Seedling trepang border Holothuria scabra

Seedling trepang border
(Holothuria scabra)


Trepang, or also called suaal, is one type of commodity sea
high economic value and have good market prospects
domestic and international. Trepang cultivation has long been done by the
our society, especially in the regions of South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi
(Kolaka), Lampung and Riau, the seeds are still comes from
With more demand for trepang, as the seeds
sources of production will be difficult to be fulfilled and the nature of the provision can not be
Efforts to overcome in the provision of seeds is the business to the
trepang needs so that the seeds will be tercukupi.
In 1992, Central Lampung Cultivation Sea has been successfully implementing the
trepang spawning white (Holothuria scabra). Trepang consisting of 5 types
trepang white (Holothuria scabrai) is a valuable commercial species.

2. METODA seedling trepang

1) The Seedling
Facilities needed for the seedling trepang consists of several
fruit vessel as a shelter parent flyblow maintenance, culture
flyblow culture and plankton. Vessel - the vessel should be made with concrete, but
This can also be made of wood, plastic coated. Some facilities
the other is needed is as follows.

  1. Filter sand filter for sea water to really clean.
    b. Bath water dilengakapi with a sand filter. Size
    the vessel is adjusted to the needs of sea water for the replacement of the water
    all units seedling. Placement of the tanks can be set so that gravity
    channel water from one vessel to another vessel.
    c. Water conduit, with several different filter
    size from 1.5 to 2 micron.
    d. Shelter parent vessel with a capacity of 1.5 tons of water a total of 2 or 3
    fruit with a depth of about 50 cm.
    e. Bath maintenance flyblow totaling 10 - 15 with the fruit size (1 x 2 x
    0.5) m3.
    f. Bath maintenance juvenil totaling 8 to 10 with the fruit size (2 x 4 x
    0.6) m3.
    G. Bath plankton totaling 3 to 5 with fruit size (2 x 4 x 0.75) m3.
    2) Selection and Maintenance Association
    Master trepang that will be used is usually obtained from the catch
    natural. Collection of prospective parent trepang from the sea can be done with
    dives in the afternoon. When done at night, should be
    assisted with tools such as torch or torch light patromak. With
    This way, trepang parent can be taken directly by hand. In
    in the waters somewhat, trepang parent can be taken from the top of the boat
    with the help of tools such as spear-eyed two blunt. Figure 1. Hatchery Scheme (Seeds Center)

Caption image 1:
A. Sand filter
B. Bath water (volume of 1 ton).
C. Penyuplai water pipes.
D. Filter graded.
E. Bath parent (volume 3 tons).
F. Bath spawning (volume of 1.5 tons).
G. Air flyblow maintenance.
H. Bath maintenance juvenil.
I. Bath plankton.

Figure 2. Catcher Equipment Association of Trepang
Things that need to be considered in selecting a good parent trepang
a. The body is not disabled.
b. With the size and weight of 400 grams of body length of at least 20 cm.
c. Pachydermatous.
Generally, body weight trepang effect directly or berkolerasi
gonad weight of the index and gonad maturity and fekunditas.
Transportation from the parent collection can be done with
platforms, such as plastic buckets containing sea water or placed directly
hold on the boat. For the collection / pengankutan prospective parent in the
daytime shelter or the VESSELS hold closed seaweed
ilalang or sea to avoid the prospective parent from the sun
directly. Transportation from the parent collection can be done
with container, such as plastic buckets containing sea water or direct
placed on hold the boat.
Master of the selection has been kept in solitary tancap at sea or in the
sea or pond water directly kept in tanks with a parent
density 5 - 10 ekor/m2. Bath parent generally made of concrete form
rectangular and with a 1.5 - 2 tons of water.

Special for the maintenance of sea water in the pond, the depth between cultivated
75 - 100 cm, other than that there are always cultivated of replacing the water so that stability
temperature and salinity remain intact. Inventories of feed must also be guaranteed and
need the additional feed.
Trepang can feed a natural form of plankton, detritus, the remnants of materials
organic or remnants of sediment in the seabed around the existing environment
pond maintenance. Feed to add additional work
fertility waters in the general form of a mixture of animal dung and
bran fine with the comparison 1:

1. Food is given as 0.2 to 0.5
kg/m2/2 weeks with the way placed in a gunny sack
holey so out little by little. Each bag
gunny usually can be charged 10 - 15 kg of feed additive which can be sufficient
area 30 - 50 kg of feed that can be sufficient additional area 30 - 50 m2.
Here are some things that need to be in maintaining the
spawning tanks are as follows:
a. Water quality will be maintained, if necessary, replacement of water and half done
or a third of the volume, twice a day, morning and afternoon.
b. Dirt on the vessel must be cleaned.
c. Additional feed given adequate
d. Habits Induk or partiality should be monitored continuously.

3) Method Breeding
Trepang spawning can be done in several ways; naturally
with the surgery, excitement and stimulation with the temperature
spraying with water.
a. Natural spawning
After experiencing a full cooked gonad, the parent who kept trepang
in the tanks will usually memijah spawning naturally, without the
artificial stimulus. Spawning occurs at night between the time
22:00 - 23:00.
Master male sperm will be issued first to be
stimulate the parent to remove the female egg. Period of time
spawning usually lasts between 20 - 60 minutes. After a parent
finished laying female, parent immediately moved to another place.
b. Spawning with surgery
Methods surgery can be done by the shear
trepang down from the anus to the future. In the fission

gonad is obtained when the bags of eggs, it means trepang
male. Gonad male (thesis) also cut into several parts
so that the sperm out and put in another container that contains
sea water. Then slowly the vessel containing the sperm
poured into a container that contains a mix of eggs
slowly, and then taken. So terjaddi fertilization. Eggs
terbuahi will gravitate fund vessel with the next harvest
filter and moved into the maintenance flyblow.

c. Stimulation with temperatures
Principles of spawning with excitation temperature is
to seek to water temperatures rise 3 to 5 0C temperature of the water origin,
in the time during the 30 - 60 minutes the water temperature increased by
adding the hot water heater or use (heater) or
dried blazing sun.
Master trepang placed in plastic buckets placed
several centimeters below the surface of the water. Treatment is done
in the afternoon. In the afternoon added to the parent vessel spawning
and the next parent trepang will show spawning behavior
marked with the body twist and appear on a
relied on the vessel wall.
Master male sperm will issue a white and visible
like smoke in the water, selanga half time to two hours
the next parent female eggs will be issued.
This method gives better results, namely with the level of hatchery
reaches 90 - 95%.

d. Spraying with water excitation
After the parent maintained for 2 - 4 days on the vessel maintenance, the
Parent given treatment on the afternoon of the day usually begins at
1700. First trepang parent will be excluded from dipijahkan
vessel and placed in a dry during the 0.5 - 1 hour.
Sprays water under high for 5 - 10 minutes, and parent
entered back into the spawning tanks. Approximately 1.5 - 2 hours
then the parent body will begin moves to the wall.
Usually the male parent will memijah which followed parent-parent
female 30 minutes later. Percentage of success this way for 95
- 100%.

e. Maintenance flyblow
Eggs trepang round white cornea sized 177
micron, fertilisasi after the eggs have become cell division
2 cells, 4 cells, 8 cells to multiple cells.

Figure 3. And the development of the fetus flyblow Trepang
Information image 3:
1. Cleavage.
2. Cleavage of 8 cells and 16 cells.
3. Many of the cells.
4. Blastula level.
5. Grastula level.
6. Auricularia.
7. Doliolaria.
8. Pentacula.
The average size of these cells around 194 micron, the lapse of 10 - 12 hours
and will establish the size of the stadium between gastrula
390.50 to 402, 35 micron. After more than 32 hours, the eggs will hatch

flyblow and establish a stadium that is divided into auricularia
stadium early, middle and end.
Flyblow size of the stadium on trepang average of between 812.50 to 987.10
micron. At the stadium this flyblow start given the type of plankton Dunaliella sp
Phaeodactylum sp, and Chaeoceros sp 40 - 60 x 103.
During the early auricularia stadium until towards the end of the stadium, flyblow
many more live on the water. Flyblow density desired
This stadium during the approximately 300 - 700 liters per cow. If the density is too
high, flyblow bergerombol will become one, spherical, and
on the basis of the vessel. When you left, flyblow will die. Ten days later,
flyblow growing form doliolaria stadium. At the stadium this flyblow
shaped magnifying glass, has the belt and the two tantakel stick to the outside.
Flyblow with size between 614.78 to 645.70 micron can move
quickly to the front. The back of the body shape of a flat ring. In
every corner, there are five groups of cilia (hair shakes). Stadium auricularlia
and doliolaria are planktonis.

Lapse pity three days later changed to the stadium doliolaria
pentaculata. Flyblow yellowish brown with a length between
1000 - 1200 micron. Tubuler body shaped fruit with five tentakel
on the front of the base and a foot short on the tube
rear base, less than eighteen days, and the tube feet
tentakel seen more clearly and be out in pimples on the skin.
Flyblow pentacula have on the stadium is located on the outskirts of habit
the bottom of the vessel and slightly below the surface of the water. Selintas
during the maintenance of cultivated between 32 - 34 per mile and a temperature between
27 - 290C. Immediately after flyblow in the seabed, given the food
the form of suspension type of seaweed Sargassum DN Ulva.

4) Maintenance Level Juvenil
When the level doliolaria or age 10 - 12 days with the size
body length of 4 - 5 mm, then place the collectors (attached to the place)
The lattice-shaped sloping made from 250 micron screen net or plastic
the size 60 x 60 x 70 cm, functioning as a place A.
Collectors should have been installed ditempeli diatome (moss), so
juvenil attached at the time, feed the need is available. Five
rue the day after a stick on collectors, juvenil can be seen with the eye
and counted. Density of between 5 - 10 crabs each kolektro, or
The optimum density in the maintenance of a vessel is 200 - 500 ekor/m2.
How this is done continuously until the seeds are 1.5 - 2
moon. At the time the size of seeds have reached the size of trepang
between 1.5 - 2 cm.

Booklet Jenis-Jenis Komoditi Laut Ekonomis Penting pada Usaha Pembenihan,

Direktorat Bina Pembenihan, Dirjen Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta,


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