Ammonia in conjunction with FOOD Shrimp

Ammonia in conjunction with FOOD Shrimp.

The main source of ammonia in water is the result revamp organic materials, whereas the largest source of organic material in the intensive cultivation of shrimp feed. Most of the feed will be used to grow shrimp, but some will dieksresikan in the form of solid sewage ammoniac and terlarut (NH2) in the water.

Solid dirt also will have to be recast in the form of NH2 gas. Ammonia gas reacts as follows:

Shrimp NH3 + H2O ----> NH4 OH ---> NH4 + + OH

No terionisasi
(a poison).
Analysis of existing methods can not distinguish the two forms of ammonia, so a combined total of ammonia The amount of NH3 faction in the total ammonia varies with the pH of the water temperature, salinity and oxygen concentration.

The influence of pH is very big here, for example, the temperature of 25 ° C, pH increased from 8.0 to 9.0 increase the number of faction NH, from 5:38% to 36.3%. The concentration of NH3 is safe for the shrimp is smaller than 0.1 ppm.

Biologically, in the actual renovation can happen to be ammonia nitrate (NO3), a form that is not dangerous in the process nitrifikasi with the help of bacteria nitrifikasi especially nitrosomonas and nitrobacter.

In addition to requiring the bacteria in the process of renovation is also required adequate amount of oxygen in the water. The process of renovation that can not lead to accumulation of imperfect ion Nitrite (NO2), which is also poison shrimp Nitrite in the blood can oxidize hemoglobin, hemoglobin, so do not be able to function as the oxygen kejaringan body.

In the blood that contains hemocyanin mechanism noodles may also occur.
The most secure method to avoid the formation of too much ammonia in ponds is to do with good preparation embankment.

In the preparation is done disposal results in the accumulation of dirt embankment and drying the land base. In the period of maintenance also needs to be done disposal remnant dirt regularly and do not provide food to overfishing.

SOURCE: Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

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