: " Chicken, Fish, and Paddy Both Of The Same Can Eat..
" CHECK OF farm [in] Duukuh Gatet, Countryside of Undaaan Kidul, District of Undaan, Kuudus, precisely at elbow River bridge of Juwana getting through the area, felt nothing;there is no the difference with green carpet [of] rice field confining [it]. Farm which [is] broadness 0,15 hektare with IR64 varietas which [is] have age [to] one month, and processed with that Paddy fish system also impress so-sos. So also by 0,25 farm hektare rear SD03, local orchard, which cultivated [by] Fatmawati varietas, also do not far differ from other rice field farms around him. Even [is] same planted type, two check of rice field [in] two the location have system management of crop which [is] very differ to be compared to which [is] used [by] farmer most.
Organic Group Farmer [of] Nusa-Indah owning 20 member, and manage two the rice field areal become the single farmer group [in] Kuudus - can be told as pioneer- using organic system. Organic agriculture, according to Hadi Sucahyono, Coordinator Farmer Of Controller Of Inwrought Pest [of] District of Undaan which partake to blaze the way the effort, representing system processing of farm without using chemical Iihat vitamin [of] brand in it.
: " We blaze the way organic agriculture since September 2004," explicitly its[his]. Idea to strive organic agriculture [in] that Kuudus represent first or new matter. That effort [is] meant to create natural agricultural produce and chemicals minim. To overcome mushroom, word he/she, needn't buy up a number of fungicide which (it) is true sold many [in] various agriculture shop.
Mushroom attack, word he/she, earn to be strived by spraying biofungi namely in the form of mushroom of bivera. For insect, add him, [is] enough given [by] bioinsek namely and tricoderma > metarizium. As for its dose, for the attack of insect and mushroom, using two litre of biofungi and two litre of bioinsek every hektare.
Overcome Trouble. organic System Agriculture also have certain treatment to overcome mouse trouble. Pest minimization mouse attack can by planting ketela above galengan and also use system of kempos with brimstone. One matter again, explicitly its[his], if/when pest attack, [his] side can prevent [him/it] by developing parasite of tricoderma and making of lamp arrester of insect.
" Besides, we also use leaf extract of mimbo, papaw, and sirkaya to dissipate pest attacking our rice field". its Result problem, [at] January 2004 then, [his] side can harvest 5,5 organic paddy ton of seed of Fatmawati and of IR 64. Though the result far below/under result of inorganic agriculture crop which rely on chemicals and pesticide ( 6 - 7 ton per hektare), but yielded paddy have the quality of more pre-eminent. " its bigger Paddy item, and after cooked, its longer the process of obsolence relative compared to other inorganic product," he/she said.
Meanwhile, according to Budiyono, Organic Chief Group Farmer [of] Nusa-Indah, of price facet, organic paddy reach Rp 5.000,- / singk [is] inorganic only Rp 2.700 per kilogram. Nowadays [his] side confess [is] [doing/conducting] socialization to farmer [in] hamlet having 400 rice field hektare. He also enhance, to be able to one hundred [gratuity/ %] alter inorganic agriculture become organicly is, required [by] [of] minimum time two year. " The time needed to the readiness of farm, and give insight to other farmer [of] excellence of product will be organic," add him. Besides agriculture of organic paddy, during near by, led farmer group [it] also blaze the way poultry and cultivation of vegetable organicly. By like that, explicitly its[his], besides quality of product have slimmerly [of] pesticide made in, its processing [do] not must be done every day. ( Anton-Wahyu Hartono-15M)
Source : Suara Merdeka, 2005
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