Bakso represent food product [is] which [is] very liked [by] people start from children until adult. Form circular bakso generally of the size according to request of market / consumer. To be able to be obtained [by] bakso which with quality and is valuable [of] needed [by] high gizi [of] fish flesh 80 - 90 % from materials grand total . If quality of good bakso , fish bakso can be made [by] the effort interesting and enough profit. For that require to be paid attention the way of producing good bakso, start from handling of raw material until marketing.
needed materialss "
- Flesh Fish Flesh fish represent especial materials to make fish bakso,. good flesh [is] fish flesh which [is] white chromatic which often there are [at] fish types like : kakap, kerapu, tenggiri, cumang, kemang and others. With this white chromatic flesh will be able to be obtained [by] more withdrawing from colour [of] bakso
- flour of Tapioca [So that/ to be] its it[him] felt is delicious, gilt edged and good bertekstur, hence amount of used flour better 10 - 15 % from flesh weight - Ices [of] other Important Materials in making of bakso [is] ice water or ice
- used Flavour Flavour in the form of smooth cooking salt, delicious flavour ( and garlic of merica). Salt needed 2,5 % and delicious 2 % from flesh weight.
" Making Of Bakso Fish
- After flesh leak pulverized [is] at the same time added [by] flavour and salt sufficiently - After flesh of lumat mix flavour and flatten and obtained [by] homogeneous dough, enhancing ice cube 15 - 20 % from fish flesh weight
- As for this ices function is to maintain temperature and add water into dough
- Dough which have spherical printed homogeneous [of] braised readily bakso, of the size according to appetite
- Ball form of bakso mentioned braised in water boil till mature, that is bakso lifted [by] if have floated on the surface of irrigate
- Later;Then leak bakso and made cool and hereinafter tidy bakso ready to in plastic sack;bags according to order - Before bakso have time to be sent, bakso can be kept [at] cooler cupboard;locker or of refrigator have temperature [to] 5 degree C. With temperature 5 degree of C bakso hold up until 32 day. If for the delivery of long distance of bakso sent in the form of frost which [is] kept in storage cold.
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