Carpet swimming pool, which is basically side-and side walls are made from the carpet. Use of swimming carpet can overcome the risks that occur in swimming pools and digging cement. Carpets needed to make this pond is the type of carpet with rubber thickness of 5 mm in size. Carpets such as this are often used by the serviceman's shoes, usually black, white, or blue. It is recommended to use the black carpet because it is not easy to look dirty. In addition, the catfish will also feel comfortable place to sleep in the dark. In the swimming gang, this is shown by the behavior lele that gathered in the holes in the walls of the pond.
A. VERY rigorous FOR CATFISH At the bottom, swimming carpet can be used to power indebted enlargement all types of freshwater fish such as carp, java tilapia, indigo, gold, and local lele. However, utilization for maintenance CATFISH considered more value and the market prospects are quite good. Swimming carpet can be used for all types of freshwater fish, but the prospect for catfish As an illustration, take the local catfish maintenance during the 9 months to qualify harvested, while the catfish
only 3 months. Lele Dumbo prospects are marked by increasingly high peddler pecel lele in pingir road. In local markets, there are almost always the seller lele Dumbo for consumer customers. Restaurants also provide many of the catfish.
B. BE MADE IN land which relatively SEMPIT Business enlargement catfish swimming with the carpet can be done in the yard or at home. Land used for this activity can be a land that has not been used or land that has been used, but less productive. In each square meter carpet can be maintained swimming catfish of 50 - 70 tails. With this guideline, can be broadly defined pool of suitable land will be made available. The width of the pond can not be more than 3 m in the pool so that can remain affordable so that the process of cleaning the fish and become more easily. With the condition that the land is relatively narrow meaning of this is not the monopoly of rural communities. Communities in urban areas also allows to try this activity.
If available land large enough and there are plans to make some swimming, the carpet is recommended to start with I swimming with the size of the unit I m in width and length of 2 m. After that, the pool is created with the size of the carpet 3 m wide, 6 m long, and I m high with a capacity of 1,000 head. In the area of land that can be made relatively few units pond carpet in a row Water to fill the pond should be available. This can be a source of water comes from rivers, dig wells, well pumps, water or PAM. Water will be used to fill the pond at the beginning, to add (if the volume of water in the pool is reduced because the evaporation process), and to fill the pond again after draining.
C. Avoided sweeping FISH In the swimming test-carpet Terap never found animals such as crabs, water snakes, especially lizards. However, these animals will often found in the pond digging, and eat the fish cultured. Circumstances surrounding the pool is always clean carpet that will reduce the arrival of the animals to enter into the pond. Cleanliness outside the pool so that more easily can be kept reduce the presence of pest fish eater
D. LEVELS FAR MORE DEATH Low The level of death (mortality) of the highest population of cultured fish pond with carpet only 3%. Meanwhile, the level of mortality in the pond digging can reach 10 - 30%. If compared, this is clearly very much different. With a low mortality rate, the expected profit will be a maximum effort. As an illustration, in the activities of the test by using Terap sized swimming 3 m in width, the length of 6 m and 1 m high profit business can be obtained Rp 385000.00 per harvest period (3 months). Nevertheless, the death rate in the catfish pond carpet can not be pressed to 0% (in the sense that no one died). Mortality 0% can not be achieved during maintenance because in reality there are always fish that grow small (pygmy) that eaten by larger fish (cannibalism).
E. Equipped with the volume of water regulator Swimming carpet regulator equipped with a volume of water that will be useful to facilitate the replacement of water and As a regulator with the volume of water is easier And the replacement of water harvesting harvesting. In addition, to avoid flooding, the tool is also easier adjustment height of water in accordance with the age of the fish. Replacement of water in the pool during the water appears to have clouded due to dirt catfish, and remnants of food. Replacement o
f water also need to be held on time sorting (the stunted growth of catfish). With the volume of water regulator, the process of replacing the water more easily. At the time of the harvesting, the tool is opened so that the water in the pond will flow to the outside to dry up the pond.
As with the dig ponds during harvest time is needed because the cost of energy and water in the pond must ditimba or pumped to the outside pool. Height of water in the pond that is ideal for seed catfish up to the age of 1 month is 30 cm. If the height of the water more than that (for example, 40 cm, 50 cm, 60 cm) and the contemporary lele difficult it will move up to the surface of the water to feed the float process or to run everywhere. Sometimes catfish is not able to swim to the surface of the water.
Even if the catfish are able to surface water, usually with the movement imposed. After age 1 - 3 months, at the height of the surface water in the pool, plus a fade to reach a height of 60 cm to move freely catfish. catfish, which have difficulty moving up to the surface of the water must be addressed urgently so that growth does not interfere (or a small dwarf) and even death. In the rainy season, additional water from rainfall, the inflow into the pond will automatically exit through the holes in the security of these tools. How to make gauge the volume of water and its function will be discussed in Chapter III.
F. EASY be removed Swimming carpet can easily be removed in accordance with the location of keiinginan. If the pool is located in a narrow and the page where it will be used for any purposes, for example, a party, then immediately harvested fish pond and was then can be stored temporarily. Making swimming carpet can also be used as a business opportunity. Swimming carpet can be made and sold exclusively in a single package because the pond carpet can be easily moved.
G. Can be SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY micro and macro Swimming can be a carpet business activities in the micro scale to increase the family income by using the spare time to seek fulfillment and family nutrition (animal protein). In addition to the micro-scale business, the pond can also carpet for the macro-scale business (agribusiness activities) that the target-oriented plan on the results, periods of products, and the continuity of products to meet market demand.
H. RESULTS higher quality catfish pond that is produced from the carpet will look more clean white color with bluish scales and even uniforms. This appearance is very different compared with the catfish swimming results obtained are dirty and dusky color.
source: Kliwon Sujionohadi Edy Suhedi, Penebar Swadaya, 2002
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