Seahorse ( Hippocampus Spp) Beautiful.
Seahorse recognized [do] not only as entertainer animal [in] aquarium but also as " strong drug", adder of stamina. Even a factory entertain in Indonesia clearly mention sea-horse as one of [the] important materials [at] raw material composition list.
Hippocampus come from Greek of hippos meaning and horse of campus meaning sea monster. In state mythology, hippocampus [is] a vehicle of sea deitys. Sea-Horse ( Hippocampus Spp) have also inspired many people to make artistic object, article, poem, company logo or organizational mascot. Spreading of sea-horse enough wide [of], but because its [his/its] famous in berkamuflase, sea-horse oftentimes [do] not seen. Sea-Horse can alter husk pattern and colour accomodate environment and also make a move tardy so that almost [do] not detect " opponent".
Some seahorse species have part of transparent body so that [do] not seen in photo and need more brooding perception to be able to see [it]. Sea-Horse of[is including popular animal in Indonesia, more than anything else when the animal have time to be made [by] logo of PERTAMINA during tens of year, and most of all gasoline pom install the the logo in large size with neon lamp in it. just Only to which not yet see its form oftentimes suspect that sea-horse of[is including big animal [of] its size measure, brought perception of horse land and level of logo of Pertamina [in] gasoline pom.
Sea-Horse of[is including dinky animal, with size measure gyration start 16 mm - 35 cm. other Organizational interesting use sea-horse as mascot [is] National Society Epilepsy of [in] United States. Chosen as mascot because hippocampus also represent the name of the part of brain which its for looking like sea-horse and relative hold up to catalepsy attack or of epilepsi. the SeaHorse mascot named [by] Cesar taken away from [by] the name of Emperor of Romawi anticipated Julius Caesar suffer epilepsi.
Unique Animal Of fish big family, [together/ along] with sea-horse pipefish of[is including into set of relatives sub of Hippocampinae, set of relatives of Syngnathidae, ordo of Syngnathiformes , class of Actinopterygii, filum of Chordata. Live [in] tropical territorial water, sea-horse have tens of and type of species residing in Indonesia cover for example: Hippocampus Barbouri, Hippocampus Bargibanti, Hippocampus Comes, Hippocampus Denise, Hippocampus Histrix, Hippocampus Kelloggi, Hippocampus Kuda, Hippocampus Semispinosus, Hippocampus Spinosissimus, and Hippocampus Trimaculatus.
From facet of gender, this animal can bewilder because and seahorse of pipefish the including unique animal and possible only one the other one creature have masculine genitals able to be pregnant. A period of/to is pregnant [of] sea-horse take place [among/between] 2 till 3 week. Generally devoted sea-horse with its couple [of] monogamy alias, but there are some species among others abdominalis, paunchy sea-horse fond ofing venture on and change to change polygamy alias couple. For the couple of monogamy, generally female and masculine sea-horse will [is] addressing each other and having a chat [in] evening and morning, and to the rest of other time [of] separate life them utilize to look for each food.
Sea-Horse [is] super animal because so born direct can swim and [at] age one day have earned direct eat with menu which [is] same as its mains, it is of course smaller of the size accomodate its small mouth. Sea-Horse eat fish larva, small fish, and small prawn . Sea-Horse have you far that is dragon sea having big body relative and tail loo like leaf form so that can be used to hide among sea grass which floating. Some times ago, dragon sea [in] Jakarta have time to be popular when recreation garden of Seaworld Ancol promote intensively imported animal of Australian.
SeaHorse In Commerce. SeaHorse hunted as humorous water livestock or upon which medicinize. As a result estimated have happened excessive arrest and sea-horse population [in] nature estimated [by] have declined so that start year 2002 [all] environmental figure propose to its commerce [is] limited. Since 15 May 2004, rule of Appendix II CITES ( Convention On International Trade Endangered Species Wild Fauna for for of and Flora) to all effective sea-horse species go into operation. As a result for the import activity of capture sea-horse exporting and of nature arranged to [pass/through] separate method. Only a number of is certain [of] quota which have able to be commercialized by international good in a state of intact death or life or only some of body of species. Sea-Horse exporting of nature have to provide with Letter Transport Plant / Wild Animal.
Home Affairs - Overseas ( SATS DN and of LN) published by Management Authority from each state, and for Indonesia published by Department Forestry. But that way, in practice [of] applying of the regulation difficult relative because till 30 dry sea-horse singk admit of to be brought in hand and [do] not be sent to [pass/through] cargo. Or for the case of sea-horse live oftentimes officer of tollbooth [do] not realize that sea-horse exporting have to provide with document of SATS DN and of LN.
as dweller of aquarium, seahorse exported almost to entire/all state - traditional importing country [of] decorative fish. For conservancy in aquarium, because sea-horse of[is including gentle and also eat tardy him hence sea-horse better be looked after peculiarly or is separate. Or if will be mixed with other decorative fish, hence must be selected [by] species which enough make friends with seahorse like some prawn species or of species which searching food [in] base like for example fish of goby. Which must avoid to become sea-horse friend [in] aquarium [is]: eel, forceps, triggerfish, cuttle, baby-abdominal belt and anemone go out to sea or fish clown. They [is] capture can dead sea-horse and pakan pine away because hunger, fail mobilely.
Still height depended seed of good nature and also mount high mortalitas after arrested to cause sky seahorse price. [All] pehobi of aquarium make sea-horse as animal of peliharaan. SeaHorse still very depended pakan of nature, not yet earned to eat pakan made in factory like palette for example. oftentimes type of pakan which [is] monoton make come down with easy and downhill sea-horse body endurance system.
Namun sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi, kini kuda laut telah berhasil dibudidayakan di beberapa negara dan justru hasil budidaya harganya lebih baik daripada tangkapan di alam karena daya tahannya lebih kuat dan tidak mudah terserang penyakit untuk dipelihara di aquarium.
Kuda laut mempunyai berat yang sangat ringan karena "relatif tidak berdaging dan kosong" didalamnya.
uppermost content for example kitin, other important mineral and collagen. It is not strange if dry seahorse [of] its price [of] sky. [In] a marine product shop [in] Jetty Areca, dry Provinsi Bangka Belitung sea-horse [of] big size measure relative sold at the price of Rp 30.000 / tail, and is pocket edition [of] Rp 20.000 / tail, or if buying its 1 price ounce [of] Rp 600.000,-, its meaning [of] dry 1 singk [of] its price reach 6 million rupiah. a number which [is] fantastic. To the quality of better, price [in] Chinese drugstore even earn costlier again. Its buyer generally [is] your you [of] traditional drug [of] Chinese. A lot of ingredient medicinize pregnant Chinese [of] sea-horse and [in] Jakarta, ingredient drug of Sinshe pregnant [of] its costlier price sea-horse also. Request of sea-horse progressively mount, more than anything else after the happening of tren usage of capsule as packer of traditional drug.
Wish To heap Purse of SeaHorse?
Seahorse recognized [do] not only as entertainer animal [in] aquarium but also as " strong drug", adder of stamina. Even a factory entertain in Indonesia clearly mention sea-horse as one of [the] important materials [at] raw material composition list.
Hippocampus come from Greek of hippos meaning and horse of campus meaning sea monster. In state mythology, hippocampus [is] a vehicle of sea deitys. Sea-Horse ( Hippocampus Spp) have also inspired many people to make artistic object, article, poem, company logo or organizational mascot. Spreading of sea-horse enough wide [of], but because its [his/its] famous in berkamuflase, sea-horse oftentimes [do] not seen. Sea-Horse can alter husk pattern and colour accomodate environment and also make a move tardy so that almost [do] not detect " opponent".
Some seahorse species have part of transparent body so that [do] not seen in photo and need more brooding perception to be able to see [it]. Sea-Horse of[is including popular animal in Indonesia, more than anything else when the animal have time to be made [by] logo of PERTAMINA during tens of year, and most of all gasoline pom install the the logo in large size with neon lamp in it. just Only to which not yet see its form oftentimes suspect that sea-horse of[is including big animal [of] its size measure, brought perception of horse land and level of logo of Pertamina [in] gasoline pom.
Sea-Horse of[is including dinky animal, with size measure gyration start 16 mm - 35 cm. other Organizational interesting use sea-horse as mascot [is] National Society Epilepsy of [in] United States. Chosen as mascot because hippocampus also represent the name of the part of brain which its for looking like sea-horse and relative hold up to catalepsy attack or of epilepsi. the SeaHorse mascot named [by] Cesar taken away from [by] the name of Emperor of Romawi anticipated Julius Caesar suffer epilepsi.
Unique Animal Of fish big family, [together/ along] with sea-horse pipefish of[is including into set of relatives sub of Hippocampinae, set of relatives of Syngnathidae, ordo of Syngnathiformes , class of Actinopterygii, filum of Chordata. Live [in] tropical territorial water, sea-horse have tens of and type of species residing in Indonesia cover for example: Hippocampus Barbouri, Hippocampus Bargibanti, Hippocampus Comes, Hippocampus Denise, Hippocampus Histrix, Hippocampus Kelloggi, Hippocampus Kuda, Hippocampus Semispinosus, Hippocampus Spinosissimus, and Hippocampus Trimaculatus.
From facet of gender, this animal can bewilder because and seahorse of pipefish the including unique animal and possible only one the other one creature have masculine genitals able to be pregnant. A period of/to is pregnant [of] sea-horse take place [among/between] 2 till 3 week. Generally devoted sea-horse with its couple [of] monogamy alias, but there are some species among others abdominalis, paunchy sea-horse fond ofing venture on and change to change polygamy alias couple. For the couple of monogamy, generally female and masculine sea-horse will [is] addressing each other and having a chat [in] evening and morning, and to the rest of other time [of] separate life them utilize to look for each food.
Sea-Horse [is] super animal because so born direct can swim and [at] age one day have earned direct eat with menu which [is] same as its mains, it is of course smaller of the size accomodate its small mouth. Sea-Horse eat fish larva, small fish, and small prawn . Sea-Horse have you far that is dragon sea having big body relative and tail loo like leaf form so that can be used to hide among sea grass which floating. Some times ago, dragon sea [in] Jakarta have time to be popular when recreation garden of Seaworld Ancol promote intensively imported animal of Australian.
SeaHorse In Commerce. SeaHorse hunted as humorous water livestock or upon which medicinize. As a result estimated have happened excessive arrest and sea-horse population [in] nature estimated [by] have declined so that start year 2002 [all] environmental figure propose to its commerce [is] limited. Since 15 May 2004, rule of Appendix II CITES ( Convention On International Trade Endangered Species Wild Fauna for for of and Flora) to all effective sea-horse species go into operation. As a result for the import activity of capture sea-horse exporting and of nature arranged to [pass/through] separate method. Only a number of is certain [of] quota which have able to be commercialized by international good in a state of intact death or life or only some of body of species. Sea-Horse exporting of nature have to provide with Letter Transport Plant / Wild Animal.
Home Affairs - Overseas ( SATS DN and of LN) published by Management Authority from each state, and for Indonesia published by Department Forestry. But that way, in practice [of] applying of the regulation difficult relative because till 30 dry sea-horse singk admit of to be brought in hand and [do] not be sent to [pass/through] cargo. Or for the case of sea-horse live oftentimes officer of tollbooth [do] not realize that sea-horse exporting have to provide with document of SATS DN and of LN.
as dweller of aquarium, seahorse exported almost to entire/all state - traditional importing country [of] decorative fish. For conservancy in aquarium, because sea-horse of[is including gentle and also eat tardy him hence sea-horse better be looked after peculiarly or is separate. Or if will be mixed with other decorative fish, hence must be selected [by] species which enough make friends with seahorse like some prawn species or of species which searching food [in] base like for example fish of goby. Which must avoid to become sea-horse friend [in] aquarium [is]: eel, forceps, triggerfish, cuttle, baby-abdominal belt and anemone go out to sea or fish clown. They [is] capture can dead sea-horse and pakan pine away because hunger, fail mobilely.
Still height depended seed of good nature and also mount high mortalitas after arrested to cause sky seahorse price. [All] pehobi of aquarium make sea-horse as animal of peliharaan. SeaHorse still very depended pakan of nature, not yet earned to eat pakan made in factory like palette for example. oftentimes type of pakan which [is] monoton make come down with easy and downhill sea-horse body endurance system.
Namun sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi, kini kuda laut telah berhasil dibudidayakan di beberapa negara dan justru hasil budidaya harganya lebih baik daripada tangkapan di alam karena daya tahannya lebih kuat dan tidak mudah terserang penyakit untuk dipelihara di aquarium.
Kuda laut mempunyai berat yang sangat ringan karena "relatif tidak berdaging dan kosong" didalamnya.
uppermost content for example kitin, other important mineral and collagen. It is not strange if dry seahorse [of] its price [of] sky. [In] a marine product shop [in] Jetty Areca, dry Provinsi Bangka Belitung sea-horse [of] big size measure relative sold at the price of Rp 30.000 / tail, and is pocket edition [of] Rp 20.000 / tail, or if buying its 1 price ounce [of] Rp 600.000,-, its meaning [of] dry 1 singk [of] its price reach 6 million rupiah. a number which [is] fantastic. To the quality of better, price [in] Chinese drugstore even earn costlier again. Its buyer generally [is] your you [of] traditional drug [of] Chinese. A lot of ingredient medicinize pregnant Chinese [of] sea-horse and [in] Jakarta, ingredient drug of Sinshe pregnant [of] its costlier price sea-horse also. Request of sea-horse progressively mount, more than anything else after the happening of tren usage of capsule as packer of traditional drug.
Wish To heap Purse of SeaHorse?
Conducting SeaHorse have earned to be executed in Indonesia. Since ten years ago, Big Hall [of] Development Of Conducting Sea ( BBL) residing in Bay of lampung have been able to produce sea-horse seed of species Hippocampus horse. Size measure the sold [is] M: 7-9 cm, age 4-5 size measure and months of L minimum 10 cm, age 6-7 months. Sea-Horse seed [at] the age have had endurance which enough so that a spark of life [in] bigger aquarium. Seed the sold [is] to represent [both/ second] clan and can be taken [by] [in] location. Besides BBL [in] lampung, a sea-horse seed panti have also succeeded mengembangbiakkan. Still self confidence not yet for the treatment of sea-horse, BBL and also of panti seed [in] Kalianda ready to give training of treatment by magang [in] or hall of panti pertinent.
Utilize to anticipate observation of its commerce, seahorse result of conducting better accompany by letter boldness come [from] from seahorse place institution borne as document following journey of product.
Source Of : News Market Fish, Directorate Marketing Of Home Affairs, Directorate General Processing and Marketing Of Result Fishery of Department Oceaninc and Fishery of Indonesia, 2007.
Utilize to anticipate observation of its commerce, seahorse result of conducting better accompany by letter boldness come [from] from seahorse place institution borne as document following journey of product.
Source Of : News Market Fish, Directorate Marketing Of Home Affairs, Directorate General Processing and Marketing Of Result Fishery of Department Oceaninc and Fishery of Indonesia, 2007.
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