Fish species of ovovivipar

Fish species of ovovivipar.

Fish species of ovovivipar its amount much more many from [at] fish of vivipar. [At] fish of ovovivipar, growth of child in mains content get food of supply of available egg yolk and [at] this faction [of] its situation [is] non plasental. But [at] faction of Elasmobranchia which [is] vivipar according to Hoar ( 1969) there are also which [is] its situation [is] non plasental apart from ordinary have placenta. Matter that way [at] fish faction of Elasmobranchia represent complete example [of] [of] food contribution of mains to its clan start from situation which [there] no [gift/ giving] of food of mains until to its for which [is] komplek. Egg [at] fish of ovovivipar pregnant [of] organic material 20 - 40% too many for one borne fish children. Probably because this matter [of] mains only giving just protection to growth of mentioned egg.

But there [is] also fish of ovovivipar having egg where organic material content [of] him a few/little. For its mentioned growth [of] fry get need of material for its growth from mains although without passing organ a kind of placenta but passing a kind of absorbtion of Iihat vitamins [released] by uterus. named mentioned Food vitamin " milk of uterin" or also embryotrophe. [At] fish embryo of Squalus acanthias there are two kinds of egg yolk poke that is poke which outside poke and body in body.

Poke egg yolk in that body as result of growth of exterior egg yolk poke bar which grow [in] interior. Items egg yolk of external poke make a move to part of poke which in continuing to intestine to be digested. [At] Torpedo fish, its embryo besides taking organic material of egg poke which later;then continue to be digested by intestine, also this embryo earn milk of uterin [pass/through] and mouth of spiracle where mentioned vitamins will be digested in stomach.

Source M. Ichsan Effendie, 1997.

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