HABIT EAT PRAWN of WINDU ( Penaeus Monodon) .
[In] nature, prawn of windu ordinary eat various type of Crustacea big, Brachyura, vegetation objects, Polychaeta, Mollusca, small fishs and limited small Crustacea in number. While looked after prawn [in] fishpond eating many Copepoda. Although prawn of penaid represent omnivorous animal ( Omnivora), however in general prawn represent predator to invertebrata which [is] movement of tardy [it]. Result of inspection to prawn innards;bowels of windu looked after [in] fishpond indicate that its food consist of type plankton of Lyngbya sp, Spirulina, Skeletonema and from type of zooplankton that is Brachionus sp ( Ranoemihardjo, 1980). Even though, situation of place environment live prawn will have an effect on to eaten food type.
In effort conservancy of prawn, given food besides have to have the quality of which its [of] him have to enough, because lacking of food will be more quicken death of animal which [is] conducting. Till now Artemia nauplius represent one of [the] most effective prawn food to stadium prawn after and also larva of Juvenil. Besides, Artemia nauplius can personate supporter of growth of prawn of windu.
If used as [by] suplemen with other food, in the reality Artemia have excellence compared to other prawn food. The excellence among others [is] : Merchant Artemia in the form of cyst ( Cyst), practical so that in its use, Artemia nauplius have compatible size measure gyration for many prawn larva, can adapt to various environment and can grow [at] high density ( Sorgeloos, 1980). Besides, Artemia also have content of nutrisi which high enough. [At] some growth of prawn stadia of windu, habit eat like [at] Tables 1.

sumber :
[In] nature, prawn of windu ordinary eat various type of Crustacea big, Brachyura, vegetation objects, Polychaeta, Mollusca, small fishs and limited small Crustacea in number. While looked after prawn [in] fishpond eating many Copepoda. Although prawn of penaid represent omnivorous animal ( Omnivora), however in general prawn represent predator to invertebrata which [is] movement of tardy [it]. Result of inspection to prawn innards;bowels of windu looked after [in] fishpond indicate that its food consist of type plankton of Lyngbya sp, Spirulina, Skeletonema and from type of zooplankton that is Brachionus sp ( Ranoemihardjo, 1980). Even though, situation of place environment live prawn will have an effect on to eaten food type.
In effort conservancy of prawn, given food besides have to have the quality of which its [of] him have to enough, because lacking of food will be more quicken death of animal which [is] conducting. Till now Artemia nauplius represent one of [the] most effective prawn food to stadium prawn after and also larva of Juvenil. Besides, Artemia nauplius can personate supporter of growth of prawn of windu.
If used as [by] suplemen with other food, in the reality Artemia have excellence compared to other prawn food. The excellence among others [is] : Merchant Artemia in the form of cyst ( Cyst), practical so that in its use, Artemia nauplius have compatible size measure gyration for many prawn larva, can adapt to various environment and can grow [at] high density ( Sorgeloos, 1980). Besides, Artemia also have content of nutrisi which high enough. [At] some growth of prawn stadia of windu, habit eat like [at] Tables 1.
sumber :
Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna
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