prawn food of windu.

Prawn represent one of [the] commodity of primadona [in] expected Sub Fishery sector can improve state's stock exchange. Request of market beyond the sea which tend to increase and also resource which available enough in Indonesia give opportunity very big to be able to be developed [by] its conducting.

Early decade 1980 representing very momentum [is] necessary for strarting of effort prawn conducting in Indonesia. Government wisdom, like prohibition order usage of net of trawl and various wisdom supporting the make-up of commodity export non-migas in the year 1980 representing factor which stimulating entrepreneur of fishery to be more orient [at] product increase of prawn [pass/through] the effort conducting.

Prawn production [is] in Indonesia yielded from two source, that is from result of conducting and arrest. In range of time 1975 - 1980 prawn production in Indonesia experience of high increase enough, most result of from arrest [in] sea. However, after [released] [by] Keppres No. 39 year 1980 which prohibit usage of net of trawl, happened degradation of fishery result mostly come from prawn commodity. With various effort which have been [done/conducted] [by] government of Indonesia, like activity of fishpond intensification and ekstensifikasi, and that thing push private sector sector to inculcate its capital in effort prawn fishpond, hence its result earn seen with existence of product increase of prawn, also its fast exporting enough [at] PELITA IV.

In the year 1985, Indonesia can export prawn counted 30.800 ton for the price of US $ 202,3 million. While in the year 1986, natural Indonesia prawn exporting [of] degradation become 30.600 ton but its value mount to become US $ 284,7 million. Value export this prawn [of] mempakan [about/around] 15,45 % from totalizeing value export commodity of nonmigas of agricultural sector. In the year 1987 Indonesia prawn exporting again mount to become 49.267 ton with value of US $ 435 million. While in the year 1988 mounting equal to 27,7 % or become 56.552 prawn ton with increase of value equal to 41,83 % or become US $ 499.859 million ( Source of: Ditjen Fishery).

progressively expanding [him/ it] knowledge of farmer of fishpond, especially with existence of adjusment of technology go forward in effort prawn conducting, hence production of[is effort this energy kindness [of] phase for the shake of phase continue to show improvement. Pursuant to statistical fishery of Indonesia year 1987, prawn production of windu, especially coming from effort tired conducting 13.068 ton in the year 1985,15.424 ton in the year 1986 and in the year 1987 mounting to become 25.202 ton. Product increase and the prawn exporting is not quit of role of its supporter medium effort which progressively expand like : seeding of prawn, equipments of food factory and fishpond.

With existence of addition of input [at] production factors, one of [the] among others [is] food, hence growth rate expected can be raced as maximum to increase produce in conducting system. To increase produce, to be needed [by] food matching with requirement of growth of prawn. To alter food Iihat vitamin become body Iihat vitamin needed [by] activity of kimiawi and is physiological. Food Iihat vitamin staying in prawn body will be turned into flesh, [is] so that reached [by] optimal production if/when prawn given [by] perfect food.

source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru Dra. Suzy Anna

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