Salmon and Krill - which is a genuine legend in the making. You can use these either individually in any of your baits or in mixtures as I do. (Your baits really do become fish magnets!)
The secret in using natural liquid foods is in keeping them present in high enough levels in your swim, at all times and this is connected very much to your free-baiting skills and experience and the profiles of the baits you apply in terms of free amino acid-based liquid foods and other naturally soluble extracts etc.
Rod Hutchinson used to recommend low levels of his Regular Sense Appeal around 30 milliliters per pound of base mix early on as I recall, but I put lots more in and my results got better as a result. It was a real breakthrough for me to discover I could add loads more liquid attraction to my boilie base mixes than just the 5 millilitres of flavour and perhaps 30 milliliters of liquid foods.
This success illustrates that thinking about your baits, avoiding standard recommendations and experimenting yourself can really work well! This is especially when your homemade baits and fishing experiments are based on real-time catches-feedback. This means you will know very quickly exactly when you have a winner! The impregnation of machine-extruded pellets with nutritional oils improves their attraction and similar things work in regards to flavours, liquid foods and a range of baits including readymade baits, homemade boilies, pellets, particles, meat and fish baits etc.
Watering down your eggs with liquid foods and other liquids means your baits work more like pastes as they become more water-soluble and are both able to adsorb and absorb water far better into the bait as well as leaching far more liquid attraction. These few factors alone seriously boost bait performance. For more information see my biography!
By Tim Richardson.
About The Author
Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit Baitbigfish; the home of the world-wide proven readymade and homemade bait making success secrets bibles!
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Carp Fishing Bait And Tackle Tips To Catch More Big Fish!
Carp Fishing Bait And Tackle Tips To Catch More Big Fish!
by: Tim Richardson
Anyone can catch carp but it is only a small proportion of anglers that catch the biggest fish most frequently! To become one of this special group is the goal of countless carp anglers today. Here are a few very well proven innovative bait tips that you and your carp will find highly stimulating!
Firstly, how many of you use meat baits? Luncheon meat, spam, turkey grill, ham and similar meat baits were exceptionally popular baits in the past before boilies and pellets became all the rage and very many famous carp anglers learnt their trade using this along with bread, sweetcorn, specially-prepared high protein pastes, trout pellets and other fish and bird and pet food baits.
I ask this question because this is a neglected area in carp fishing today, now so many anglers exclusively are using baits like boilies, pellets, natural baits and particles like maggots, fake plastic boilies and rubber sweetcorn. Among the best aspects of meat baits is they are very easily available, are alternative baits that carp do not see all the time and so learn to deal better with and do not fear to the extent of many other bait formats.
One of the best features of meat baits such as luncheon meat is that it has an unusual rubbery texture, is high in attractive oils, yet is water soluble, is nutritious and can be flavoured too. Various bait companies offer flavoured luncheon meat and similar products. Everyone knows luncheon met is a proven bait for lots of species including carp, catfish and barbel in specimen sizes. There is lots you can do with it to improve results that the majority of anglers forget.
For instance you can exploit various brands in your free-baiting so it is far more effective, rather like using very soluble ground baits like tiny pellets. All you need to do is use a few different brands and see which spam and luncheon meats have more or less water content, fat content and actual meat content. Usually a guide to this is the order and percentage of such ingredients in order stated on the label, with the largest ingredients per volume stated first. This means that some meats with have far more water or fat in them compared to other and also less meat. The ones with more meat are often much less water soluble and are best for resilient hook baits, while the more water and fat-filled ones make for excellent free baits.
One of the big plusses about meats is you can cut them instantly into any size and shape you like and so make them harder for carp for instance to deal with. The various brands also vary in their relative densities and buoyancies and this can all be used in various ways to your advantage to hook many more fish. I began fishing luncheon meat in the Seventies by actually fishing tiny cubes on the point of a size 10 hook and using a light running lead rig, a hook link of only 3 or 4 inches, a tight line and a very light indicator on the line with the rod pointing straight at the lead. This produced so many carp for me compared to other methods that I still use variants of it using various baits in my fishing for carp today.
As meat can be cut, various specialist and homemade tools can be used to generate uniform or odd-shaped free baits. I really favour using 2 different brands of luncheon meat for instance within my ground baits and PVA bag mixes and big carp love it! I have always found that using nearly square or rectangular baits are much harder for carp to deal with and eject than all those uniformly round shaped baits that the majority use. In the Eighties I used to cut my boilies into squares and in so doing it made them smaller. Strangely enough, this resulted in captures of many carp that had not been caught for a long time, some often with smaller mouths than you would expect for their size, especially in regards to common carp.
I have also found over the years that using a much more water soluble meat bait in a large size on a hair immediately by the hook, and alongside a boilie or pop-up bait has worked wonders for tripping up many wary carp over thirty and forty pounds. I evolved this further and often make homemade balanced protein pastes which are peppered (literally) and liberally, with small pieces of luncheon meat and even tiny chopped bits of worms and sea foods such as mussels, scallops, prawns, squid, and others.
I often made homemade pastes using many forms of oily fish like tinned salmon, anchovies and sardines, mackerel and herring, tuna and cod roe and other goodies. I place my paste actually around the hook and around baits on the hair rig too. This works so well in obscuring the hook from wary eyes and when it breaks down leave an irresistible pile of tiny food items that really trigger feeding and seriously improve numbers of bites from big wary fish.
A variation on this is to prepare homemade balls of ground bait that have been super-boosted with very well chosen forms of amino acid-rich ingredients and additves which often make the soluble and digestible content of many readymade baits look pretty impotent by comparison! I could add things like nucleotide enhancers, amino-rich palatants and complexes of many kinds, flavoured oils, essential oils and many other liquids and additves.
I generally use the very most potent products I can source especially when it comes to making homemade hook baits and PVA bag type mixes. Soaking luncheon meat baits in cubes and cylinders etc (in various sizes) for a few days, in special preparations really works! You might just go for conventional additives hat carp get to experience all the time and may begin to be wise to, such as marine halibut pellet oil, tiger nut oil and extract. Take it from me that adding aniseed oil and fennel oil to meats makes all the difference in colder temperatures as well as being excellent for summer use in high levels!
I especially recommend you try always to be as different and alternative as possible in preparation of your baits because it is this that multiplies your catches of the bigger, older most experienced and wary carp, most of all! For starters you might make a liquid soak using Ccmoore Marine Amino Compound with Feedstim CP or Odyssey XP liquid.
I used to use Rod Hutchinson Shellfish Sense Appeal or Nash Strawberry or Peach palatants but I have found methods to make my own unique amino acid complexes from fermented liver and natural flavour compounds among other goodies that save me an absolute fortune in homemade bait and I very rarely use readymade baits.
I use things like kelp, yeasts and Robin Red to make my own homemade liquid extracts using various special techniques to make such things even more potently bioactive. I am keen on many flavours and flavour components although I research them all as much as possible in terms of their possible bioactivity and past track record, as well as sourcing ones not known by the majority through my horticultural and health food trade contacts developed over 30 years and more.
One product I really do rate at the top of my list for productivity and great value is the hydrolysed salmon protein from CW Baits. This used with a combination of their natural flavours, pure salmon oil, betaine HCL and liquid lecithins is a great starting point liquid for all homemade bait enthusiasts as well as those anglers wishing to differentiate and boost their readymade baits! For a vast amount of unique information on improving baits visit Baitbigfish. Good luck and tight lines!
By Tim Richardson.
About The Author
Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” You can find these at my dedicated website NOW!
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by: Tim Richardson
Anyone can catch carp but it is only a small proportion of anglers that catch the biggest fish most frequently! To become one of this special group is the goal of countless carp anglers today. Here are a few very well proven innovative bait tips that you and your carp will find highly stimulating!
Firstly, how many of you use meat baits? Luncheon meat, spam, turkey grill, ham and similar meat baits were exceptionally popular baits in the past before boilies and pellets became all the rage and very many famous carp anglers learnt their trade using this along with bread, sweetcorn, specially-prepared high protein pastes, trout pellets and other fish and bird and pet food baits.
I ask this question because this is a neglected area in carp fishing today, now so many anglers exclusively are using baits like boilies, pellets, natural baits and particles like maggots, fake plastic boilies and rubber sweetcorn. Among the best aspects of meat baits is they are very easily available, are alternative baits that carp do not see all the time and so learn to deal better with and do not fear to the extent of many other bait formats.
One of the best features of meat baits such as luncheon meat is that it has an unusual rubbery texture, is high in attractive oils, yet is water soluble, is nutritious and can be flavoured too. Various bait companies offer flavoured luncheon meat and similar products. Everyone knows luncheon met is a proven bait for lots of species including carp, catfish and barbel in specimen sizes. There is lots you can do with it to improve results that the majority of anglers forget.
For instance you can exploit various brands in your free-baiting so it is far more effective, rather like using very soluble ground baits like tiny pellets. All you need to do is use a few different brands and see which spam and luncheon meats have more or less water content, fat content and actual meat content. Usually a guide to this is the order and percentage of such ingredients in order stated on the label, with the largest ingredients per volume stated first. This means that some meats with have far more water or fat in them compared to other and also less meat. The ones with more meat are often much less water soluble and are best for resilient hook baits, while the more water and fat-filled ones make for excellent free baits.
One of the big plusses about meats is you can cut them instantly into any size and shape you like and so make them harder for carp for instance to deal with. The various brands also vary in their relative densities and buoyancies and this can all be used in various ways to your advantage to hook many more fish. I began fishing luncheon meat in the Seventies by actually fishing tiny cubes on the point of a size 10 hook and using a light running lead rig, a hook link of only 3 or 4 inches, a tight line and a very light indicator on the line with the rod pointing straight at the lead. This produced so many carp for me compared to other methods that I still use variants of it using various baits in my fishing for carp today.
As meat can be cut, various specialist and homemade tools can be used to generate uniform or odd-shaped free baits. I really favour using 2 different brands of luncheon meat for instance within my ground baits and PVA bag mixes and big carp love it! I have always found that using nearly square or rectangular baits are much harder for carp to deal with and eject than all those uniformly round shaped baits that the majority use. In the Eighties I used to cut my boilies into squares and in so doing it made them smaller. Strangely enough, this resulted in captures of many carp that had not been caught for a long time, some often with smaller mouths than you would expect for their size, especially in regards to common carp.
I have also found over the years that using a much more water soluble meat bait in a large size on a hair immediately by the hook, and alongside a boilie or pop-up bait has worked wonders for tripping up many wary carp over thirty and forty pounds. I evolved this further and often make homemade balanced protein pastes which are peppered (literally) and liberally, with small pieces of luncheon meat and even tiny chopped bits of worms and sea foods such as mussels, scallops, prawns, squid, and others.
I often made homemade pastes using many forms of oily fish like tinned salmon, anchovies and sardines, mackerel and herring, tuna and cod roe and other goodies. I place my paste actually around the hook and around baits on the hair rig too. This works so well in obscuring the hook from wary eyes and when it breaks down leave an irresistible pile of tiny food items that really trigger feeding and seriously improve numbers of bites from big wary fish.
A variation on this is to prepare homemade balls of ground bait that have been super-boosted with very well chosen forms of amino acid-rich ingredients and additves which often make the soluble and digestible content of many readymade baits look pretty impotent by comparison! I could add things like nucleotide enhancers, amino-rich palatants and complexes of many kinds, flavoured oils, essential oils and many other liquids and additves.
I generally use the very most potent products I can source especially when it comes to making homemade hook baits and PVA bag type mixes. Soaking luncheon meat baits in cubes and cylinders etc (in various sizes) for a few days, in special preparations really works! You might just go for conventional additives hat carp get to experience all the time and may begin to be wise to, such as marine halibut pellet oil, tiger nut oil and extract. Take it from me that adding aniseed oil and fennel oil to meats makes all the difference in colder temperatures as well as being excellent for summer use in high levels!
I especially recommend you try always to be as different and alternative as possible in preparation of your baits because it is this that multiplies your catches of the bigger, older most experienced and wary carp, most of all! For starters you might make a liquid soak using Ccmoore Marine Amino Compound with Feedstim CP or Odyssey XP liquid.
I used to use Rod Hutchinson Shellfish Sense Appeal or Nash Strawberry or Peach palatants but I have found methods to make my own unique amino acid complexes from fermented liver and natural flavour compounds among other goodies that save me an absolute fortune in homemade bait and I very rarely use readymade baits.
I use things like kelp, yeasts and Robin Red to make my own homemade liquid extracts using various special techniques to make such things even more potently bioactive. I am keen on many flavours and flavour components although I research them all as much as possible in terms of their possible bioactivity and past track record, as well as sourcing ones not known by the majority through my horticultural and health food trade contacts developed over 30 years and more.
One product I really do rate at the top of my list for productivity and great value is the hydrolysed salmon protein from CW Baits. This used with a combination of their natural flavours, pure salmon oil, betaine HCL and liquid lecithins is a great starting point liquid for all homemade bait enthusiasts as well as those anglers wishing to differentiate and boost their readymade baits! For a vast amount of unique information on improving baits visit Baitbigfish. Good luck and tight lines!
By Tim Richardson.
About The Author
Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” You can find these at my dedicated website NOW!
The author invites you to visit:
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Why Not Bait For Carp And Catch Many More Fish Using This Free Fishing Article!
Why Not Bait For Carp And Catch Many More Fish Using This Free Fishing Article!
by: Tim Richardson
Why not catch more carp now by discovering more about many essential carp bait ingredients that carp must eat in order to actually survive! The leverage of these substances will help you get many more fishing bites and bigger fish - so read on and find out more!
Eating food keeps us and fish alive but in both cases this involves the body producing heat as a result of chemical reactions involved in digestion and the supply and use of oxygen in body metabolism. Heat is a very crucial aspect to exploit in carp bait design but there are many things to exploit in increasing your bait performance with more efficient delivery in effect of that vital energy needed for survival in carp baits; and these seriously turn carp on big-time...
All biological systems obey the law of thermodynamics; which is the balance of energy needed to sustain and maintain an organism to enable it to survive. Energy needs and losses from bodily maintenance and swimming activities (including respiration and muscular actions of the heart for instance,) must be available first before more energy is made available for growth. Survival always comes first and is a powerful aspect of carp bait design in many obvious and far more potent but more obscure ways that everyone can exploit!
Fish eat firstly to provide for their key energy needs in order to survive, just like other animals. Just see the very significant energy requirements of explorers going up Everest, or the poles and you will see how important energy supplied by food really is. Part of the demise of the Captain Scott disaster was due to the effects of insufficient energy derived from the available allocated daily food ration which in effect led to the men catabolising (in effect cannibalising) their own bodies. There is a very significant difference in the composition and profiles of the foods which supply the most energy for fish compared to a human however.
Humans utilise carbohydrates primarily while fish utilise proteins to a far greater extent. Lipid, oil or fat sources are still the most efficient energy source for both although this is very easy to over supply as with applying high oil carnivorous fish pellets (e.g. salmon pellets) to carp, or humans living on high oil and high carbohydrate junk food diets with little quality proteins and other nutrition (and little physical activity to balance things).
The bulk of scientific data on essential carp nutritional requirements has mostly been the result of carp trials in artificial conditions such as in tanks, clear water intensive farming aquaculture systems, and intensive culture conditions in clay pond culture conditions with very high stockings of fish etc. But all these conditions have not truly been representative of the actual carp needs of the fish we are fishing for in our carp fisheries stocked with other fish and complicated by a huge array of other variables.
Even using data from the formulation of feeds for carp is if used directly is not necessarily ideal for our purposes in designing baits because our aim is not maximum growth of fish, but in realistic terms, optimum attraction and feeding stimulation qualities and other characteristics which ensure advantages over competing baits for example.
Aquaculture feed development is an ever changing science in itself. Formulas for different carp species, stages of development, various temperature regimes and various specific purposes and needs and more, such as flesh colouration and taste etc, all come into play and are not all relevant for our needs as anglers.
However, certain feed aspects are extremely useful such as stimulatory growth and feeding trigger substances. Commercial fish feeds and mostly aimed at maximising energy and nutritional needs in farmed carp for the best carp growth rates at least cost and wastage in feed to the farmer financially (and least feed energy loss in the fish themselves!)
The questions of boilie, pellet and ground bait actual biological conversion rates and nitrogen waste build-up in our fisheries are very important. Because fishing baits used as free feed are subject to bacterial activity, fortunately uneaten feed enters the ecosystem in other ways and does not become harmful in the huge majority of fisheries, except perhaps in the case of tiny de-oxygenated waters in high summer temperatures perhaps.
Studies by various universities and individuals have shown that wasted nutrients from fishing baits very rarely build up like some anglers imagine and it normally takes far more free bait to harm a fishery than is used by most anglers today. (Of course very many carp have become educated into actually eat bait as it breaks down because it is often safer to eat than get getting hooked on fresh whole often still relatively dehydrated carp baits.)
The fact that carp get to practice avoiding uniform round baits 24 hours a day and all night all week, all month all year round now leads very many of them to become exceptionally sensitive to any presence of rigs. So many carp are now incredibly skilled at loosening hooks and ejecting hooks without giving even a single bleep in very many cases! Even fishing for small fish that are fished for with match tackle can be extremely difficult to hook using conventional rigs and bait dimensions and dynamics as these fish have evolved behaviours to avoid getting pricked by hooks except very lightly, so enabling them to shake or slip or loosen hooks out even while hovering motionless above a heavy lead rig or a light running lead rig for instance.
But this is part of the reason many carp in much pressured so many fish avoid capture for long periods of months or years and this aspect of carp fishing is a big challenge for anglers in many fisheries in the UK. When you consider that many big wary carp in the UK binge feed on totally soft washed-out whole and broken-down baits a number of days after they have been introduced into swims is also a challenge to overcome. Basically the problem provides the solution here and certainly in the case of hook baits, the solution to solving this problem is obvious!
Bait designs and bait applications specifically for overcoming this problem are very valuable and are well proven for many bigger warier fish in UK waters and this is something I’ve personally have had to become well versed in like many other anglers.
The major area of fish farming concern is that of the biological conversion of feed and feed energy into growth and marketable fish mass. This is a world away from what we anglers really need which is a bait a fish will actually mouth and preferably consume repeatedly having even sampled just one bait. Much of the time it is obviously beneficial to have fish already in an intensely stimulated excited mode of feeding behaviour to produce maximum chances that fish will make mistakes on our rigs and get hooked more easily.
It is worth remembering that feeding behaviours begin not with the consumption of food but it’s detection at stages previous to this by any or all carp senses combined. Carp can filter feed and derive nutritional benefits from leached substances coming from baits in the water, without actually eating them; and this is something else to exploit!
The application of carnivorous fish feeds used in bulk predominantly for carp is a health concern because fish like salmon have a greater lipid demand (for basic energy needs) than of carp. Use of these feeds can lead to vitamin E deficiency and other imbalances rather like those suffered by junk food addicts and you can give carp too much stored energy for their own good! There are many other differences between carp, catfish and salmonids feeds and although the same feeds will be fed on by the other species this does not mean they ideal for long term health when applied in bulk.
Those amino acids which form the protein foods we feed carp and trout are not going to have the same effects in the same way on similar sensory systems of different species of fish either. Fish are sensory specific and even taste specific in many ways.
The recommended optimum dietary requirements of carp are not necessarily equal to the ideal stimulatory attractiveness of a fishing bait because of the other factors needing to be enhanced, reduced or overcome. For instance one ingredient might become a deterrent if that bait has been used to hook enough fish enough times, then fish will by their survival instinct often totally refuse it or feed on it in much more creative and surprising ways to avoid becoming hooked!
One key point is that you do not need to have a complete food bait to catch carp. You can of course go down the route of covering as many possible potential essential dietary needs as possible and produce a balanced bait, but this is only one part of the equation because individual fish just like individual humans may well have unique needs and slightly different preferences and health needs and deficiencies at any point of time in the year. Some fish will be far more vulnerable to capture at certain times of year when their energy and nutritional needs are maybe no so well met.
One big challenge for us anglers is the competition from natural food available to carp which has incredible dynamics in regards the position and effects of baits in an ecosystem for instance among other things. The abundance of regular quantities of carp baits entering a fishery can obvious lead to an increasing of the availability of natural foods.
Where fishing baits are regularly introduced the balance of natural food items in this chain can be changed in various ways with many impacts on fish feeding, location and patrolling patterns and behaviours.
In some cases at times abundant fishing baits actually make it harder to catch some fish because they are able to exist on natural foods exclusive to fishing baits – and become even more so as more becomes available... The abundance of regular quantities of carp baits entering a fishery can obviously lead to an increasing of the availability of natural foods.
Often a fish is far more vulnerable to capture despite its survival instincts and avoidance of fishing baits, if it cannot get enough essential nutrition by exclusively eating natural food items only. This could express itself in many ways in catch results and energy is an important feature too on this point. For instance, how often do rarely caught fish get landed during the depths of winter, or immediately before or after spawning? It’s all food for thought that can lead to better catches...
The information on essential dietary needs of carp most often does not take into account the presence of natural food in the presence of a test food item such as that of milk casein and gelatine. In fact it really makes a big difference when you consider that a carp is fully designed to fully digest and utilise its natural food items as opposed to an artificial food item composed of many foods such as in a boilie bait or pellet designed for salmon, trout or even specifically designed for carp!
The actual energy and nutrient requirements of carp compared to the actual biological conversion and energy supplied by anglers baits may very well not be as great nor as efficient as thought by anglers...
Many anglers think about their baits in terms of nutrition but really miss the other points about actual feeding stimulation processes and mechanisms. In the real world, what if you have raised the level of natural food organisms because of the abundance of bait fed into a lake? What if the fish can pick and choose whether they actually need fishing baits to supply any needs at all at any particular point in the year?
When I began carp fishing in the 1970’s a couple of cans of luncheon meat or sweetcorn, or a pound of homemade boilies, ground bait, paste bait or a pint of maggots or a loaf of bread would have been easily enough bait for a successful 12 hour trip. Now it is easily possible to introduce 1000 boilies upon arrival and get a fish hooked within 10 minutes on some waters. It seems very obvious that the use of more bait (despite far higher stocking levels,) has affected feeding behaviours at certain times of the year especially during the colder months.
It is true that the majority of the fish you could fish available to you prior to the boom in carp fishing in the UK were of double and single figures and it has been said that at that time there were as many twenty pound fish in Kent waters as the rest of the waters in the UK put together. Obviously a new carp angler in the UK today could never fully appreciate just what catching a twenty pound carp meant at that time and the opportunity to actually fish a water that held a thirty pound fish was incredibly exciting.
It is funny to think now today that once upon a time catching twenty individual twenty pound carp in a (UK) carp season fishing from June to March, was a very tough goal just 20 years ago on most UK waters. But I know for certain this can be achieved in under a week on the right UK waters today.
I myself caught 23 carp in 5 days and nights, averaging just under twenty pounds, at Shotgate reservoir in 1991, (topped by a mid thirty pound fish.) This type of result is very possible for anyone utilising good bait application on many waters today. It still seems incredible to me today that on many UK waters today, if you said you had caught 20 carp over twenty pounds in a whole year at a water then you would most likely not be regarded as a particularly good angler.
I caught 60 twenty pound carp and 10 thirty pound carp over one June and July period at an Essex water, and 15 forties at a Sussex water in one and a half seasons; and these kind of statistics are rather more unusual but very significantly the result of bait knowledge and its powerful leverage. To be totally honest you can catch more many more big fish by getting educated far more about bait design and its effects and applications because it is such a powerful leveller of fishing skills, talent and experience.
Even to catch 3 twenty pound plus fish in an hour, or 5 twenty pound plus fish in just 2 hours is not particularly unusual today - when you know what you are doing with bait application on the right UK waters. It’s a proven fact that discovering more about bait generously pays you back - big-time so visit my unique bait secrets website Baitbigfish right now and get catching more fish for life!
By Tim Richardson.
About The Author
Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS AND FEEDING TRIGGER SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For much more now visit home of world-wide proven readymade and homemade bait success secrets bibles!
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by: Tim Richardson
Why not catch more carp now by discovering more about many essential carp bait ingredients that carp must eat in order to actually survive! The leverage of these substances will help you get many more fishing bites and bigger fish - so read on and find out more!
Eating food keeps us and fish alive but in both cases this involves the body producing heat as a result of chemical reactions involved in digestion and the supply and use of oxygen in body metabolism. Heat is a very crucial aspect to exploit in carp bait design but there are many things to exploit in increasing your bait performance with more efficient delivery in effect of that vital energy needed for survival in carp baits; and these seriously turn carp on big-time...
All biological systems obey the law of thermodynamics; which is the balance of energy needed to sustain and maintain an organism to enable it to survive. Energy needs and losses from bodily maintenance and swimming activities (including respiration and muscular actions of the heart for instance,) must be available first before more energy is made available for growth. Survival always comes first and is a powerful aspect of carp bait design in many obvious and far more potent but more obscure ways that everyone can exploit!
Fish eat firstly to provide for their key energy needs in order to survive, just like other animals. Just see the very significant energy requirements of explorers going up Everest, or the poles and you will see how important energy supplied by food really is. Part of the demise of the Captain Scott disaster was due to the effects of insufficient energy derived from the available allocated daily food ration which in effect led to the men catabolising (in effect cannibalising) their own bodies. There is a very significant difference in the composition and profiles of the foods which supply the most energy for fish compared to a human however.
Humans utilise carbohydrates primarily while fish utilise proteins to a far greater extent. Lipid, oil or fat sources are still the most efficient energy source for both although this is very easy to over supply as with applying high oil carnivorous fish pellets (e.g. salmon pellets) to carp, or humans living on high oil and high carbohydrate junk food diets with little quality proteins and other nutrition (and little physical activity to balance things).
The bulk of scientific data on essential carp nutritional requirements has mostly been the result of carp trials in artificial conditions such as in tanks, clear water intensive farming aquaculture systems, and intensive culture conditions in clay pond culture conditions with very high stockings of fish etc. But all these conditions have not truly been representative of the actual carp needs of the fish we are fishing for in our carp fisheries stocked with other fish and complicated by a huge array of other variables.
Even using data from the formulation of feeds for carp is if used directly is not necessarily ideal for our purposes in designing baits because our aim is not maximum growth of fish, but in realistic terms, optimum attraction and feeding stimulation qualities and other characteristics which ensure advantages over competing baits for example.
Aquaculture feed development is an ever changing science in itself. Formulas for different carp species, stages of development, various temperature regimes and various specific purposes and needs and more, such as flesh colouration and taste etc, all come into play and are not all relevant for our needs as anglers.
However, certain feed aspects are extremely useful such as stimulatory growth and feeding trigger substances. Commercial fish feeds and mostly aimed at maximising energy and nutritional needs in farmed carp for the best carp growth rates at least cost and wastage in feed to the farmer financially (and least feed energy loss in the fish themselves!)
The questions of boilie, pellet and ground bait actual biological conversion rates and nitrogen waste build-up in our fisheries are very important. Because fishing baits used as free feed are subject to bacterial activity, fortunately uneaten feed enters the ecosystem in other ways and does not become harmful in the huge majority of fisheries, except perhaps in the case of tiny de-oxygenated waters in high summer temperatures perhaps.
Studies by various universities and individuals have shown that wasted nutrients from fishing baits very rarely build up like some anglers imagine and it normally takes far more free bait to harm a fishery than is used by most anglers today. (Of course very many carp have become educated into actually eat bait as it breaks down because it is often safer to eat than get getting hooked on fresh whole often still relatively dehydrated carp baits.)
The fact that carp get to practice avoiding uniform round baits 24 hours a day and all night all week, all month all year round now leads very many of them to become exceptionally sensitive to any presence of rigs. So many carp are now incredibly skilled at loosening hooks and ejecting hooks without giving even a single bleep in very many cases! Even fishing for small fish that are fished for with match tackle can be extremely difficult to hook using conventional rigs and bait dimensions and dynamics as these fish have evolved behaviours to avoid getting pricked by hooks except very lightly, so enabling them to shake or slip or loosen hooks out even while hovering motionless above a heavy lead rig or a light running lead rig for instance.
But this is part of the reason many carp in much pressured so many fish avoid capture for long periods of months or years and this aspect of carp fishing is a big challenge for anglers in many fisheries in the UK. When you consider that many big wary carp in the UK binge feed on totally soft washed-out whole and broken-down baits a number of days after they have been introduced into swims is also a challenge to overcome. Basically the problem provides the solution here and certainly in the case of hook baits, the solution to solving this problem is obvious!
Bait designs and bait applications specifically for overcoming this problem are very valuable and are well proven for many bigger warier fish in UK waters and this is something I’ve personally have had to become well versed in like many other anglers.
The major area of fish farming concern is that of the biological conversion of feed and feed energy into growth and marketable fish mass. This is a world away from what we anglers really need which is a bait a fish will actually mouth and preferably consume repeatedly having even sampled just one bait. Much of the time it is obviously beneficial to have fish already in an intensely stimulated excited mode of feeding behaviour to produce maximum chances that fish will make mistakes on our rigs and get hooked more easily.
It is worth remembering that feeding behaviours begin not with the consumption of food but it’s detection at stages previous to this by any or all carp senses combined. Carp can filter feed and derive nutritional benefits from leached substances coming from baits in the water, without actually eating them; and this is something else to exploit!
The application of carnivorous fish feeds used in bulk predominantly for carp is a health concern because fish like salmon have a greater lipid demand (for basic energy needs) than of carp. Use of these feeds can lead to vitamin E deficiency and other imbalances rather like those suffered by junk food addicts and you can give carp too much stored energy for their own good! There are many other differences between carp, catfish and salmonids feeds and although the same feeds will be fed on by the other species this does not mean they ideal for long term health when applied in bulk.
Those amino acids which form the protein foods we feed carp and trout are not going to have the same effects in the same way on similar sensory systems of different species of fish either. Fish are sensory specific and even taste specific in many ways.
The recommended optimum dietary requirements of carp are not necessarily equal to the ideal stimulatory attractiveness of a fishing bait because of the other factors needing to be enhanced, reduced or overcome. For instance one ingredient might become a deterrent if that bait has been used to hook enough fish enough times, then fish will by their survival instinct often totally refuse it or feed on it in much more creative and surprising ways to avoid becoming hooked!
One key point is that you do not need to have a complete food bait to catch carp. You can of course go down the route of covering as many possible potential essential dietary needs as possible and produce a balanced bait, but this is only one part of the equation because individual fish just like individual humans may well have unique needs and slightly different preferences and health needs and deficiencies at any point of time in the year. Some fish will be far more vulnerable to capture at certain times of year when their energy and nutritional needs are maybe no so well met.
One big challenge for us anglers is the competition from natural food available to carp which has incredible dynamics in regards the position and effects of baits in an ecosystem for instance among other things. The abundance of regular quantities of carp baits entering a fishery can obvious lead to an increasing of the availability of natural foods.
Where fishing baits are regularly introduced the balance of natural food items in this chain can be changed in various ways with many impacts on fish feeding, location and patrolling patterns and behaviours.
In some cases at times abundant fishing baits actually make it harder to catch some fish because they are able to exist on natural foods exclusive to fishing baits – and become even more so as more becomes available... The abundance of regular quantities of carp baits entering a fishery can obviously lead to an increasing of the availability of natural foods.
Often a fish is far more vulnerable to capture despite its survival instincts and avoidance of fishing baits, if it cannot get enough essential nutrition by exclusively eating natural food items only. This could express itself in many ways in catch results and energy is an important feature too on this point. For instance, how often do rarely caught fish get landed during the depths of winter, or immediately before or after spawning? It’s all food for thought that can lead to better catches...
The information on essential dietary needs of carp most often does not take into account the presence of natural food in the presence of a test food item such as that of milk casein and gelatine. In fact it really makes a big difference when you consider that a carp is fully designed to fully digest and utilise its natural food items as opposed to an artificial food item composed of many foods such as in a boilie bait or pellet designed for salmon, trout or even specifically designed for carp!
The actual energy and nutrient requirements of carp compared to the actual biological conversion and energy supplied by anglers baits may very well not be as great nor as efficient as thought by anglers...
Many anglers think about their baits in terms of nutrition but really miss the other points about actual feeding stimulation processes and mechanisms. In the real world, what if you have raised the level of natural food organisms because of the abundance of bait fed into a lake? What if the fish can pick and choose whether they actually need fishing baits to supply any needs at all at any particular point in the year?
When I began carp fishing in the 1970’s a couple of cans of luncheon meat or sweetcorn, or a pound of homemade boilies, ground bait, paste bait or a pint of maggots or a loaf of bread would have been easily enough bait for a successful 12 hour trip. Now it is easily possible to introduce 1000 boilies upon arrival and get a fish hooked within 10 minutes on some waters. It seems very obvious that the use of more bait (despite far higher stocking levels,) has affected feeding behaviours at certain times of the year especially during the colder months.
It is true that the majority of the fish you could fish available to you prior to the boom in carp fishing in the UK were of double and single figures and it has been said that at that time there were as many twenty pound fish in Kent waters as the rest of the waters in the UK put together. Obviously a new carp angler in the UK today could never fully appreciate just what catching a twenty pound carp meant at that time and the opportunity to actually fish a water that held a thirty pound fish was incredibly exciting.
It is funny to think now today that once upon a time catching twenty individual twenty pound carp in a (UK) carp season fishing from June to March, was a very tough goal just 20 years ago on most UK waters. But I know for certain this can be achieved in under a week on the right UK waters today.
I myself caught 23 carp in 5 days and nights, averaging just under twenty pounds, at Shotgate reservoir in 1991, (topped by a mid thirty pound fish.) This type of result is very possible for anyone utilising good bait application on many waters today. It still seems incredible to me today that on many UK waters today, if you said you had caught 20 carp over twenty pounds in a whole year at a water then you would most likely not be regarded as a particularly good angler.
I caught 60 twenty pound carp and 10 thirty pound carp over one June and July period at an Essex water, and 15 forties at a Sussex water in one and a half seasons; and these kind of statistics are rather more unusual but very significantly the result of bait knowledge and its powerful leverage. To be totally honest you can catch more many more big fish by getting educated far more about bait design and its effects and applications because it is such a powerful leveller of fishing skills, talent and experience.
Even to catch 3 twenty pound plus fish in an hour, or 5 twenty pound plus fish in just 2 hours is not particularly unusual today - when you know what you are doing with bait application on the right UK waters. It’s a proven fact that discovering more about bait generously pays you back - big-time so visit my unique bait secrets website Baitbigfish right now and get catching more fish for life!
By Tim Richardson.
About The Author
Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS AND FEEDING TRIGGER SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For much more now visit home of world-wide proven readymade and homemade bait success secrets bibles!
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