ornamental fish : Rainbow Fish (Melanotaenia maccullochi)

Rainbow (Melanotaenia maccullochi) that are derived from the Papua omnivora to the karnivora. The length of the body to reach 7 cm. Group life and very beautiful when displayed at the aquarium in the number of lots. Optimal temperature for the maintenance of 25-28 ° C. Water basa quite a bit about 7,0-7,5 and hard about 10-12 ° DH.

Fish is very popular because of the body such as rainbow colors. In the body there are seven horizontal lines of reddish green colors are limited. Anal fin (pina analyst) and a red fin spine greenness. At the close the gill there are red dots and be surrounded yellow gold. Red tail kecokelatan. At the start would flourish, fish tails, males become brighter and more sharp. Body more slender male fish from the female. rainbow propagation can be done in a pond or aquarium with water plants and a lush, so many eggs do not roll up in the root of the plant.

Comparison of male and female is I: 4. Spawn at the time, parent will distribute eggs in plant roots. Usually it was laying eggs in the morning at around 6:30. After the spawn, it's mother and taken eggs left in the container to crack propagation. This is done because sometimes the eggs are scattered at the base. When the pile in the root of the plant, especially into the root, there will be many eggs do not hatch because of the lack of oxygen.

Egg incubation can be done in the aquarium, tub, or swimming. Time to hatch some time, namely to 10-12 days. For incubation in the cement pond, water should not exceed a height of 15 cm so that the oxygen diffusion can be up to the primary pond. If the aquarium, high water can be 30 cm, but should aerasi.

Larva hatch a new start swimming. At the time of start swimming, the water in the vessel must be replaced in part. Because flyblow very much need oxygen for growth and water needs to be given aerasi strong, especially in the aquarium.

source: Darti S.L and IwanD. PenebarSwadaya, 2006

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