Tagging, sign [at] fish

Tagging [is] [gift/ giving] of sign to fish body with installing foreign object. Object the used [is] objects which [do] not easy to rust silveryly, alumunium, nickel, plastic, ebonite, selluloid, and others. [At] this tag can date, serial number or other code able to give order or boldness to finding fish having the tag. This matter represent one of [the] advantage compared to with marking so that facilitate to identify individual which have been given [by] tag.

Part of fish body which is [is] ordinary to be given [by] tag [is]:
Part of head
- jawbone under
- gill cover.

Part of body
- back fin frontage
- back fin backside
- inner [of] body
- part of fat fin ( fin adipose)
- tail bar.

Target of [gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish [is] to recognize again fish which have been said the word. Its usefulness for example to study:
A. Parameter population
1. Density
2. Speed of mortalitas
3. Speed of exploitation
4. Speed of recruitmen.

B. Speed and direction of ruaya.
C. Growth and determination of age.
D. Behaviour.

Some consideration on trial [gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish [is]

1. Target of attempt of [gift/ giving] of sign
2. The duration attempt
3. Way of return of fish have sign
4. Kinds of and amount of fish in concerned
5. Labour which available to saying the word

Pursuant to consideration above hence having to until to decision of election do or marking of tagging to be used on trial. For example for the study of population parameter by using marking will be more either due cheap and can be [done/conducted] is quicker. If/When using tagging, effect of hurt when [gift/ giving] of its bigger influence sign than with marking.

Beside that will be more be difficult than with marking. Linking caught fish have to be discharged [by] hence its [of] arrest appliance on trial this have to represent appliance in such a manner so that the catching fish [do] not cause death at once or during that relative shortly after.

some appliance which is [is] ordinary to be weared on trial for example
1. " Shocker Electric" will yield good capture fish in a condition if electrics current weared [do] not out of proportion to exploding a bombshell
2. Fish trap will yield good fish in a condition if/when frequency lifting of fish trap [is] often [done/conducted]
3. Gillnet yield unfavourable fish capture because will destroy part of fish body even [is] often found [by] dead fish hang-on [at] faring
4. Seine, its result vary to start from losing of [at] certain fishs destroy small fairish fish.

Fishs which have been caught to be to be put in a[n fish coop before said the word. this fish coop appliance all kinds of. There [is] representing basin able to be put [by] [in] land;ground and can be shifted about. There [is] representing adrift coop in big enough water [of] its volume [so that/ to be] fish [do] not too is milling around. All place internment of fish given [by] haven or placed peaceful in place [so that/ to be] fish [do] not too much getting trouble. When will mark off fish, sometimes its water given [by] Iihat vitamin anaesthetize like MS 222 to obviate to have fish to camel [so that/ to be] that fish [of] hurt tida or giver people [is] signing not jabed [by] fin thorn.

hit [to] fish anaesthetize treated easier to be said the word. Lacking of in using Iihat vitamin anaesthetize this [is], if [gift/ giving] of sign have there [is] possibility of the fish still not yet recovered consciousness and not yet returned like situation before arrested. Become in [gift/ giving] of Iihat vitamin anaesthetize this have to precisely its dose. If abundant can kill the fish. Therefore, if can be laboured don't use Iihat vitamin anaesthetize otherwise assumed of vital importance once. Cause in this case have to be laboured to that fish even so get trouble (" stress") which have to as minimum as possible.

Is] caused [by] many problem of arising out referring to [gift/ giving] of compatible sign, hence [gift/ giving] of sign [at] that fish have to fulfill things like following
1. Signing not change during that fish [of] life
2. [Do] not bother fish behaviour so that [is] easy to arrested by predator
3. [Do] not cause easy to hooking [at] other crop or algae
4. That easy go and cheap sign
5. Precisely to every fish size measure with adjustment which a few/little possible
6. [Is] easy to applied [at] fish without using Iihat vitamin of pembius trouble and " stress" laboured as small as possible
7. Quite a lot variation [of] to differentiate small fish group [is] its difference
8. [Do] not cause health of fish annoyed
9. Is not dangerous or cause danger [at] fish as food fish.
10. easy Fish sign recognized by one who [do] not get practice even if.

If/When program to perform [a] research by using sign [at] fish needed [by] coordination among dabbling in the field of fishery, good plan and mendetail concerning return of sign, personnel which last for [gift/ giving] of sign and to [regarding/ hit] again sign [at] fish accompanied with careful report.

This program, [is] overspread to [pass/through] advertisement [in] TV, radio, newspaper, lightings of group [at] society, and others. Laboured [so that/ to be] [all] fisherman assisting to find again sign found on fish remain to be enthusiastic. Because biasaya during one or two fisherman year or society still enthusiastic assist but next in the year have less work along again.

Therefore have fair if one who return sign [at] that fish get interesting present. Become boldness which as described [at] that fish sign have to be informative and clear instruction for the megembalikan of sign. Sign [at] that fish can be delivered to place wherever which have been determined and will be converted with present which have been promised cashly. But have to be paid attention that if returned sign untimely, will less is having [of] good history meaning in ruaya aktifitas, growth etcetera.
Source : M. Ichsan Effendie, 1997.

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