Fish which [is] conducting oftentimes experience of disease attack. come down with Fish marking in general [is] fish often see to swim on the surface of irrigate ( non when eating), fish cut loose from its group, fish swim quiesently on the surface of irrigate, fish oftentimes go away from inclusion of water, tardy peripatetic fish, fish mouth gasp for breath on the surface of irrigate, passion eat to decrease, rather blue pale chromatic fish gill until. A. Disease of Parasite Parasite represent flora or animal draping its life [at] its its[his]. Disease which because of parasite can come from bacterium, mushroom, protozoa, and or worm.
Resulted from [by] disease [is] Bacterium. resulted from [by] Disease [is] bacterium referred [as] [by] disease of bakterial. This disease [is] in general marked with existence of redish chromatic hurt or red pocks [at] part of external body [of] fish, like abscess contain dilution, natural fin [of] deterioration so that destroy, damage and pale gill, natural stomach [of] pembengkakan, and sometime go with the tide broken fish. Bacterium type attacking bream, especially and lele of baung, [is] bacterium of Aeromonas hydrophyla. This bacterium can cause disease if condition of environment and or the condition of itself fish become uglyly.
Prevention of disease of bakterial can be [done/conducted] used [to] medicinize like Malacheet Green ( MG). Malacheet Green in the form of green flour which can buy [by] [in] drugstores or dispensary. Dose the used [is] 1 - 15 mg / litre. Fish which is [is] ill to be soaked in condensation of Malacheet Green during about 10 - 15 minute. Medication [done/conducted] [by] 3 times successively with time distance 2 - 3 day.
Resulted from [by] disease [is] Mushroom. attacked [by] Marking Fish [is] mushroom [is] [at] fish husk growed [by] smooth yarns like white or white chromatic cotton [is] cacao. Mushroom type which often attack bream ( like catfish) [is] mushroom of Aphanomyces ( attacking body interior) and Saprolegmia ( attacking body exterior). Preventive and medication of this disease can be [done/conducted] with pool keep cleaning or of karamba and avoid treatment of which can generate hurt [at] fish. come down with fish [is] mushroom plunged into condensation of Malacheet Green dose 60 g / m3 during 15 minute, or with dose 2 - 3 gram / m3 irrigate during 1 [hour/clock] or plunged in condensation of formalin ( rate 10 %) with dose 1,5 - 2 cc / litre irrigate during 15 minute.
Resulted from [by] disease [is] Protozoa. most Disease [is] often met [at] fish larva [is] disease of white blot ( spot white). This disease because of protozoa parasite of type of Ichthyopthirius multifilis so that often [is] also referred [as] [by] disease " Ich". this Ichthyopthirius Multifilis destroy fish mucus cells and can cause haemorrahage which often seen [at] fish gill and fin. Preventive [of] disease of Ichthyopthirius multifilis can be [done/conducted] by creating freshness atmosphere and health to fish by labouring the quality of water remain to be optimal in a condition which accompanied [by] [gift/ giving] of good food. Medication or eradication of disease can be [done/conducted] with :
a. Fish which is [is] ill to be soaked in cooking salt condensation ( Dose NaCl) 10 - 15 g / litre irrigate during 20 minute or 25 g / litre during 10 - 15 minute
b. Fish which is [is] ill to be soaked in condensation of Malacheet Green dose 0,05 mg / litre during 3 - 4 day or 0,15 mg / litre
c. Temperature irrigate conservancy improved to become 30°C and every day irrigate to be changed [by] 50
d. Fish which is [is] ill to be soaked in Acriflavine ( dose hydrochlorida) 10 mg / litre.
Resulted From [By] disease [is] Learnea.
Parasite of Leamea represent parasite which patch [at] fish body exterior. This parasite can cause the happening of bodily injury so that become way in to mushroom bacterium, and virus ( Picture 29). Incidence [of] this Learnea because of to the number of organic materials in the form of garbage, rest of food pickings and fertilization, irrigating of pool which [do] not emit a stream of, temperature which is high relative, or solid [is] high dispersion. Symptoms [at] come down with fish [is] Learnea [is] [at] organ, fin, and eye found [by] parasite which patch. come down with fish also often experience of bodily injury or chafe [at] parasite adherence place.
Prevention of disease of Lernea can be [done/conducted] by filtering water beforehand before [entered/included] to pool. Fish which is [is] ill to be soaked in condensation of PK ( Potassium of Permanganat = KMNO2) dose 20 - 25 mg / litre during 2 - 3 [hour/clock]. Operation of disease earn [is] also [done/conducted] soaked fish in condensation of formalin 10 % with dose 250 ml / m3 irrigate during 10 - 15 minute and repeated [by] 2 - 3 times in a time gap 2 - 3 day. Preventive [of] this disease earn [is] also [done/conducted] soaked attacked fish by using Dipterex Bromex dose 0,25 mg / litre.
Resulted From [By] disease [is] Flea Fish ( Argulus).
Flea Fish ( Argulus) live by sucking fish blood. this Fish flea can go about from one fish tail to other fish ( Picture 29). attacked [by] Fish marking [is] fish flea [is] fish become thinly, even attacked fish often die because stung and sipped [by] its blood. Fish movement become slowgoing and [at] body / body sometime there are red blot.
Prevention of fish flea can be [done/conducted] with draining of periodical pool, at the same time process land;ground, fertilizing, calcifying pool to annihilate eggs of Argulus, and also commutation of pool water often possible. Eradication or medication to come down with fish can be gone through soaked fish in cooking salt condensation ( Nacl) 20 g / litre during 5 minute or earn also soak ill fish in Insektisida Malathin and of Dipterex with dose 0,25 mg / litre.
Resulted from [by] disease [is] Gyrodactylus and of Dactylogyrus.
Gyrodactylus and of Dactylogyrus [is] of a kind worm very small which live as fish parasite and destroy gill and also fish epidermis. attacked [by] gill [is] Gyrodactylus and of Dactylogyrus become bodily injury, later;then arise haemorrahage of effect exhalation of fish annoyed. attacked Fish husk become muccous many ( Picture 29). Medication to attacked [by] fish [is] Gyrodactylus and of Dactylogyrus can be [done/conducted] by using condensation of fomalin 25 mg / water litre.
Picture 29. Parasite type cause of disease of fish.
B. Disease of Non-Parasit.
Disease of non-parasit [is] disease which because of environmental factors like water fisika-kimia which disagree with requirement of food factor and fish / gizi which [do] not fufilled. Disease effect of fisika-kimia irrigate for example change of temperature, pH, lacking of oxygen, existence of poisongass ( NH3, H2S), and poisonous Iihat vitamin. Disease effect of bad food ( malnutrien), for example lacking of rotten food-stuff or vitamin and poisonous. resulted from [by] Disease symptom lacking of food [is] incidence [of] intestine symptom break which found many [at] fish of group of catfish. Disease of bent bone [at] catfish anticipated for want of vitamin C. Disease of a kind tumor which because of mushroom poison ( Aflatoxin) [pass/through] legume materials used for the menyusuh of composition of pakan made in. To overcome disease of above mentioned non-parasit can be [done/conducted] by labouring the condition of food and environment matching with requirement of fish.
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