FOOD Windu Shrimp
Generally, natural waters contain Carbon dioxide of 2 mg / liter. In high concentrations (> 10 mg / liter), C2O can be toxic, as in the blood can hamper the fastening of oxygen by hemoglobin. Solvent CO2 reaction shows a balance like this:
(1) CO2 + H2O H2CO3
H2CO3 HCO3- - H+ (K = 107)
HCO3- CO32- + H+ (K = 10-11)
(2) CO + OH- HCO3-
At pH <8 reaction occurs as the reaction (2) occurs mainly when the pH value of 10. CO2/CO3-/HCO3- reactions are very power buffer from the water of certain media to join the kation Cu 2, Mg 2, K and Na. Power in the buffer is very easy to specify the use titrasi with 0.1 N HCl and orange metal as an indicator of 1 ml. 0.1 N HCl together with 1 unit of acid binding power.
(Ca (HCO3)2 + 2 HCl ————> CaCI2 + 2H2 CO3).
In this relationship, there are the following: 1 unit of acid binding power, with the 28 mg / liter CaO or 50 mg / liter Ca CO, or 81 mg / liter Ca CO3 or 2.8 degrees of hardness. In general, water resources acid binding between 0.1 to 6.0 units. Higher range than the low, because it coincides with the content of nutrients higher, including CO2/HCO3-/CO32- used for photosynthesis, which are can cause increased production maintenance.
Feed is one of the factors of production input that role to achieve the improvement of productivity cultivation of organisms. From the point of energetik, the energy stored in the feed will be used dimetabolisasi and shrimp for two purposes, namely maintenance (maintenance) and growth.
To feed that is given must meet the requirements of nutrition. To have achieved the efficiency of the use of feed, should also note how the schedule and the amount of the feed given as explained previously.
In the maintenance of shrimp, both at the hatchery and in the ponds, water quality, which is a feasible one of the determinant factors of success. This is closely related to the feed, because organisms with solid maintenance and the number of remaining metabolik result, the media maintenance of the water quickly changes the quality. Dirt and food residue will be decaying, easily lead to the development of microbes that can be harmful.
Replacement of water absolutely must be done if the accumulation of organic materials that can cause toxic to the organisms that are kept. Monitoring of water quality should be carried out continuously.
Replacement of water is one of the factors that can not be ignored, given to be of spreading density and high feed in the amount of water will lead to the maintenance of the media quickly changed the quality.
(Penaeusmonodon) is the animal that all the water of life, health and growth is dependent upon maintenance of water quality media. Some of the problems that are often found in ponds, which is intensively managed, including the water quickly to unrest.
Turbidity is mainly caused by the fine materials that float in the water in the form of organic materials such as plankton, to find renik, detritus, dirt and remaining shrimp feed. Turbidity caused by the particles of organic shrimp can be dangerous, because the organic materials will be terdekomposisi compound as a toxic ammonia (NH3), Nitrite (NO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
In addition to the process of decomposition of organic material by aerobic bacteria, will cause a decrease in oxygen content in water.
The main source of ammonia in water is the result revamp organic materials, whereas the largest source of organic material in the intensive cultivation of shrimp is from the feed.
Most of the feed will be utilized for the growth of shrimp, but some will dieksresikan in the form of sewage and solid terlarut ammonia (NH3) in the water. Solid dirt will have to be recast in the form of NH3 gas. The biological in nature, can actually occur revamp ammonia into nitrate (NO3), a form that is not dangerous in the process nitrifikasi with the help of bacteria nitrifikasi especially Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter.
In addition to these bacteria need assistance, in the process of renovation is also required adequate amount of oxygen in the water. Revamp the process is not perfect can lead to accumulation of ion Nitrite (NO2-), which is also toxic to shrimp.
source: Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna
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