POND AND RISK conventional produce catfish

POND AND RISK conventional produce

Conventional swimming pool, which is made by the general public and the technical method of making has been implemented generations. Swimming was included in this category, namely digging swimming pools and cement. Swimming racketeers often also serves as a place of waste disposal that the family be as common pool.

In fact, the catfish can live and breed in dirty water like this. The risks that are often experienced in the use of the pond is digging the water drought or flooding even vice versa. In the dry season, digging ponds will be under water, even dry. Meanwhile, the rainy season, water in the pond can spill over to the high embankment pond. Thus, the catfish more freely exit the pond and scattered everywhere so that farmers will experience a loss in business.

Use of digging ponds for fish indebted power always contain the risk of drought and flooding water In addition to digging a pond, there are also people who use the cement pond, which was built in the ground or above the soil surface. Swimming is of course the kind of cost is relatively expensive because of the author of cement. The risk that experienced from the use of the cement pond, in addition to drought and flooding water, not infrequently also experienced leaks that are difficult to overcome. Near the growth of trees can be observed around the pond will cause cracks or wall so that the pond leakage or seepage.

There is also the risk that another possibility occurred in the swimming pool and digging cement. If under certain conditions, the pond is not used anymore because of the available land will be used for other purposes, the pond must be dumped to the ground. In this case would require labor and costs. Meanwhile, if the swimming-pool ditelantarkan, meaning a futile and likely will become the seeds of disease development. The use of cement ponds require expensive and costs if the leak difficult to overcome From the description can be concluded that the use of both types of conventional swimming is not efficient and not effective.

For that, need to look for a solution. One of the methods that are offered and will be discussed in this book, namely the use of the swimming carpet.

source: Kliwon Sujionohadi, Edy Suhedi, Penebar Swadaya, 2002

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