fish potency and benefit of Betutu / cork / snake fish.

Our Nation ( Indonesia ) very is requiring [is] source of protein to become a[n smart and healthy nation. fish of Mempakan one of [the] source of gilt edged protein. pregnant Fish mean flesh [of] protein ( 9 - 22 %), fat ( 0,1 - 20 %), mineral ( 1 - 3 %), vitamin, lecithin, guanin, and a little a few/little cholesterol.

A. the Target of and Target Development Of Sub-Sektor Fishery. Imposingly territorial water and abundance its[his] various fish type in Indonesia, hence government of cymbal or expect that requirement of Indonesian nation protein can fulfill from fishery sub-sektor. Thereby, target of and target development of sub - fishery sector, beside improve foreign exchange to state, is to improve prosperity of people with target [so that/ to be] goals every body Indonesia can consume fish ± 25 singk / people / tired year. If/When the goals can reach, hence Indonesian nation surely will become smart and healthy nation.

B. Potency Fishery of Freshwater. Development of fishery sub-sektor, both for [done/conducted] by government and also by private sector, [do] not only [in] territorial water of sea, but also [in] territorial water of land ( freshwater). Territorial water bargain in Indonesia according to [all] fishery expert have the quality of good. Territorial water bargain in Indonesia have acidity storey;level ( stable water pH) and have more compared to stable water temperature [of] natural nations 4 season like Japan and of Taiwan. Despitefully, territorial water bargain Indonesia have plankton type miscellaneous, benthos, and or detritus able to become the source of natural food to fish. Seen from wide [of] the source of territorial water of public ( river, lake, bog, accumulating basin / draught, dsb.) and its water quality very goodness, hence territorial water bargain in Indonesia very potential to the effort development of fishery. One of [the] example [of] [is] territorial water of public [in] just Central Java like [at] tables following :

C. Potency and Prospect of Agribisnis Fish of Betutu.
Fish of Betutu possible still foreign to some people. But, to one who have old dabble in the world of fishery, fish of betutu have is old stuff. To society of Sumatra South, specially around River of Ogan, River of Komering, and River of Musi, have old stuff to fish of Betutu. Even, fish of Betutu made [by] town mascot ( remember Roof-Gutter town of Betutu). [In] business world, fish of Betutu more knowledgeable with the title Lazy fish or lazy Cork. Society of Kalimantan mention fish of betutu by the name of fish of Bakut or fish of Bakukut with the meaning " kept quiet". There [is] also mentioning fish of Betutu by the name of stupid fish or fish of goblog. Ethnical [for a] while Chinese, including Chinese clan, mentioning fish of betutu by the name of fish of Sun Hock. International World mention fish of betutu by the name of fish of marbledgpby or of sand goby. Fish of Betutu have erudite name [of] Marmorata Oxyeletris. Bikr.

From breakdown of above clear that fish of Betutu the including one of [the] fish type which have. Cookery fish menu of betutu have entered [in] metropoliss like Palembang, Field, Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. Rate Menu fish of betutu [in] hotels have star [to] range from Rp 250.000,00 - Rp 300.000,00 to one portion of the size 0,8 singk - 1 singk. While fish price of betutu live [in] wholesaler storey;level or of brooker vary [among/between] Rp 75.000,00 - Rp 100.000,00 per its kilogram.

Costly [of] fish price of betutu anticipated [by] there are some version, probably because delicious goal likely, its flesh turn white, softly, and almost is not bony. fish of Betutu [is] also trusted to contain certain advantage to womankind and to man clan. To womankind, fish of betutu trusted can make ageless and can add softness of husk because containing many vitamin of B1, B2, B6 Vitamin of F, and vitamin of E so that can pursue process become oldly. To man clan, fish of betutu trusted [by] containing many certain hormone and anzim so that can growing strong and heroic as men. But, there [is] also saying that fish of betutu only as arena confront prestige for the meloby of relationship.

Technically, fish of betutu (it) is true still difficult to conducting. Fish business of betutu till in this time most still depend on arrest [in] free nature. Therefore, this fish type [is] felt concerned about will be scarce progressively and totally disappeared akhimya if arrest [in] [done/conducted] free nature continuously. Effort fish conducting and seeding of betutu expected can preserve, adding population, and answer the demand [of] requirement of consumer. Effort fish energy kindness of betutu [in] Thailand can succeed better so that in this time become especial competitor to Indonesia as coming [from] muasal of fish of betutu itself. [In] West Java and [in] Central Java there [are] one who start him [him/ it] intensively although its result not yet seethed with excitement.

Especial constraint [is] fish conducting of betutu [is] the the duration growth of fish. Growth of fish of betutu from hatching till reach consumption size measure ( 400 g to to the) requiring time [about/around] 2 year. Despitefully, this high fish mortality enough so that make people shy at to him [him/ it]. Although storey;level death of fish of betutu high enough, but admit of to be overcome to [pass/through] to with refer to and test-drive of teknih intensive energy kindness.

source : david mulyono

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