catfish go up pamour

catfish Of group fish have moustache [ to] [is] catfish ( Clarias Spp).
having various epithet among others [is] fish walking because in a condition unpleasantly, lele have migratory ability to other pool by " walking" going to new location. Besides, other epithet [is] as fish terminator effect of in character as predator, attacker even as murderer to its prey.

catfish. catfish represent big fish of set of relatives of Clariidae distinguished with flimsy and wide head form and also long body with fin ' what is long also [in] back and [in] part of anal stomach till. catfish have colour variation [of] which strarting many from is black, brown and grey. albino catfish expand as collection of devotee and become entertainer [in] aquarium. Conservancy of catfish better be majored, because other fish can be dined by catfish having the character of carnivore and have ability attack, killing and dining [is] same fairish other type fish which reside in nearness. catfish have ability dine food in number many till its tubby stomach, and afterwards catfish can fast till few days.

genitals type of catfish easy differentiated by perceiving part of dorsal fin, male have some dark blot while female [do] not. Besides, masculine colour generally more " multitude". catfish think much of environment a few/little acid of ber pH 6,5 - 7 and [at] warm temperature. Easy Catfish [is] conducting, big quickly, hold up to disease, strong in a condition is less [of] water and also hold up to stay in density which high relative. Some type of catfish which [is] conducting for example anticipated Clarias bratachus come from South-East Asia and Asia South of[is Name of the differ from type of catfish the [is] Silurus bratachus, Clarias Magur, Clarias Puntatus, Clarias Assamensis, Macropteronotu Bratachus and of Macropteronotus magur.

Besides, in Indonesia there are other type catfish which have ancestor of African that is dumbo catfish or of Clarias gariepinus. Which many conducting and consumed [by] human being [is] dark brown or black chromatic catfish. Name of catfish used by almost entire/all society tribe in Indonesia. So also with Malaysia which also mention catfish or sometime fish rivet or kelly fish. Other again [in] Philipina there are 6 local name of catfish that is: hton, batukan, alimudan, hito, ito, kawatsi, and paltat. [In] Thailand, lele conceived of [by] bottom, duk pla, draught duk pla, duk pla and jued nam duk pla and of pla juen nam duk.

More than a decay ago, in Indonesia conducting of catfish not yet been strived extended and commercial as effort especial economics. catfish representing many effort peripheral of popular chicken livestock with term of longyam, chicken balong, that is conducting of lele [done/conducted] [by] [in] pool which located in under chickenrun exploit some of chicken dirt as pakan. Though before sold, [is] generally [done/conducted] [by] fasting or depurasi of catfish [in] clear pool, just to remain to be fixed leave unfavourable image. Some of society which only knowing conducting practice of lele like that feel to shy at to consume and as a result catfish only saleable to economic faction society lower because its price [is] reached or by society which [do] not know [is] at all practice its conducting.

Nowadays catfish have many conducting [in] various area with professional enterpasing pattern with special pakan and [shall] no longger rely on chicken dirt. Exploiting excellence of biologis had [by] catfish, effort this area have come to the source of production promising to society owning farm [do] not too wide [of] and or with source of limited water. Even [in] some area of sentra lele like Boyolali, have happened conversion usage of farm of paddy production become the effort conducting of catfish because more beneficial from economic facet. Catfish Pecel Pioneer Of Marketing of Society Indonesia specially [in] Java, Sumatra and of Kalimantan have old recognize fish of lele as salutary lauk. Of continued story between generation, benefit of catfish [is] as drug anti stress and brittle preventative [of] bone him ( osteoporosis).

[Is] expected immediately there [is] result of research about content of gizi and also benefit of catfish to health of human being body. Initialy, catfish pasokan [in] market only reliing on capture of nature before finally conducting of catfish in such a way expand so that nowadays majority of pasokan [in] market come from result of conducting. Popular during the time higher catfish [in] Java, compared to other area, but passing network pecel of catfish [do] not closed possibility of lele will be more be popular [in] other places.

Catfish Pecel, or pecak of catfish [is] catfish fried and whilst heat to be dined with warm rice with fresh vegetable and of sambal terasi. Original cookery [of] The East Java can be accepted by tongue some of Indonesia society. The example [in] Town Field, tent booth selling menu pecel of catfish earn society mengedukasi of Minang which initialy only recognizing cookery which using many coconut mink nowadays start can accept new menu. Alhasil, sold catfish each;every night always [is] [used up/finished] sold.

source of : fish market news, directorate marketing of home affairs, processing dirjen and marketing of fishery result, departmental [of] oceaninc and fishery of Indonesia, 2007.

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